Paper maker Greg Lauren
Greg Lauren (Greg Lauren) starred in many films, even in such as "Batman and Robin" and "Bettman Returns", but the roles were so small that they put him in the credits only because of his famous surname. After all, Greg - nephew of the famous designer Ralph Lauren, founder of the brand «Polo», bringing annual quarter million dollars.
But Greg has achieved much more in the design and drawing. Prices for his paintings reach 15, $ 000 and buyers were becoming famous actors Demi Moore, Ben Stiller and Cuba Gooding Junior.
Photos a lot when I finish I will say ...
Each of his works performed on crumpled paper texture and creates the effect of volume also plunging figure in a fragile peace folds and cracks.
The girl from the movie "The Ring" ???
But the biggest concern is his new collection of works. At first it seems that this is just a very badly worn clothes. But a closer look reveals that the artist is due to the different methods failed to mimic different types of tissue paper and materials.
But Greg has achieved much more in the design and drawing. Prices for his paintings reach 15, $ 000 and buyers were becoming famous actors Demi Moore, Ben Stiller and Cuba Gooding Junior.
Photos a lot when I finish I will say ...
Each of his works performed on crumpled paper texture and creates the effect of volume also plunging figure in a fragile peace folds and cracks.
The girl from the movie "The Ring" ???
But the biggest concern is his new collection of works. At first it seems that this is just a very badly worn clothes. But a closer look reveals that the artist is due to the different methods failed to mimic different types of tissue paper and materials.