Traffic cops have prevented residents of the Chelyabinsk to take his wife to the hospital
On the morning of March 11, 2010 in Chelyabinsk resident Alex P. drove his wife have opened postpartum bleeding in the City Clinical Hospital No. 6. At the entrance to the hospital, his car was stopped by traffic police, accusing the driver that he has not missed a pedestrian. Alex asked the police to let him go to the hospital, and expressed willingness to return for the trial of the incident as soon as his wife will give doctors.
DPS officers did not agree to let the driver and, according to him, in every way delayed the procedure of registration of protocol. Then Alex, leaving the inspector documents, voluntarily returned to the car and went to the hospital, promising that he would return. DPS crew followed him. At the entrance to the hospital Alexei literally dragged out of the car and twisted his arms, handcuffed him. This detainee who inflicted several blows to the back of the inspector did not meet resistance from the driver's side, as one having a law degree, realized that the power to respond to the actions of the authorities is not necessary.
Under the cut audio recording made by Chelyabinsk driver.
The wife of the victim, in front of which there was this whole mess had own to reach medical facilities. There she was given a qualified medical care. With regard to traffic police initiated a criminal case on charges of unlawful use of violence. Currently, the case carried out investigations aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes of the incident.
Explanation of the conversation:
"The driver (B): Why is normal, you can not, you do not understand, my wife is bleeding.
Policeman (M): Because you're acting like a schmuck recently, somewhere there is a phone call to complain.
B: Yes, I'm not complaining. I called because I wanted you to let me go, do not let go of me.
M: The bruises were. To the doctor go? Can you still drive to the doctor?
B: Yes, I do not need to carry anywhere, let me cross out all this, I will write an explanation. Why do not you understand, understand!
M: Because you're a ... a bl ... qb, that's all for you ... First, you can court me to serve, no matter where in the h ... First, you know? .. I parallel. Stopped-explained. If it comes to that, you should not have originally something to shout from the car, bl ... qb. About his wife that she had a problem. And then what? »
DPS officers did not agree to let the driver and, according to him, in every way delayed the procedure of registration of protocol. Then Alex, leaving the inspector documents, voluntarily returned to the car and went to the hospital, promising that he would return. DPS crew followed him. At the entrance to the hospital Alexei literally dragged out of the car and twisted his arms, handcuffed him. This detainee who inflicted several blows to the back of the inspector did not meet resistance from the driver's side, as one having a law degree, realized that the power to respond to the actions of the authorities is not necessary.

Under the cut audio recording made by Chelyabinsk driver.
The wife of the victim, in front of which there was this whole mess had own to reach medical facilities. There she was given a qualified medical care. With regard to traffic police initiated a criminal case on charges of unlawful use of violence. Currently, the case carried out investigations aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes of the incident.
Explanation of the conversation:
"The driver (B): Why is normal, you can not, you do not understand, my wife is bleeding.
Policeman (M): Because you're acting like a schmuck recently, somewhere there is a phone call to complain.
B: Yes, I'm not complaining. I called because I wanted you to let me go, do not let go of me.
M: The bruises were. To the doctor go? Can you still drive to the doctor?
B: Yes, I do not need to carry anywhere, let me cross out all this, I will write an explanation. Why do not you understand, understand!
M: Because you're a ... a bl ... qb, that's all for you ... First, you can court me to serve, no matter where in the h ... First, you know? .. I parallel. Stopped-explained. If it comes to that, you should not have originally something to shout from the car, bl ... qb. About his wife that she had a problem. And then what? »