Camp "Butugychag"
Camp "Butugychag" - one of the worst camps of Kolyma. Many now living, found out about it through A. Zhigulin, a former prisoner of the camp, mine, author of memoirs about his experiences "Black stones».
Mined here in 30 - 50 years of the radioactive material, but what it really no one knows. (Of course, somewhere in the archives have accurate information about the production activities of the unit Dalstroi). The newspaper articles of the late 80's - early 90-ies some argue that the uranium is mined, other - molybdenum, and others - tungsten. Maybe. Only it is known that in the early years of education tin mine was mined here. But it is a fact that the radiation in this place greatly exceeds the allowable. Confirmation of this is uncomplicated warning label, established in the beginning of the road leading to "Butugychag" Tenkinsky district administration, on whose territory there are the remains of the mine. Dosimeter on the territory of an abandoned camp shows the excess radiation and, moreover, prevents "squeak» ...
There was a camp in the Dalstroi in the middle of 1937. And, of course, its first inhabitants were prisoners who crushed stone, not meaning what they are doing ...
Steep hills, mines, carved into the stone ridge, stone huts (the stone there are many), the narrow-gauge railway sections of the road ... and in the saddle between the hills - the cemetery. Hundreds, maybe thousands of low, rickety tin plates with columns - the number of forms of prisoners disgracefully perished here in the 30 - 50 years ...
2. Barack
3. Narrow Gauge Railway from mines
4. Remains
"A month and a half goners arriving from the central to the diesel did not work, but feeding them bearable. This was done to save, to be exact - for temporary storage, labor. For Butugychag complex was designed in the end to the gradual destruction of all prisoners - from scurvy and dystrophy, from a variety of illnesses. »
A. Zhigulin.
5. Inside the barracks
In these ovens, hand on metal trays evaporated primary uranium concentrate. To this day, are 23 drums of uranium concentrate for the outer wall concentrator. Even if nature is rewarded with the birth of good health, people living in these furnaces for several months.
7. Fencing camp
8. Camera
At the pass, the watershed is placed directly on the strange cemetery. Spring comes to the cemetery bears and the local punks from Ust-Omchug. First pischyu looking after hungry winter, the second - Drawing for the candlesticks ...
"The mortality rate was very high Butugychag. The "medical" special zone (more accurately call it a suicide) people were dying every day. Indifferent watchman verifies the number of personal records with the number of ready-made signs, three pierced the dead chest special steel lance, stuck it in the dirty snow abscess near the watch and let the will of the deceased ... »
A. Zhigulin.
11. At work
12.Lager Butugychag. Medical experiments on brain prisoners. Photos from the archives of the NKVD.
The doctors of the zone conducted experiments on the brain prisoners.
13.Lager Butugychag. Medical experiments on brain prisoners. Photos from the archives of the NKVD - 2
Posted in [mergetime] 1243275462 [/ mergetime]
The death camp "Butugychag" killed 330001 people
Mined here in 30 - 50 years of the radioactive material, but what it really no one knows. (Of course, somewhere in the archives have accurate information about the production activities of the unit Dalstroi). The newspaper articles of the late 80's - early 90-ies some argue that the uranium is mined, other - molybdenum, and others - tungsten. Maybe. Only it is known that in the early years of education tin mine was mined here. But it is a fact that the radiation in this place greatly exceeds the allowable. Confirmation of this is uncomplicated warning label, established in the beginning of the road leading to "Butugychag" Tenkinsky district administration, on whose territory there are the remains of the mine. Dosimeter on the territory of an abandoned camp shows the excess radiation and, moreover, prevents "squeak» ...
There was a camp in the Dalstroi in the middle of 1937. And, of course, its first inhabitants were prisoners who crushed stone, not meaning what they are doing ...
Steep hills, mines, carved into the stone ridge, stone huts (the stone there are many), the narrow-gauge railway sections of the road ... and in the saddle between the hills - the cemetery. Hundreds, maybe thousands of low, rickety tin plates with columns - the number of forms of prisoners disgracefully perished here in the 30 - 50 years ...

2. Barack

3. Narrow Gauge Railway from mines

4. Remains
"A month and a half goners arriving from the central to the diesel did not work, but feeding them bearable. This was done to save, to be exact - for temporary storage, labor. For Butugychag complex was designed in the end to the gradual destruction of all prisoners - from scurvy and dystrophy, from a variety of illnesses. »
A. Zhigulin.

5. Inside the barracks

In these ovens, hand on metal trays evaporated primary uranium concentrate. To this day, are 23 drums of uranium concentrate for the outer wall concentrator. Even if nature is rewarded with the birth of good health, people living in these furnaces for several months.

7. Fencing camp

8. Camera

At the pass, the watershed is placed directly on the strange cemetery. Spring comes to the cemetery bears and the local punks from Ust-Omchug. First pischyu looking after hungry winter, the second - Drawing for the candlesticks ...

"The mortality rate was very high Butugychag. The "medical" special zone (more accurately call it a suicide) people were dying every day. Indifferent watchman verifies the number of personal records with the number of ready-made signs, three pierced the dead chest special steel lance, stuck it in the dirty snow abscess near the watch and let the will of the deceased ... »
A. Zhigulin.

11. At work

12.Lager Butugychag. Medical experiments on brain prisoners. Photos from the archives of the NKVD.
The doctors of the zone conducted experiments on the brain prisoners.

13.Lager Butugychag. Medical experiments on brain prisoners. Photos from the archives of the NKVD - 2
Posted in [mergetime] 1243275462 [/ mergetime]
The death camp "Butugychag" killed 330001 people
