Curious and interesting facts.
1. Do you know why the Russian Embassy in Tehran, is a monument to Alexander Griboyedov, whose comic verse play "Woe from Wit" is still taught in Russian schools? I recall only that Griboyedov buried in Georgia, near Tbilisi, and a monument installed in Tehran is not local admirers of Alexander. Griboyedov was not only a poet and playwright, he was the king's ambassador to Persia, where he and the entire staff of the embassy in 1829 brutally killed a crowd of local residents, angry disdain, as they thought, to their customs.
2. In 2005, American Bobby Henderson invented a new religion - Flying Spaghetti Monster, the main deity in which - Flying Spaghetti Monster. This was done in protest against the introduction in schools of Kansas study of the concept of "intelligent design" as an alternative to evolutionary theory. According to this new religion, invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe and deliberately incorporate all evidence for evolution, testing the faith of his followers. The followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (LMM) call themselves pastafariantsami (or pastafarianami) (a play on words based on Rastafarianism and the Italian word "paste» (pasta), signifier pasta). In 2011, the Austrian Niko Alm won the right to be photographed for a driver's license with a colander on his head, justifying such a headdress belonging to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and in the town Krossvil (Tennessee, USA), a monument was erected Flying Spaghetti monster.
3. Many must be wondering the origin of the expression "scapegoat." The term has its roots in the Hebrew ritual of purification from sins. Here, as described in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus. "And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send a fit man into the wilderness. And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness "(Lev. 16: 21-22) .Vidimo from here originated the popular image of the Devil with goat hooves and horns.
4. If any sheet of paper folded in half 43 times, it will reach the moon
It sounds strange, but the way it is. Let's proizvedёm calculations: Moon from Earth of about 384 000 km. Thickness of paper - 0, 01 cm. So, if you add pages to each other, we took 3 840 000 000 000 000 pages to stack grown to the moon.
But if you fold the paper in half, and then another half, and then more, then comes in exponential growth. For any exponentially growing quantities greater than the value it receives, the more rapidly. 1 times folded pages will have a thickness of 2 times the original. 3 times folded - 8 times the original. If we could lay down the page 28 times, it would exceed the Everest. Folded 43 times - would reach the moon. A 94 times - would have given us something about the size of the visible universe.
The only problem is that the size of each paper sheet can not be folded more than 7 times.
5. The most massive snowball fight game was held in the US city of Seattle (WA) January 12, 2013. In the snow Battle 5834 participated man, it's almost five hundred more than the previous record, set in 2010 in Seoul (South Korea)
6. Russian State 15-18 centuries were people with a post "lip Tselovalnik" from which, however, did not need to kiss someone on the lips. Generally Tselovalnik called person is elected from among the peasants and townspeople to perform financial or judicial duties. Engaging in the service, they swore to do it honestly, what kissed the cross, hence the name of the position. "Lipstick" as tselovalniks were called from another meaning of the word "lip" at the time - the territorial district in which the local government headed by the elder exercise judicial and police functions.
7. Glue, which cover strands of web spiders, not just keeps flying insects. Due to their electrostatic properties, it contributes more and that thread cobwebs stretched themselves to insects, which in the course of flight and air friction on the currently accumulated static charge (whether positive or negative). Filaments may vary up to 2 mm, but at great speed - 2 m / s. It has also been found that the adhesive web is deformed helix electrostatic field of the Earth at a distance of several millimeters. Can insects, such as bees, advance to feel this deformation and adjust its course to avoid becoming a victim of a spider, remains to be seen.
8. The original tires were white or beige, and only in 1912 purchased the black familiar to us, as manufacturers have added to the rubber-based carbon as a preservative and a stabilizing element. That is why Bibendum - one of the oldest world famous trade marks, a symbol of Michelin from the late 19th century - is white, not black.
9. Two-time Olympic champion in 1996 and 2000 in the women's 10,000 meters Haile Gebrselassie of Ethiopia is particularly posture while running. His left hand pressed closer to the body than the right, and unusual curved. The athlete explained by the fact that a child every morning ran 10 kilometers on the way to school, and in the evening as much back home, holding textbooks is in his left hand.
10. The composer Sergei Prokofiev died on the same day as Stalin, March 5, 1953. Therefore, his death remained unnoticed by the public, and to organize the funeral was a big problem for his family and colleagues from the fact that in Moscow were everywhere cordon.
11. During the construction of the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River killed 112 people. The first of these was a man by the name Tierney, drowned in the process of choosing the most suitable location for the dam. The last is considered dead by his son Patrick, and it happened exactly 13 years after his father's death.
12. The most famous tiger in the world - Champawat Tiger that killed 436 people.
Female Bengal tiger once a taste for human flesh, protecting cubs, which encroached hunters. And this taste so she liked that then people began its sole object of hunting.
Champawat Tiger killed about 200 people in Nepal, but after it was able to get rid of the territory of India, she went on a manhunt. She is so used to it that safely go to the villages in search of prey, although usually tigers hunt from ambush and attack only single victims. Once in 1911, the year tigress ravaged by a 16-year-old girl, rage exceeded people fear, and they were able to kill a cannibal. A man by the name of Jim Corbett, shoot Champawat Tiger, spoke about this episode in his autobiography, "Kumaon cannibals».
13. In the 17 th century, Ukraine voluntarily joined the Russian state, thereby guaranteeing himself the protection of which gained imperial course, Rzeczpospolita. This happened in 1654. The main reasons for this political progress has become a social and religious oppression of the Polish nobility and the Catholic clergy of the Commonwealth. Was concluded Pereyaslavsky agreement under which Ukraine was included into the Russian state, and local Ukrainian administration recognized authority of the Russian state. Getman obeyed the king.
14. Brothers Grimm fairy tale has "On the death of chickens." (Please do not read to her children) in which all the characters, animals die. The action begins with the fact that chicken choked nuts and cock ran to fetch water and had to perform different tasks. When he came back with the water, the chicken was already dead. Then click the wagon built to bury her, and on the way collected a lot of wild animals, but while crossing the stream they all drowned. Cockerel also died of grief, sitting on the grave of chickens.
15. Licinius, the Roman governor in ancient Gaul, divided the year into 14 months to collect taxes more.
I have everything, thank you.
Source: http: //

