Angliykaya alphabet on a "black" way
Translation, of course, very conditional ... But the general sense, so to speak, caught by and presented. And it seems to me that with this alphabet kids will learn very quickly your English alphabet - still fear and terror such strong feelings! A - Anna is that sverzilas down.
B - is Boris. Bear it gnawed.
B - is Vasya, reposed in a dream.
T - is Grits. He froze on the track.
D - Dima. He fell, poisoned salad.
E - Evdokia. Zayed Piavko.
F - is Jora. Crushed carpet.
W - our Zinovy. Vorom strangled.
And - Innocent utopshy in the river.
K - Kazimierz with acid in hand.
Ljalju killed with a blunt ax.
Manya gut stuffed with nails.
N - Nat is in the waves on the board.
About - Opanas that died in anguish.
P - Pasha is sticking to Schiele.
Roma hanygi sewn in the restaurant.
C - Sidor is stuck in the quagmire.
T - this is Tanya, in a blue flame.
Y - is Juliana, in a fit of epilepsy.
F - Falaley, navernuvshiysya a cliff.
X - a sow bear ditches.
C - Cincinnatus under the trade structure.
B - Chuck it fell through the ice.
Shura pack rat gnaws.
E - is Erast. He stood under the boom.
S - is the Jura, who went into the bout.
YaPlakal this alphabet (thanks, who changed the name topega)
© anastgal.livejournal.com / 368392.html
B - is Boris. Bear it gnawed.
B - is Vasya, reposed in a dream.
T - is Grits. He froze on the track.
D - Dima. He fell, poisoned salad.
E - Evdokia. Zayed Piavko.
F - is Jora. Crushed carpet.
W - our Zinovy. Vorom strangled.
And - Innocent utopshy in the river.
K - Kazimierz with acid in hand.
Ljalju killed with a blunt ax.
Manya gut stuffed with nails.
N - Nat is in the waves on the board.
About - Opanas that died in anguish.
P - Pasha is sticking to Schiele.
Roma hanygi sewn in the restaurant.
C - Sidor is stuck in the quagmire.
T - this is Tanya, in a blue flame.
Y - is Juliana, in a fit of epilepsy.
F - Falaley, navernuvshiysya a cliff.
X - a sow bear ditches.
C - Cincinnatus under the trade structure.
B - Chuck it fell through the ice.
Shura pack rat gnaws.
E - is Erast. He stood under the boom.
S - is the Jura, who went into the bout.
YaPlakal this alphabet (thanks, who changed the name topega)
© anastgal.livejournal.com / 368392.html