How to obtain silk thread
Author: I personally visited the silk factory near the town of Dalat in the mountains of Vietnam. There dovozyat few tourists go there and get a little bit difficult, but we made it to maman and did not regret it in the end spent by the nerves and money.
Generally there are three types of silk farms / plants. 1. Where grown larvae (there we have not reached). 2. Where the thread is pulled. Immediately a little woven fabric. 3. Where unrealistic embroidered silk paintings. Last - the most untwisted place firm XQ (at which even a site in Russian is) that bashlyaet guides and those packs to carry tourists. We also wanted to get to, but did not have time.
That's kept ready larvae pupate.
Kura podvorovyvaet, but it drives the foreman.
So first, take chopsticks girl cocoons bundles and put them in a pan of boiling water.
To cook and larvae died. The smell of it is a bit nauseating smell like cooked meat, only specific. Later, when we bought scarves, they were imbued with the smell even after I washed it, it is still a little left, bueee. Here is boiled cocoons.
Then they are placed in a long trough with water to pull a thread from each.
I used to think that necessarily looking for the tip of the thread in the cocoon to be unwound. In fact, I realized that this is nonsense of course, just pull off the surface of the cobweb. Here you can see how there is a thread from each cocoon.
Then she picks up the thread from several cocoons.
And my second myth. I thought that the thread of the cocoon - it is the final thread. This is not true. Silk thread is twisted from several micro-threads. Max determines the thickness of the finished yarn and thread thickness respectively future tissue. You see a number of "Dusík"? So, it's not Dusík and thread from cocoons. Girl finger brings a bundle of threads to these rapidly spinning pimpochku and thread as if sucked back and twisted.
And then the two strands are combined into one and has already ready thread is wound onto spools.
Skeins with ready-made yarns.
Unwind cocoons look like. Get out there and have translucent larvae.
This is a photo I took last year in the COOP-convenience store in the meat department. Then I had no idea that this "silk" larvae. I'm not sure 100 per cent., But it is very similar and logically fit. Otherwise, where it has to do with the larvae spent?
Yet there are several looms, where the simple woven fabric. At the top left of the machine can be seen hanging from a stack of punched cards or how else to call it.
This card, which is coded pattern fabric. Through each hole thread and then passed on the machine, they cleverly shifted and magically turns pattern.
And on this machine I do a rough silk burlap. What we do not understand, can a purely decorative purposes.
And on this one machine do the threads on the same principle as the rest, but only thick and knotted boucle yarn.
From where then do here such scarves. It stank then they boiled meat.
Source: leprosorium.ru
Generally there are three types of silk farms / plants. 1. Where grown larvae (there we have not reached). 2. Where the thread is pulled. Immediately a little woven fabric. 3. Where unrealistic embroidered silk paintings. Last - the most untwisted place firm XQ (at which even a site in Russian is) that bashlyaet guides and those packs to carry tourists. We also wanted to get to, but did not have time.
That's kept ready larvae pupate.

Kura podvorovyvaet, but it drives the foreman.

So first, take chopsticks girl cocoons bundles and put them in a pan of boiling water.

To cook and larvae died. The smell of it is a bit nauseating smell like cooked meat, only specific. Later, when we bought scarves, they were imbued with the smell even after I washed it, it is still a little left, bueee. Here is boiled cocoons.

Then they are placed in a long trough with water to pull a thread from each.

I used to think that necessarily looking for the tip of the thread in the cocoon to be unwound. In fact, I realized that this is nonsense of course, just pull off the surface of the cobweb. Here you can see how there is a thread from each cocoon.

Then she picks up the thread from several cocoons.

And my second myth. I thought that the thread of the cocoon - it is the final thread. This is not true. Silk thread is twisted from several micro-threads. Max determines the thickness of the finished yarn and thread thickness respectively future tissue. You see a number of "Dusík"? So, it's not Dusík and thread from cocoons. Girl finger brings a bundle of threads to these rapidly spinning pimpochku and thread as if sucked back and twisted.

And then the two strands are combined into one and has already ready thread is wound onto spools.

Skeins with ready-made yarns.

Unwind cocoons look like. Get out there and have translucent larvae.

This is a photo I took last year in the COOP-convenience store in the meat department. Then I had no idea that this "silk" larvae. I'm not sure 100 per cent., But it is very similar and logically fit. Otherwise, where it has to do with the larvae spent?

Yet there are several looms, where the simple woven fabric. At the top left of the machine can be seen hanging from a stack of punched cards or how else to call it.

This card, which is coded pattern fabric. Through each hole thread and then passed on the machine, they cleverly shifted and magically turns pattern.

And on this machine I do a rough silk burlap. What we do not understand, can a purely decorative purposes.

And on this one machine do the threads on the same principle as the rest, but only thick and knotted boucle yarn.

From where then do here such scarves. It stank then they boiled meat.

Source: leprosorium.ru