Session instant getting rid of bad luck
"My life is not carried from the very moment of my conception..." — so began the story of an elderly Professor, when utterly tired of our constant lamentations. And "wailed" we, a group of businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers, came in the late 90s at the University of California the new technologies in marketing and PR, solely on the theme: "of course, you have something good to say here... if we have such taxes/laws/teachers/parents/money/features... etc, — we would....". And then followed a beautiful story about what "we'd"...
He once us, so casually hinted about the fact that "the absence of a result is your result."
The second time somehow unobtrusively explained about the fact that "if you don't have, or don't, you definitely have an exciting or heartbreaking story about why it happened."
Third time, more emotionally, went through that "coulda woulda...". What say, boys, what are you mired in the past and procrastinate it, looking for an excuse for inaction.
But most of the group didn't reach.
And then he left the pulpit, sat down once. the front of the class and said that same phrase: "my life is not carried from the very moment of my conception..."
— Do you want to tell your sad story?
— Of course, Yes! – we nodded. And prepared to feel sorry for him.
Here I cite his story in his presentation — as heard remember. The details may not be accurate, but they do not change the essence! The essence of his story then I caught very clearly! Not just grasped, and learned. For life.
— I in life did not carry from the very moment of my conception...
My dad, smoke weed are unemployed, odd money from loading-unloading, disappeared from my life as soon as he learned that his underage girlfriend — girl-mulatto, preferring nocturnal, — "flew". It is in the wind! So I fatherless.
My bad luck was just beginning... Young mulatto, though, and bore me almost to term, but only hearing my first cry, right there on the delivery table, abandoned me. So I, weak helpless baby, just came to this strange, unfamiliar world, all alone... Crying of despair in all this Universe on the hands of the midwife.
More — more... I was fatally unlucky... I was adopted in infancy, I was a very weak, sickly child. Moreover, in those years, born of ebony, I even had a little chance to be adopted. So from the baby House, I got straight to the orphanage.
Well, here it is... when it rains, it pours. It was an orphanage for "colored" children, some of us just was not there... I felt fully myself everything: how to fight the Chinese and Mexicans as spit, and how are plucked hurt black...
I had bad luck with the study... Teachers do not stay long and varied. Yeah, to be honest, not all of the items they have in the orphanage at all. So with the school I also, as you know, has not worked. Well, just total bad luck!...
...He paused. We sat in silence, staring off into the floor... and Then looked at us. Of course we compassionately waited for the continuation of the story, not knowing — what he did started it, because it's so nicely argued and marketing tasks in just half an hour ago.
— I'm tired of telling you this, — he said unexpectedly, This is not my story... Want, I'll tell you mine?
Silent pause... We could only nod his head, because we had already completely lost: where is history for what he did all of this tells us, and even the English language for many, not just in their intricacies have been given.
— And my story — here... — he continued.
— I am generally a very lucky man!
I was lucky right from the very moment of my conception, when my deadbeat dad disappeared from my life, at least unlucky, mother, and at the same time and out of my life once and for all! Perhaps he felt he couldn't give me all that will help me survive. I am grateful to him for his decision... Who knows how I grew up and what would have happened to me if my infancy and childhood with him. Perhaps he intuitively understood that this weak baby can never be strong with him and therefore quietly withdrew. And I thank him for that.
And I, meanwhile, continued to drive.
A young mulatto abandoned me on the delivery table. And it has been a success! Because if she picked me up from the hospital, I'm not sure that would still be alive... And so I have, though weak, premature, have a chance! Chance at life! And gave it to me she... My unlucky seventeen-year-old mother. I thank her for her failure. And even thoughts do not want to imagine how and where I lived, how and where would have been my childhood if she hadn't abandoned me. This failure also gave me strength. After all, filling the Universe with his first cry, I already knew that I hope in this life no one, I am alone... And it's probably still some sort of concentration of internal energy is, you will agree... he smiled.
Further — more!
I was lucky that I was adopted in infancy. Otherwise, I, sickly, weak baby, got, probably, very comfortable, greenhouse conditions and care to adopt me people, but did would I become stronger and more confident? Somehow, I think not. Life in the orphanage taught me perseverance: I learned from the Chinese to fight, I learned black men have their "tweaks", and to spit I like hoo! Is this not luck!
