From conception to birth (13 photos)
I present to you the most mysterious process of how cells grow out of people.
From 3-7 hours after ejaculation: sperm "hyping" the egg ...
... Only the strongest and luckiest will be involved in sperm fertilization.
20 hours after ejaculation: a fertilized egg inside the nucleus of male and female cells combine to form new chromosomes (genetic material)
1st day after fertilization: the journey begins from the cells of the pipe, where the fertilization takes place in the uterus.
4th day. Morula stage.
4 weeks beremennostiberemennost
28 days of pregnancy
40 days of pregnancy: you can see the placenta, umbilical cord and embryo
4 months
The boy? ..
... Or a girl?
The long-awaited meeting
via missfit.ru
From 3-7 hours after ejaculation: sperm "hyping" the egg ...
... Only the strongest and luckiest will be involved in sperm fertilization.
20 hours after ejaculation: a fertilized egg inside the nucleus of male and female cells combine to form new chromosomes (genetic material)
1st day after fertilization: the journey begins from the cells of the pipe, where the fertilization takes place in the uterus.
4th day. Morula stage.
4 weeks beremennostiberemennost
28 days of pregnancy
40 days of pregnancy: you can see the placenta, umbilical cord and embryo
4 months
The boy? ..
... Or a girl?
The long-awaited meeting
via missfit.ru