From the magazine "Crocodile"
Having subscribed to the magazine in the late 70s. Vyacheslav Ya Polyakov collected first editions of the publication in its entirety. Stack numbers grew rapidly and took more and more space. So he decided to favorite cartoons, notes and anecdotes to cut and paste into a separate, personally designed the album. Over the years, work has turned out an impressive and unique.
- I've always liked jokes, - admitted the 85-year-old Serpukhov. - I'm well aware of subtle humor. But here everything is at the highest level. All of the 80, 90 years I cut and pasted. And "Smiles of different latitudes," I have here, and "Purposely not think».
Today few remember that satirical magazine "Crocodile" was one of the most popular in the USSR. And in the 30-ies. it was only the allowed satirical publication in the country. In different periods had collaborated with the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, famous cartoonists Kupriyanov, Krylov and Sokolov (together - Kukryniksy), satirist Mikhail Zoshchenko and many others. Journal exposed bureaucrats, drunkards, idlers, bribe takers, speculators and hacks, ridiculed the "decaying capitalism" with its moral decline, class inequality and other problems. Here is one example, taken Vyacheslav Polyakov in his private collection:
"An American who travels to Italy, violated the rules of the road. Police stopped the car and asked him to write an explanation.
- I barely speak Italian. As I write? ..
- In this case I have to detain you - shrugged police.
- Oh, my God! - American sighed. - Okay, let a piece of paper, I will try.
The American took a sheet, put it in a ten-dollar bill and handed it to the police.
- You see, - said the policeman. - And they say, do not know how to write. Half has already written ... ».
As you can see, after many years, examples of Soviet satire not only become more valuable, but also does not lose its actuality, with reference to our reality. But the work of Vyacheslav Polyakov, bringing together nearly two decades the issue of the magazine "Crocodile", it could find a worthy place in the library collection of Serpukhov History and Art Museum.
Source: balmax.wordpress.com

- I've always liked jokes, - admitted the 85-year-old Serpukhov. - I'm well aware of subtle humor. But here everything is at the highest level. All of the 80, 90 years I cut and pasted. And "Smiles of different latitudes," I have here, and "Purposely not think».
Today few remember that satirical magazine "Crocodile" was one of the most popular in the USSR. And in the 30-ies. it was only the allowed satirical publication in the country. In different periods had collaborated with the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, famous cartoonists Kupriyanov, Krylov and Sokolov (together - Kukryniksy), satirist Mikhail Zoshchenko and many others. Journal exposed bureaucrats, drunkards, idlers, bribe takers, speculators and hacks, ridiculed the "decaying capitalism" with its moral decline, class inequality and other problems. Here is one example, taken Vyacheslav Polyakov in his private collection:
"An American who travels to Italy, violated the rules of the road. Police stopped the car and asked him to write an explanation.
- I barely speak Italian. As I write? ..
- In this case I have to detain you - shrugged police.
- Oh, my God! - American sighed. - Okay, let a piece of paper, I will try.
The American took a sheet, put it in a ten-dollar bill and handed it to the police.
- You see, - said the policeman. - And they say, do not know how to write. Half has already written ... ».
As you can see, after many years, examples of Soviet satire not only become more valuable, but also does not lose its actuality, with reference to our reality. But the work of Vyacheslav Polyakov, bringing together nearly two decades the issue of the magazine "Crocodile", it could find a worthy place in the library collection of Serpukhov History and Art Museum.
Source: balmax.wordpress.com