Well, with the school — is generally a separate song! Teachers lacked a few items, sometimes led by one person. In high school we somehow made friends with the biology teacher, who was "a walking encyclopedia" — so enthusiastically he was passionate about his subject. And (here's luck!) he taught us more and mathematics, which allowed us to meet for lessons every day! We talked a lot. Of course I had only excellent grades in his subjects. And when the question of choosing a College — I don't hesitate to go to where the need was mathematics and biology.
Then there was the University.
Then the scientific work.
Family. Children. Grandchildren. Great-grandchildren...
I am glad that I was born under a lucky star!
And grateful for luck.
He continued with a smile to sit on the edge of the Desk. And we "digested" all just heard...
- Here you have two stories, two views on one and the same life, ' he said, getting up from his Desk and picking up two open palms like the scales — what do You prefer?
Often has this story. Especially when I hear exculpatory excuses: "if I...", "if I...". Or even steeper: "if we...", "if we...".
Empty talk about empty gives just an empty.
In my teaching Arsenal is one exercise that is very "theme", try, if you wish! Even alone you can train with. And in group it can be a fun toy for any company.
So:write a few notes, marking in them a situation that, as a rule, the first cause a negative reaction... for Example: "wallet was stolen", "quarreled", "divorced", "missed the train", "sick", and "scratched the car", etc.
Now, if solo practice to tell yourself now will all be. And if the band split up in pairs.
And then — the first step: drag a note and start your story with "bad" or "Imagine the horror...", "I'm not lucky..." or "Well, for me it all! ...". Well, tell us a little about the situation: either to themselves, or in a brief dialogue with the interlocutor.
Now the next note — and the same thing...
Can pair with someone to do it, though he, too, notes pull.
How bored, change all cardinally. Now note the same, but your statements begin with the words: "Due to the fact that...", "what happened helped me....", "I was lucky that....", "I'm glad it happened..." etc. As you know the dot is a place for your story.
I, sometimes, very extreme version of the offer: "How awful/great!". And the situation in the notes abruptly asked... Sensations through the roof!
And drive!
And understanding comes...
Also interesting: the CHOICE to learn how to use it
The psychology of choice and You are willing to pay the price?
And then offer everyone a raise in front of him, their open palms. As the scales. And "weigh" that is in every one of them.
And make your choice! published
Author: Irina Ryzhkova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: interesno.co/myself/e5543294ecad
He once us, so casually hinted about the fact that "the absence of a result is your result."
The second time somehow unobtrusively explained about the fact that "if you don't have, or don't, you definitely have an exciting or heartbreaking story about why it happened."
Third time, more emotionally, went through that "coulda woulda...". What say, boys, what are you mired in the past and procrastinate it, looking for an excuse for inaction.

But most of the group didn't reach.
And then he left the pulpit, sat down once. the front of the class and said that same phrase: "my life is not carried from the very moment of my conception..."
— Do you want to tell your sad story?
— Of course, Yes! – we nodded. And prepared to feel sorry for him.
Here I cite his story in his presentation — as heard remember. The details may not be accurate, but they do not change the essence! The essence of his story then I caught very clearly! Not just grasped, and learned. For life.
— I in life did not carry from the very moment of my conception...
My dad, smoke weed are unemployed, odd money from loading-unloading, disappeared from my life as soon as he learned that his underage girlfriend — girl-mulatto, preferring nocturnal, — "flew". It is in the wind! So I fatherless.
My bad luck was just beginning... Young mulatto, though, and bore me almost to term, but only hearing my first cry, right there on the delivery table, abandoned me. So I, weak helpless baby, just came to this strange, unfamiliar world, all alone... Crying of despair in all this Universe on the hands of the midwife.
More — more... I was fatally unlucky... I was adopted in infancy, I was a very weak, sickly child. Moreover, in those years, born of ebony, I even had a little chance to be adopted. So from the baby House, I got straight to the orphanage.
Well, here it is... when it rains, it pours. It was an orphanage for "colored" children, some of us just was not there... I felt fully myself everything: how to fight the Chinese and Mexicans as spit, and how are plucked hurt black...
I had bad luck with the study... Teachers do not stay long and varied. Yeah, to be honest, not all of the items they have in the orphanage at all. So with the school I also, as you know, has not worked. Well, just total bad luck!...
