Heard in traffic
Funny collection of phrases and expressions that express the drivers during the idle hours of traffic jams.
The new release frazochek fun and expressions
The ability to say "no" to what doesn't fit you
Than a bed in a one-room apartment is better than a sofa and why a bed is a guarantee of a happy marriage
A new selection of unusual things that will be useful in the home and will look original
A new selection of creative gizmos that will be useful in the home and will look original.
Moments in which I want to shout: "Here blah"
Who's in charge here?
Humorous picture that is difficult to explain
Amanda Bynes
Another selection of places where it is necessary to visit
The new release frazochek fun and expressions
The ability to say "no" to what doesn't fit you
Than a bed in a one-room apartment is better than a sofa and why a bed is a guarantee of a happy marriage
A new selection of unusual things that will be useful in the home and will look original
A new selection of creative gizmos that will be useful in the home and will look original.
Moments in which I want to shout: "Here blah"
Who's in charge here?
Humorous picture that is difficult to explain
Amanda Bynes
Another selection of places where it is necessary to visit
Social networks will lead to no good
Cute girl with "Miss boulaur 2012"