Heat life.
Pictures inhabitants of London Zoo, made by a thermal imaging camera
by amateur photographer Steve Lowe.
Dark stripes zebra much warmer belyh- dark color absorbs more light beams.
Warming themselves in the sun on a rock Pelican leaves quite clear traces.
Baby Pieris under magnification.
A tail is Holdon!
Zhostky bristle cools well warthog, why sweat it?
As meerkat warmed under a lamp.
Otters were not quite so cold and bezchuvstvennymi
Hot residents Africa-penguins.
And sloth ... Cold nose
And, finally!
The hottest guy turned Pauk- tarantulas
by amateur photographer Steve Lowe.
Dark stripes zebra much warmer belyh- dark color absorbs more light beams.
Warming themselves in the sun on a rock Pelican leaves quite clear traces.
Baby Pieris under magnification.
A tail is Holdon!
Zhostky bristle cools well warthog, why sweat it?
As meerkat warmed under a lamp.
Otters were not quite so cold and bezchuvstvennymi
Hot residents Africa-penguins.
And sloth ... Cold nose
And, finally!
The hottest guy turned Pauk- tarantulas