...He paused. We sat in silence, staring off into the floor... and Then looked at us. Of course we compassionately waited for the continuation of the story, not knowing — what he did started it, because it's so nicely argued and marketing tasks in just half an hour ago.
— I'm tired of telling you this, — he said unexpectedly, This is not my story... Want, I'll tell you mine?
Silent pause... We could only nod his head, because we had already completely lost: where is history for what he did all of this tells us, and even the English language for many, not just in their intricacies have been given.
— And my story — here... — he continued.

— I am generally a very lucky man!
I was lucky right from the very moment of my conception, when my deadbeat dad disappeared from my life, at least unlucky, mother, and at the same time and out of my life once and for all! Perhaps he felt he couldn't give me all that will help me survive. I am grateful to him for his decision... Who knows how I grew up and what would have happened to me if my infancy and childhood with him. Perhaps he intuitively understood that this weak baby can never be strong with him and therefore quietly withdrew. And I thank him for that.
And I, meanwhile, continued to drive.
A young mulatto abandoned me on the delivery table. And it has been a success! Because if she picked me up from the hospital, I'm not sure that would still be alive... And so I have, though weak, premature, have a chance! Chance at life! And gave it to me she... My unlucky seventeen-year-old mother. I thank her for her failure. And even thoughts do not want to imagine how and where I lived, how and where would have been my childhood if she hadn't abandoned me. This failure also gave me strength. After all, filling the Universe with his first cry, I already knew that I hope in this life no one, I am alone... And it's probably still some sort of concentration of internal energy is, you will agree... he smiled.
Further — more!
I was lucky that I was adopted in infancy. Otherwise, I, sickly, weak baby, got, probably, very comfortable, greenhouse conditions and care to adopt me people, but did would I become stronger and more confident? Somehow, I think not. Life in the orphanage taught me perseverance: I learned from the Chinese to fight, I learned black men have their "tweaks", and to spit I like hoo! Is this not luck!
Well, with the school — is generally a separate song! Teachers lacked a few items, sometimes led by one person. In high school we somehow made friends with the biology teacher, who was "a walking encyclopedia" — so enthusiastically he was passionate about his subject. And (here's luck!) he taught us more and mathematics, which allowed us to meet for lessons every day! We talked a lot. Of course I had only excellent grades in his subjects. And when the question of choosing a College — I don't hesitate to go to where the need was mathematics and biology.
Then there was the University.
Then the scientific work.
Family. Children. Grandchildren. Great-grandchildren...
I am glad that I was born under a lucky star!
And grateful for luck.
He continued with a smile to sit on the edge of the Desk. And we "digested" all just heard...
- Here you have two stories, two views on one and the same life, ' he said, getting up from his Desk and picking up two open palms like the scales — what do You prefer?
Often has this story. Especially when I hear exculpatory excuses: "if I...", "if I...". Or even steeper: "if we...", "if we...".
Empty talk about empty gives just an empty.
In my teaching Arsenal is one exercise that is very "theme", try, if you wish! Even alone you can train with. And in group it can be a fun toy for any company.
So:write a few notes, marking in them a situation that, as a rule, the first cause a negative reaction... for Example: "wallet was stolen", "quarreled", "divorced", "missed the train", "sick", and "scratched the car", etc.
Now, if solo practice to tell yourself now will all be. And if the band split up in pairs.
And then — the first step: drag a note and start your story with "bad" or "Imagine the horror...", "I'm not lucky..." or "Well, for me it all! ...". Well, tell us a little about the situation: either to themselves, or in a brief dialogue with the interlocutor.
Now the next note — and the same thing...
Can pair with someone to do it, though he, too, notes pull.
How bored, change all cardinally. Now note the same, but your statements begin with the words: "Due to the fact that...", "what happened helped me....", "I was lucky that....", "I'm glad it happened..." etc. As you know the dot is a place for your story.
I, sometimes, very extreme version of the offer: "How awful/great!". And the situation in the notes abruptly asked... Sensations through the roof!
And drive!
And understanding comes...
Also interesting: the CHOICE to learn how to use it
The psychology of choice and You are willing to pay the price?
And then offer everyone a raise in front of him, their open palms. As the scales. And "weigh" that is in every one of them.
And make your choice! published
Author: Irina Ryzhkova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: interesno.co/myself/e5543294ecad