Victor Safonkin - Hieronymus Bosch?
Works Viktor Safonkin
Safonkin Victor now lives in the Czech Republic is already five years and despite its relative youth (he is 35) has a solid reputation as one of the most interesting artists of Prague. In the center of Prague in his own gallery, called the "Parnassus"; international significance of his art confirms the presence of his works in reputable private and public collections in Europe. He participated in exhibitions in different countries, the owner of the Czech Academy of Masaryk diploma and medal of Franz Kafka, which is awarded by the European Society of Prague. In addition, his works are bought by collectors energetic visionary of contemporary painting. Safonkin is on the crest of Russian art in exile, but if he is truly a Herculean effort.
First, it is continuously focused and working long hours. Create over 10 years several hundreds of original, non-recurring, large and small oil paintings - a huge task in itself, irrespective of artistic quality, the degree of elaboration of paintings (and it is amazing), admired and respected. This is - an example of artistic workaholism, when the path is found, the problem identified and no doubt remains: only need to develop and build that opens in front of you is clear.
02. A chill in the lost leg
Second, just as fervently he repeatedly tries to overcome the traits of educated Russia, Russian artist. This is reflected in the choice of pictorial motifs, far from the parent-element, transferring the scene on Wednesday, not related to the national landscape, finally, in the portion of the saturated his paintings semantic accents and nuances, quite alien to the Russian perception. A favorite trick and stylistic manner Safonkina - lung, non-obvious things in their parafrazirovanie implied some classic designs - and do not rely on our own, and to the European, "reministsiruyuschuyu" tradition.
03. A juggler
In the work Safonkina constantly sounds the theme of sacrifice and invaluable character of his achievement, as well as the topic of immense loneliness of life of individuals, distracting from the overall series. Characters in his paintings are constantly submitted to the struggle, violent resistance to the advancing conservatism, but hopelessly alone and, as a rule, the losing. Artist sad and without optimism perceives reality and open it with equal fervor embodies them on the canvas. His images are full of grotesque, but not comical, his sense of construction delight unexpected and paradoxical combinations, but they are bleak. The future is revealed to him empty and dark, enlightened way out, he usually does not. Nevertheless, a catharsis, spiritual cleansing after viewing his works still occurs.
04. A mirror drinker
Clarity of vision shaped Safonkina truly unique. Removal of the future picture in his head, he did not resort to preliminary designs and builds it right on the canvas. Here, having a superb sense of perspective, he creates a deep brush and ample stage space inhabited by figures of the characters and objects of nature, which are inherent in a fantastic materiality and certainty. Stunning degree illusory in the transfer of drops of water, animal hair, magic flowers and butterflies, fabrics, delicate skin causes the viewer delight, though not an end in itself, does not draw the attention of the transmitted complex mechanics of human relations
05. Admiration of verbal knight
06. Army of irritation
07. Bathing in twilight
08. Bullets of measureless love
09. Called to protect
10. Christ syndrome
11. Diys Game
12. Dream on the border
13. Eccentricity of a woodpecker
14. Emotional wind
15. Escape from time
16. Exhausted faith
17. Fetuses of mystic mood
18. Flood phantom
19. Forcing the rain cloud
20. Gone out sun
21. Heart attack
22. Hydrodreams
23. Ideology of turtle soup
24. Incantation of fisherman
25. Leaving of the tyrant
26. Limited atheism
27. Lonely wind
28. Magic Secret Gates
29. Memories about Gogol
30. Morning hallucinations
31. Murder of the Dreams
32. My soul! (to Beksinski)
33. Paranoy of Pestides
34. Praying Gerda
46. all.
Safonkin Victor now lives in the Czech Republic is already five years and despite its relative youth (he is 35) has a solid reputation as one of the most interesting artists of Prague. In the center of Prague in his own gallery, called the "Parnassus"; international significance of his art confirms the presence of his works in reputable private and public collections in Europe. He participated in exhibitions in different countries, the owner of the Czech Academy of Masaryk diploma and medal of Franz Kafka, which is awarded by the European Society of Prague. In addition, his works are bought by collectors energetic visionary of contemporary painting. Safonkin is on the crest of Russian art in exile, but if he is truly a Herculean effort.

First, it is continuously focused and working long hours. Create over 10 years several hundreds of original, non-recurring, large and small oil paintings - a huge task in itself, irrespective of artistic quality, the degree of elaboration of paintings (and it is amazing), admired and respected. This is - an example of artistic workaholism, when the path is found, the problem identified and no doubt remains: only need to develop and build that opens in front of you is clear.
02. A chill in the lost leg

Second, just as fervently he repeatedly tries to overcome the traits of educated Russia, Russian artist. This is reflected in the choice of pictorial motifs, far from the parent-element, transferring the scene on Wednesday, not related to the national landscape, finally, in the portion of the saturated his paintings semantic accents and nuances, quite alien to the Russian perception. A favorite trick and stylistic manner Safonkina - lung, non-obvious things in their parafrazirovanie implied some classic designs - and do not rely on our own, and to the European, "reministsiruyuschuyu" tradition.
03. A juggler

In the work Safonkina constantly sounds the theme of sacrifice and invaluable character of his achievement, as well as the topic of immense loneliness of life of individuals, distracting from the overall series. Characters in his paintings are constantly submitted to the struggle, violent resistance to the advancing conservatism, but hopelessly alone and, as a rule, the losing. Artist sad and without optimism perceives reality and open it with equal fervor embodies them on the canvas. His images are full of grotesque, but not comical, his sense of construction delight unexpected and paradoxical combinations, but they are bleak. The future is revealed to him empty and dark, enlightened way out, he usually does not. Nevertheless, a catharsis, spiritual cleansing after viewing his works still occurs.
04. A mirror drinker

Clarity of vision shaped Safonkina truly unique. Removal of the future picture in his head, he did not resort to preliminary designs and builds it right on the canvas. Here, having a superb sense of perspective, he creates a deep brush and ample stage space inhabited by figures of the characters and objects of nature, which are inherent in a fantastic materiality and certainty. Stunning degree illusory in the transfer of drops of water, animal hair, magic flowers and butterflies, fabrics, delicate skin causes the viewer delight, though not an end in itself, does not draw the attention of the transmitted complex mechanics of human relations
05. Admiration of verbal knight

06. Army of irritation

07. Bathing in twilight

08. Bullets of measureless love

09. Called to protect

10. Christ syndrome

11. Diys Game

12. Dream on the border

13. Eccentricity of a woodpecker

14. Emotional wind

15. Escape from time

16. Exhausted faith

17. Fetuses of mystic mood

18. Flood phantom

19. Forcing the rain cloud

20. Gone out sun

21. Heart attack

22. Hydrodreams

23. Ideology of turtle soup

24. Incantation of fisherman

25. Leaving of the tyrant

26. Limited atheism

27. Lonely wind

28. Magic Secret Gates

29. Memories about Gogol

30. Morning hallucinations

31. Murder of the Dreams

32. My soul! (to Beksinski)

33. Paranoy of Pestides

34. Praying Gerda












46. all.
