Red thread on her wrist
In our age of civilization, technological progress and the fantastic discoveries in different areas, a lot of people believe in the "evil eye". It is mentioned in the Bible, spoke of him Plato and Aristotle, all of his fear until now, and everyone is looking for a way to protect against it. We understand the evil eye, as a powerful negative energy which lowers vitality of any organism.
Even the Kabbalists of antiquity has opened up the possibility of protection with the Power of Kabbalah. This protection implies salvation from envious people's looks, but at the same time getting rid of envy and anger us. Gives such protection the Red string is a special woolen red thread, which must be worn on the left hand.
Tied a red thread on the left hand, as it is believed that negative energy comes into us just to the left. The left hand receives the right gives, and the red thread is a barrier to negativity. By the way, as you know, red is the color of danger, it is also important. Kabbalists believe that the thread started to operate, it needs to be tied a certain way to tie it should be the person with whom you have strong mutual love and who you trust, usually the parents, grandparents or other people close to you. The thread must be tied into seven knots, each of which means a God.
Thread, tied on a knot, is an ancient talisman. It is worn by our grandmothers themselves, and also knit for their children and grandchildren the most ordinary woolen red thread and believe that it is able to protect from the evil eye not worse overseas newfangled stuff.
Source: /users/155

Even the Kabbalists of antiquity has opened up the possibility of protection with the Power of Kabbalah. This protection implies salvation from envious people's looks, but at the same time getting rid of envy and anger us. Gives such protection the Red string is a special woolen red thread, which must be worn on the left hand.

Tied a red thread on the left hand, as it is believed that negative energy comes into us just to the left. The left hand receives the right gives, and the red thread is a barrier to negativity. By the way, as you know, red is the color of danger, it is also important. Kabbalists believe that the thread started to operate, it needs to be tied a certain way to tie it should be the person with whom you have strong mutual love and who you trust, usually the parents, grandparents or other people close to you. The thread must be tied into seven knots, each of which means a God.

Thread, tied on a knot, is an ancient talisman. It is worn by our grandmothers themselves, and also knit for their children and grandchildren the most ordinary woolen red thread and believe that it is able to protect from the evil eye not worse overseas newfangled stuff.
Source: /users/155