Social networks will lead to no good
A selection of statistical data, which once again confirms that social networks - is evil :)
The logic of thinking. Part 3: Perceptron, convolutional network
The hidden danger of social networking. Social networks increase the number of divorces.
Woe network. Facebook is increasingly becoming a cause of divorce
Social Network richest people
Howard Reingold: How the Internet blurs the line between students and teachers
Created Wallpapers to protect Wi-Fi network
Chinese stirred up a network
BusinessWeek: who is more important than all the web
In Munich, want to build a network veloshosse - dedicated high-speed bicycle paths
13 good stories about people who were not indifferent
The logic of thinking. Part 3: Perceptron, convolutional network
The hidden danger of social networking. Social networks increase the number of divorces.
Woe network. Facebook is increasingly becoming a cause of divorce
Social Network richest people
Howard Reingold: How the Internet blurs the line between students and teachers
Created Wallpapers to protect Wi-Fi network
Chinese stirred up a network
BusinessWeek: who is more important than all the web
In Munich, want to build a network veloshosse - dedicated high-speed bicycle paths
13 good stories about people who were not indifferent
Different types of friends
Heard in traffic