2. In 2005, American Bobby Henderson invented a new religion - Flying Spaghetti Monster, the main deity in which - Flying Spaghetti Monster. This was done in protest against the introduction in schools of Kansas study of the concept of "intelligent design" as an alternative to evolutionary theory. According to this new religion, invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe and deliberately incorporate all evidence for evolution, testing the faith of his followers. The followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (LMM) call themselves pastafariantsami (or pastafarianami) (a play on words based on Rastafarianism and the Italian word "paste» (pasta), signifier pasta). In 2011, the Austrian Niko Alm won the right to be photographed for a driver's license with a colander on his head, justifying such a headdress belonging to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and in the town Krossvil (Tennessee, USA), a monument was erected Flying Spaghetti monster.

3. Many must be wondering the origin of the expression "scapegoat." The term has its roots in the Hebrew ritual of purification from sins. Here, as described in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus. "And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send a fit man into the wilderness. And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness "(Lev. 16: 21-22) .Vidimo from here originated the popular image of the Devil with goat hooves and horns.

4. If any sheet of paper folded in half 43 times, it will reach the moon
It sounds strange, but the way it is. Let's proizvedёm calculations: Moon from Earth of about 384 000 km. Thickness of paper - 0, 01 cm. So, if you add pages to each other, we took 3 840 000 000 000 000 pages to stack grown to the moon.
But if you fold the paper in half, and then another half, and then more, then comes in exponential growth. For any exponentially growing quantities greater than the value it receives, the more rapidly. 1 times folded pages will have a thickness of 2 times the original. 3 times folded - 8 times the original. If we could lay down the page 28 times, it would exceed the Everest. Folded 43 times - would reach the moon. A 94 times - would have given us something about the size of the visible universe.
The only problem is that the size of each paper sheet can not be folded more than 7 times.

