Dreams of flying
Drive through the desert astride a dog or find a treasure on the ocean floor?
Photos Jean won Hollebena allow children to realize their dreams into reality
Jean introduced the influence of their parents - kinimatografa and a child psychologist in his work. He drew attention to the images and scenes from his childhood. Children's stories and concepts of the Games, Jean took from his teaching course combining these theories to their own experiences and memories of childhood. Inspiration came from the classic children's books, as well as the popular super heroes.
Over the past 4 years he has embodied his project "Dreams of flight" in reality, with the help of neighborhood kids and the kids in his district in the south-Vostnochnoy Germany
Translation (March) Source
The Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
The Pirats
The Diver
The Racers
The Acrobats
The Butterflies
The Astronauts
The Aladdin
The Strong Men
The Photographer
The Flipper
The Appleraiders
The Karate Kids
The Rocketeers
The Gardener
The Jumpers
The King Kong
The Ghostbusters
The Balloonflyer
The Flowerboys
The Giants (Pts liked)
The Dracula
The Superman
The Tarzan and Jan
The Luke Skywalker
The Footballers
The Wizards
The Santa Claus
The Cliffhanger
The Dogrider
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Photos Jean won Hollebena allow children to realize their dreams into reality
Jean introduced the influence of their parents - kinimatografa and a child psychologist in his work. He drew attention to the images and scenes from his childhood. Children's stories and concepts of the Games, Jean took from his teaching course combining these theories to their own experiences and memories of childhood. Inspiration came from the classic children's books, as well as the popular super heroes.
Over the past 4 years he has embodied his project "Dreams of flight" in reality, with the help of neighborhood kids and the kids in his district in the south-Vostnochnoy Germany
Translation (March) Source
The Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
The Pirats
The Diver
The Racers
The Acrobats
The Butterflies
The Astronauts
The Aladdin
The Strong Men
The Photographer
The Flipper
The Appleraiders
The Karate Kids
The Rocketeers
The Gardener
The Jumpers
The King Kong
The Ghostbusters
The Balloonflyer
The Flowerboys
The Giants (Pts liked)
The Dracula
The Superman
The Tarzan and Jan
The Luke Skywalker
The Footballers
The Wizards
The Santa Claus
The Cliffhanger
The Dogrider
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