Tomorrow promises to end of the world

"According to the forecast from California preacher Harold Motorhome, until the end of the world it is a few days.
It happens May 21, 2011. That same day, a preacher awaits the second coming of Christ.
Around 18:00 (Moscow it is late at night May 22) is projected Motorhome, 2% of the population immediately "raptured" to heaven, while the rest will be sent straight to hell.
The report notes that the 89-year-old preacher communicates daily with his followers via Family Radio Network - the religious broadcasting organization which is financed with the help of donations of listeners.
The network currently has only 66 stations in the United States. More than 2 thousand posters in many US states are decorated Motorhome slogans, including: "Truby alarm to warn people!".
Students have the preacher around the world, including in Russia.
According to an old man, over 70 years of Bible study, he developed a system that uses mathematics to interpret encrypted in her predictions. End of the world, he believes, will come May 21 because it will be 722,500 days from April 1, 33 AD, when, as suggested by the preacher, Christ was crucified.
The number 722,500 is important, as is achieved by the double multiplication of the three sacred numbers (5, 10 and 17) to each other. In addition, Camping seen in recent events such as the earthquake in Japan, New Zealand and Haiti, a sign of the coming Day of Judgment.
End of the world are predicting many prophets and diviners.
For example, the ancient Mayan calendar which ends left the date of December 21, 2012.
By the way, according to US scientists, in 2012 the Sun will occur powerful flares.
First, people can watch the lights, like polar, but is much brighter. "