Interesting statistics maps (10 pieces)
The median age for 44 countries received 18.4 years. The most quickly parted with the innocence of youth was in Iceland - the age of 15.6 years, most adults are virgins in Malaysia - '23
In the world annually makes about one million suicides. Every 40 seconds, someone dies from suicide. Over the past 45 years the number of suicides increased by 60%. In one successful attempt suicide accounts for 20 failed.
The average suicide rate for the world was 10.07 per 100 000. The highest level in Belarus - 36.8 (the men 63.3 100 000 10.3 women out of 100 000), the lowest 0, 05 in Egypt.
The redder the more women. The average number of the world turned out 1.01: 1 male / female (101 males per 100 females). The largest number of men in the Arabian Peninsula, 100 females there are 118 males. In post-Soviet countries the opposite is true, in Russia - 86 men per 100 women.
Time is considered to be in calendar days. Displays the average number of days prior to the receipt of all necessary documents for the start of operations, without additional payments.
The level of corruption is displayed on the Corruption Perception Index (Corruption Perceptions Index - CPI). 0 - very high levels of corruption, 10 - low.
The first place is shared by Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore with an index of 9.3, from Sweden and Finland - 9.2. The lowest index of Somalia - 1.1, and 1.4 from Afghanistan and Burma. In Russia Index of 2.1 - 154 is the place.
The map shows the percentage of parliamentary seats held by women. The average level in the world is 19%. The greatest representative of the fair sex in politics in Sweden - 46, 4%, and South Africa - 44, 5%. In Russia - 14%.
The map shows the number of prisoners per 100 000 population. We are second after the United States. The most peaceful country - Nigeria (excluding dwarf-type San Marino, where no prisoners) - 29 prisoners.
Map is based on an index of press freedom, which is annually the organization "Reporters without Borders". In the questionnaire of 50 points marked all violations of freedoms in the country, based on its rating. The first place is occupied by the Nordic countries and Ireland, the last 175 th - Eritrea. In Russia ranked 153
Most loving couples were in Greece, where the percentage was 87%, and the most difficult to account for the Japanese, where only 34%. The average number of 26 countries received 67%.
Here you can immediately bring the following table, where data are derived from the previous ones. The Japanese again, worst of all - 15% of satisfied, and best of all Nigerians, there is 67% satisfied. The average number of 26 countries to 43%.