That's what, Daraga druzya, atlichayutstsa svatba and Poharan? Correctly! Atlechayutstsa they stepenyu fun prisutstvuyuschey on mirapreyatii publeki. Ano kaneshno panyatno INTO much hung on wedding. At the wedding toasts and fervently, and God knows padruzhek can fuck, and with svidetilem padratstsa and most paeblu paluchit and bride spisdet, and Pat return for 5 bottles shampika, pachti in its original form, and the piano to fall asleep. Karoche atzhech on svattbe possible so INTO INTO stalemate will vspomnet.
SUVs another matter Poharan with paminkami. On paharanah viselya nihuya no, well, except INTO nazhratstsa in rags and the coffin with pakoynekom narygat, but it is, I schetayu, kaschunstvo yaebu and vaasche pesdets and uzhos. But some zhytel Vilikabretanei and Yimin John Noble, rishyl pirecherknut these stereotypes races and nafsigda.
FSE case f is vysheukazanny INTO 52-year-old hueplet IS Gorat Brestol was prigavarёn local bretantskime Aesculapius to vysshey least. Well, in the sense INTO paslednie apsledavanee neschasnova John pakazalo INTO zhyt his dick Astana nihuya yes, he was deathly ill paskoku shopesdets baleznyu and mozhet be dazhe venereal AIDS mud bird Gripen. Daktara and skazale him, "Atbegalsya you sakolek, yobanarot! Skoura zadvinezh you piles favorite "Adedasy" into a corner and dazhe © nidazhyvёsh to sleduschevo svaevo razhdeneya day! So INTO stsuko padrachi mozhesh on pasledok pack and then order it Seeb gatichny nintendo kastyum and white sandaleki! "
Adnaka surprisingly all pazhyloy bretanets did not zokatyvat isterek and thunderstorms daktaram unprecedented pesdyulyami. So, for Prelić pavyryval nimnoga Volusia have sibya on zhoppe, and uspakoilso seems sensible reasoning INTO saying "Everything there is awake!" And uspakoifshys and nimnoga padumav, rishyl stir up the hellish vichirinku-paminki have sibya home, Cator rishyl atzhech himself, thereby padavaya svaim patomkam premera on the topic of how to uhadit of zhyzni.
Gast was 100 preglasheno chilavek. Tagzhe was zokazan ahuenny shakaladny cake in the form of a life-velechenu grobeka, Cator was ukrashen gatichnyme magilnymi krestekami. Phra pale lёhkava pavideneya © procheh prastetutok and I vaasche nigavaryu. On kazhdova their guest was commissioned two pieces, all in prazdnechnyh kastyumah carnival. Nekatarye guests tozhe gave prasratstsa. Someone naredilsya smertyu, someone magilschekom, nekatarye izabrazhale sgnifshyh zombies and limping sharaёbilis among buhih guests gomericheskova attack causing laughter among children and sirdechnye attacks among the aged rotstvennikov. Booze flowed freely, Amount smoked shyshek izmiryalos buckets and pat Kanets vicherinki vinovnek tarzhestva dazhe praiznёs it:
"I was extremely pleased blia papraschatstso sa all Vame Language escho being zhyvym! Such vicherinki escho I was not in zhyzni and SCAR Vsev, bu-ha-ha, bolshe nibudet! But will INTO vspomnet in that light! Well Nichev early silt postural Vame Language escho we meet! Who is ranshe and with someone pozhzhe, s-s-s-s .. And yet ebites mouth, schaslivo astavatstsa! "- Pazhelal svaim druzyam patyntsyalny pakoynek, ёbnul ryumachku schnapps after chevo pavalok bedroom achiridnuyu pelotka.
Saglasites Dear ftykateli INTO a Pajarón performants vstretish every day, and according to this, we have set a firm cool 52-year-old from Brittany to a bastard, and we send him your padonachy rispekt.
© SERGIO, udaff.com/news/49533.html
Source: http: //
SUVs another matter Poharan with paminkami. On paharanah viselya nihuya no, well, except INTO nazhratstsa in rags and the coffin with pakoynekom narygat, but it is, I schetayu, kaschunstvo yaebu and vaasche pesdets and uzhos. But some zhytel Vilikabretanei and Yimin John Noble, rishyl pirecherknut these stereotypes races and nafsigda.
FSE case f is vysheukazanny INTO 52-year-old hueplet IS Gorat Brestol was prigavarёn local bretantskime Aesculapius to vysshey least. Well, in the sense INTO paslednie apsledavanee neschasnova John pakazalo INTO zhyt his dick Astana nihuya yes, he was deathly ill paskoku shopesdets baleznyu and mozhet be dazhe venereal AIDS mud bird Gripen. Daktara and skazale him, "Atbegalsya you sakolek, yobanarot! Skoura zadvinezh you piles favorite "Adedasy" into a corner and dazhe © nidazhyvёsh to sleduschevo svaevo razhdeneya day! So INTO stsuko padrachi mozhesh on pasledok pack and then order it Seeb gatichny nintendo kastyum and white sandaleki! "
Adnaka surprisingly all pazhyloy bretanets did not zokatyvat isterek and thunderstorms daktaram unprecedented pesdyulyami. So, for Prelić pavyryval nimnoga Volusia have sibya on zhoppe, and uspakoilso seems sensible reasoning INTO saying "Everything there is awake!" And uspakoifshys and nimnoga padumav, rishyl stir up the hellish vichirinku-paminki have sibya home, Cator rishyl atzhech himself, thereby padavaya svaim patomkam premera on the topic of how to uhadit of zhyzni.
Gast was 100 preglasheno chilavek. Tagzhe was zokazan ahuenny shakaladny cake in the form of a life-velechenu grobeka, Cator was ukrashen gatichnyme magilnymi krestekami. Phra pale lёhkava pavideneya © procheh prastetutok and I vaasche nigavaryu. On kazhdova their guest was commissioned two pieces, all in prazdnechnyh kastyumah carnival. Nekatarye guests tozhe gave prasratstsa. Someone naredilsya smertyu, someone magilschekom, nekatarye izabrazhale sgnifshyh zombies and limping sharaёbilis among buhih guests gomericheskova attack causing laughter among children and sirdechnye attacks among the aged rotstvennikov. Booze flowed freely, Amount smoked shyshek izmiryalos buckets and pat Kanets vicherinki vinovnek tarzhestva dazhe praiznёs it:
"I was extremely pleased blia papraschatstso sa all Vame Language escho being zhyvym! Such vicherinki escho I was not in zhyzni and SCAR Vsev, bu-ha-ha, bolshe nibudet! But will INTO vspomnet in that light! Well Nichev early silt postural Vame Language escho we meet! Who is ranshe and with someone pozhzhe, s-s-s-s .. And yet ebites mouth, schaslivo astavatstsa! "- Pazhelal svaim druzyam patyntsyalny pakoynek, ёbnul ryumachku schnapps after chevo pavalok bedroom achiridnuyu pelotka.
Saglasites Dear ftykateli INTO a Pajarón performants vstretish every day, and according to this, we have set a firm cool 52-year-old from Brittany to a bastard, and we send him your padonachy rispekt.
© SERGIO, udaff.com/news/49533.html
Source: http: //