5. The most massive snowball fight game was held in the US city of Seattle (WA) January 12, 2013. In the snow Battle 5834 participated man, it's almost five hundred more than the previous record, set in 2010 in Seoul (South Korea)

6. Russian State 15-18 centuries were people with a post "lip Tselovalnik" from which, however, did not need to kiss someone on the lips. Generally Tselovalnik called person is elected from among the peasants and townspeople to perform financial or judicial duties. Engaging in the service, they swore to do it honestly, what kissed the cross, hence the name of the position. "Lipstick" as tselovalniks were called from another meaning of the word "lip" at the time - the territorial district in which the local government headed by the elder exercise judicial and police functions.

7. Glue, which cover strands of web spiders, not just keeps flying insects. Due to their electrostatic properties, it contributes more and that thread cobwebs stretched themselves to insects, which in the course of flight and air friction on the currently accumulated static charge (whether positive or negative). Filaments may vary up to 2 mm, but at great speed - 2 m / s. It has also been found that the adhesive web is deformed helix electrostatic field of the Earth at a distance of several millimeters. Can insects, such as bees, advance to feel this deformation and adjust its course to avoid becoming a victim of a spider, remains to be seen.

8. The original tires were white or beige, and only in 1912 purchased the black familiar to us, as manufacturers have added to the rubber-based carbon as a preservative and a stabilizing element. That is why Bibendum - one of the oldest world famous trade marks, a symbol of Michelin from the late 19th century - is white, not black.

9. Two-time Olympic champion in 1996 and 2000 in the women's 10,000 meters Haile Gebrselassie of Ethiopia is particularly posture while running. His left hand pressed closer to the body than the right, and unusual curved. The athlete explained by the fact that a child every morning ran 10 kilometers on the way to school, and in the evening as much back home, holding textbooks is in his left hand.

10. The composer Sergei Prokofiev died on the same day as Stalin, March 5, 1953. Therefore, his death remained unnoticed by the public, and to organize the funeral was a big problem for his family and colleagues from the fact that in Moscow were everywhere cordon.

11. During the construction of the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River killed 112 people. The first of these was a man by the name Tierney, drowned in the process of choosing the most suitable location for the dam. The last is considered dead by his son Patrick, and it happened exactly 13 years after his father's death.

12. The most famous tiger in the world - Champawat Tiger that killed 436 people.
Female Bengal tiger once a taste for human flesh, protecting cubs, which encroached hunters. And this taste so she liked that then people began its sole object of hunting.
Champawat Tiger killed about 200 people in Nepal, but after it was able to get rid of the territory of India, she went on a manhunt. She is so used to it that safely go to the villages in search of prey, although usually tigers hunt from ambush and attack only single victims. Once in 1911, the year tigress ravaged by a 16-year-old girl, rage exceeded people fear, and they were able to kill a cannibal. A man by the name of Jim Corbett, shoot Champawat Tiger, spoke about this episode in his autobiography, "Kumaon cannibals».

13. In the 17 th century, Ukraine voluntarily joined the Russian state, thereby guaranteeing himself the protection of which gained imperial course, Rzeczpospolita. This happened in 1654. The main reasons for this political progress has become a social and religious oppression of the Polish nobility and the Catholic clergy of the Commonwealth. Was concluded Pereyaslavsky agreement under which Ukraine was included into the Russian state, and local Ukrainian administration recognized authority of the Russian state. Getman obeyed the king.

14. Brothers Grimm fairy tale has "On the death of chickens." (Please do not read to her children) in which all the characters, animals die. The action begins with the fact that chicken choked nuts and cock ran to fetch water and had to perform different tasks. When he came back with the water, the chicken was already dead. Then click the wagon built to bury her, and on the way collected a lot of wild animals, but while crossing the stream they all drowned. Cockerel also died of grief, sitting on the grave of chickens.

15. Licinius, the Roman governor in ancient Gaul, divided the year into 14 months to collect taxes more.
I have everything, thank you.

Source: http: //