Why wear a red thread with 7 knots?
Today, such an accessory as a red thread can be seen by many. Some people wear it against the evil eye, others - for wealth, and still others think that this is such a fashion. And now this moment has come: you have acquired a red thread and now you have to tie it on your hand. How to properly conduct a ritual with a red thread and why everyone knit 7 knots on a talisman? Why not three or ten?
Editorial "Site" I decided to learn from experienced Kabbalists, not merchants. How to wear a red thread correctly And how many knots need to be tied. But most importantly, why do that?
How to properly tie the red thread of Kabbalah, as the doctrine of divine revelation sealed in the sacred Jewish books, pays much attention to numerology. After all, the symbols in the form of numbers used in these messages carry the key to the secret knowledge that helps a person in all areas of life.
According to Kabbalah, the number 7 symbolizes spiritualization and transformation. This figure also symbolizes one of the channels through which the Creator directs the world, the so-called channel of strength (eternity). From this it follows that the legendary red thread with seven knots establishes a connection with your spiritual world, representing a strong shield against all evil, impure thoughts and black envy that can do harm.
It is very important to understand and realize this, because many people, under the influence of all sorts of signs, begin during the ritual of tying a thread to make seven wishes or make promises to themselves over each nodule, which only break the ritual, reducing the number of times a person has been forced to do so. red-strand protection It makes people vulnerable. Every sanctuary should be taken seriously.
Also now a lot of red threads are sold in shops of accessories and jewelry. But Kabbalists say that you should not supplement your thread with various beads and pendants with amulets from other cultures. You have to choose what you believe in and follow it. And of course, fill your inner world with good.
The red thread should be tied on the left hand. It is best that this is done by a close person. While tying the thread on the wrist, it is recommended to read the prayer Ben Porat, which will strengthen the protective actions of the thread: “As the fish on the ground are covered with water and the evil eye has no power over them, so does the evil eye have no power over the descendants of Joseph.” An eye that does not look at what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.”
There are also threads of other colors, and each has its own meaning.

Editorial "Site" I decided to learn from experienced Kabbalists, not merchants. How to wear a red thread correctly And how many knots need to be tied. But most importantly, why do that?
How to properly tie the red thread of Kabbalah, as the doctrine of divine revelation sealed in the sacred Jewish books, pays much attention to numerology. After all, the symbols in the form of numbers used in these messages carry the key to the secret knowledge that helps a person in all areas of life.

According to Kabbalah, the number 7 symbolizes spiritualization and transformation. This figure also symbolizes one of the channels through which the Creator directs the world, the so-called channel of strength (eternity). From this it follows that the legendary red thread with seven knots establishes a connection with your spiritual world, representing a strong shield against all evil, impure thoughts and black envy that can do harm.

It is very important to understand and realize this, because many people, under the influence of all sorts of signs, begin during the ritual of tying a thread to make seven wishes or make promises to themselves over each nodule, which only break the ritual, reducing the number of times a person has been forced to do so. red-strand protection It makes people vulnerable. Every sanctuary should be taken seriously.

Also now a lot of red threads are sold in shops of accessories and jewelry. But Kabbalists say that you should not supplement your thread with various beads and pendants with amulets from other cultures. You have to choose what you believe in and follow it. And of course, fill your inner world with good.

The red thread should be tied on the left hand. It is best that this is done by a close person. While tying the thread on the wrist, it is recommended to read the prayer Ben Porat, which will strengthen the protective actions of the thread: “As the fish on the ground are covered with water and the evil eye has no power over them, so does the evil eye have no power over the descendants of Joseph.” An eye that does not look at what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.”
There are also threads of other colors, and each has its own meaning.