True cartoons from the magazine "Crocodile"
As it turned out, most of the cartoons of the Soviet satirical magazine "Crocodile" were true ... Compare cartoons with reality today.
All the "best" borrowed from the West?
Paced freedom and democracy at the same rate and in the same direction.
Victims of the exam, or the market economy?
Hippie is not a cake.
We thought that the worse. It turned out - there.
Actual question has always been.
Times change and customs.
With "God's help" learned.
Nothing has changed over the decades.
During that fight?
If they only knew then, what will be their grandchildren!
As the water looked "krokodiltsy"!
Well, what can I say? Not all people are equally useful.
Now we have education, both in the West!
Gebbelsovschina has always been. But for her to deal with almost nobody.
Do not "combine", but something.
The eternal theme.
Potreblyadstvo always ridiculed in the USSR.
The aggressor mimics. But not much.
Oh, the times of the skirts!
All the "best" borrowed from the West?
Paced freedom and democracy at the same rate and in the same direction.
Victims of the exam, or the market economy?
Hippie is not a cake.
We thought that the worse. It turned out - there.
Actual question has always been.
Times change and customs.
With "God's help" learned.
Nothing has changed over the decades.
During that fight?
If they only knew then, what will be their grandchildren!
As the water looked "krokodiltsy"!
Well, what can I say? Not all people are equally useful.
Now we have education, both in the West!
Gebbelsovschina has always been. But for her to deal with almost nobody.
Do not "combine", but something.
The eternal theme.
Potreblyadstvo always ridiculed in the USSR.
The aggressor mimics. But not much.
Oh, the times of the skirts!