Camcorders traffic police does not exist!
from steer ru
In brief prehistory. A colleague of mine, a very savvy in legal matters comrade interested legal existence of video fixation violations, namely the compliance of this system to the Federal Law "On Personal Data". Finding inconsistencies, he sent a request gaytsam. Having a stupid answer - send a second. Again, stupid answer. Then he sent a request to the prosecutor. Here is the text of his appeal:
Prosecutor General
Seagull YY
125993, ul. B. Dmitrovka, 15a
Dear Yuri Yakovlevich!
Currently, various media widely publicized, including decision-makers the Russian Interior Ministry, the establishment of the Russian Interior Ministry of the automated system of fixing traffic rules by drivers of vehicles (hereinafter - AC).
Since the speaker is the work with personal data of owners of vehicles (including the name, first name, etc.) me 20.08.2008 pursuant to Article 14 of the Federal Law "On personal data" to the Department of Road Safety Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia was It sent a request (incl. DOBDD №2556) on the procedure for the processing (including the question of ensuring the reliability and confidentiality) the information specified in the automated system.
01.09.2008 Research Center of road safety problems for the Russian Interior Ministry №13 / n 2556 was sent to the answer to my request. In its response to the SIC BDD he said that at present the issue of information security of the automated system have not been solved. At the same time, in various media reports that the AU started 01.07.2008, and with reference to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Nurgaliev RG is the number of vehicle owners who have been sent to an order of bringing to administrative responsibility. < br />
Considering the above, I believe that the operation of the automated system is in violation of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" and the decision of the Government on November 17, 2007 №781.
I ask you to carry out checks on these facts. On the results of inspection and legal assessment of the actions of the Russian Interior Ministry in ensuring the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of personal data of owners of vehicles handled at the AU, as well as assessment of legal significance made by using the AU resolutions ask you to inform us at: ...
1. A copy of the request to the Russian Interior Ministry DOBDD on 2 pages.
2. A copy of the response SIC BDD Russian Interior Ministry, №13 / n 2556 from 01.09.2008, on 1 sheet.
And now, a response was received. I quote it (scan below):
Dear .....!
Your appeal sent to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation regarding the information security of the automated system of fixing violations of traffic rules (SDA) drivers of vehicles examined by the Department of Traffic Safety Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on behalf of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
I inform you that at present in Russia automated system commit violations of traffic rules is not established and operated.
You are interested in the issues of security infomratsionnoy said the automated system will be addressed at its creation.
Vladimir Kuzin
"That it meant?" - You ask me? And that means only one thing - to write you a fine on the basis of this system is impossible, for it is on the official paper of the traffic police - does not exist!
Thus, if you receive a so-called "letter of happiness" - you can feel free to challenge it with the phrase: "In the absence of objective evidence on the basis of a letter from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs DOBDD 05.10.2008 g №13 / P-4136»
In brief prehistory. A colleague of mine, a very savvy in legal matters comrade interested legal existence of video fixation violations, namely the compliance of this system to the Federal Law "On Personal Data". Finding inconsistencies, he sent a request gaytsam. Having a stupid answer - send a second. Again, stupid answer. Then he sent a request to the prosecutor. Here is the text of his appeal:
Prosecutor General
Seagull YY
125993, ul. B. Dmitrovka, 15a
Dear Yuri Yakovlevich!
Currently, various media widely publicized, including decision-makers the Russian Interior Ministry, the establishment of the Russian Interior Ministry of the automated system of fixing traffic rules by drivers of vehicles (hereinafter - AC).
Since the speaker is the work with personal data of owners of vehicles (including the name, first name, etc.) me 20.08.2008 pursuant to Article 14 of the Federal Law "On personal data" to the Department of Road Safety Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia was It sent a request (incl. DOBDD №2556) on the procedure for the processing (including the question of ensuring the reliability and confidentiality) the information specified in the automated system.
01.09.2008 Research Center of road safety problems for the Russian Interior Ministry №13 / n 2556 was sent to the answer to my request. In its response to the SIC BDD he said that at present the issue of information security of the automated system have not been solved. At the same time, in various media reports that the AU started 01.07.2008, and with reference to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Nurgaliev RG is the number of vehicle owners who have been sent to an order of bringing to administrative responsibility. < br />
Considering the above, I believe that the operation of the automated system is in violation of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" and the decision of the Government on November 17, 2007 №781.
I ask you to carry out checks on these facts. On the results of inspection and legal assessment of the actions of the Russian Interior Ministry in ensuring the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of personal data of owners of vehicles handled at the AU, as well as assessment of legal significance made by using the AU resolutions ask you to inform us at: ...
1. A copy of the request to the Russian Interior Ministry DOBDD on 2 pages.
2. A copy of the response SIC BDD Russian Interior Ministry, №13 / n 2556 from 01.09.2008, on 1 sheet.

And now, a response was received. I quote it (scan below):
Dear .....!
Your appeal sent to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation regarding the information security of the automated system of fixing violations of traffic rules (SDA) drivers of vehicles examined by the Department of Traffic Safety Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on behalf of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
I inform you that at present in Russia automated system commit violations of traffic rules is not established and operated.
You are interested in the issues of security infomratsionnoy said the automated system will be addressed at its creation.
Vladimir Kuzin
"That it meant?" - You ask me? And that means only one thing - to write you a fine on the basis of this system is impossible, for it is on the official paper of the traffic police - does not exist!
Thus, if you receive a so-called "letter of happiness" - you can feel free to challenge it with the phrase: "In the absence of objective evidence on the basis of a letter from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs DOBDD 05.10.2008 g №13 / P-4136»
