Frosts. Help feathered!
In severe frosts not everyone will come to mind to go to the country - is to replenish depleted bins of suburban stores. But the businessman Anatoly Kurlovich contrary, dumped their holdings to the country. Salo, cereals, seeds - and all this just to feed ... tits.
Anatoly is not like the crazy city or compassionate old ladies who feed the cats at the entrance. It is a successful, respectable businessman, healthy in every sense of the word a man (he and dive under the ice in winter is not weak), but is busy with small birdies.
- And you know what the bird that did not eat one day, die? - Complains Anatoly. - They are now food from under the snow is very hard to get. And then there are frosts are coming! Titmouse night to lose 10% of its own weight if the temperature falls to -10 ° C. It is estimated that 10 tits without the help of people in the spring there is only one. And the people sitting in their warm homes and do not even think about how to throw bird seed or old cereal.
When I became fond of birds, Anatoly not even recall: it seems that all his life and was engaged. At school he catches songbirds feed them all winter, courting, and in the summer let loose. Goldfinches, waxwings and other singers has been given a whole room in the attic.
- My parents gave me a condition: For each brought home from school "four" will be produced by a bird - he says.
Needless to say, Anatoly finished school with a gold medal?
In the winter at his dacha businessman visited by every two or three days (luckily, it is far from Minsk). And all this just to feed the blue-tits and other birds. One fat had on them a month leaves two kg. Anatoly even invented his own design for the feeders.
- I half-fat bars to large birds are not drags him - he shares the experience. - And then arrive some woodpecker picks with nails, and then drop it in the snow and it turns out that he did not uproar and not give another.
Who farmstead Anatoly "grazing" gaggle 25-30 tits. In "their faith", he drew and the other gardeners. Now when meeting neighbors share with each other, much as they fed the birds. But Twitter about holiday village does not stop.
In the summer of birds gather at the pool, which is made on the site businessman - drink water, bathe. According to Anatoly you can even see the rare birds. Defending his players, he was forced to put a high fence to the neighboring cats do not bother.
This winter businessman not happy. Severe frost and snow are very dangerous for the tits.
- I do not remember in the last 50 years to titmouse (not separate individuals, and entire flocks) took the food right out of the hands of man, - he said. - Now they are especially in need of our help. And it's not that the pests in the spring will feel at ease in our gardens simply disappear piece of the world - such a beautiful and unique.
Note beginner rescuer
Tits, nuthatches - insectivorous birds, so they will unsalted or interior (on the market 1 kg costs 2000 rubles.) Lard and seeds. Bread and cereals, they almost do not eat, but it will happily pecking sparrows and other granivorous and omnivorous birds. Bullfinches and waxwings prefer a variety of berries and fruit (you can prepare with semi-ripe seeds summer lilac) seeds.
Birds fly to the trough in the morning, so it is necessary to feed in the evening to sleep. And while there are severe frosts or blizzards sweep, it should be done on a daily basis - because of the small size of the bird body loses heat very quickly.
Danger awaits the birds and by the abandoned suburban areas negligent owners of hungry cats, so in any case impossible to arrange the feeder where they will be accessible to predators.
Feeders best to protect against theft of large birds (woodpeckers, jays, magpies and so on) by any gratings (from old refrigerators, gas stoves, structural metal and plastic nets), attached to a wooden nails conventional basis (trim boards, plywood , OSB).
I took here
Well, I personally do here such feeders, as in the photo.
The truth is this - without impregnation (better cover the antiseptic)
Anatoly is not like the crazy city or compassionate old ladies who feed the cats at the entrance. It is a successful, respectable businessman, healthy in every sense of the word a man (he and dive under the ice in winter is not weak), but is busy with small birdies.
- And you know what the bird that did not eat one day, die? - Complains Anatoly. - They are now food from under the snow is very hard to get. And then there are frosts are coming! Titmouse night to lose 10% of its own weight if the temperature falls to -10 ° C. It is estimated that 10 tits without the help of people in the spring there is only one. And the people sitting in their warm homes and do not even think about how to throw bird seed or old cereal.

When I became fond of birds, Anatoly not even recall: it seems that all his life and was engaged. At school he catches songbirds feed them all winter, courting, and in the summer let loose. Goldfinches, waxwings and other singers has been given a whole room in the attic.
- My parents gave me a condition: For each brought home from school "four" will be produced by a bird - he says.
Needless to say, Anatoly finished school with a gold medal?
In the winter at his dacha businessman visited by every two or three days (luckily, it is far from Minsk). And all this just to feed the blue-tits and other birds. One fat had on them a month leaves two kg. Anatoly even invented his own design for the feeders.
- I half-fat bars to large birds are not drags him - he shares the experience. - And then arrive some woodpecker picks with nails, and then drop it in the snow and it turns out that he did not uproar and not give another.

Who farmstead Anatoly "grazing" gaggle 25-30 tits. In "their faith", he drew and the other gardeners. Now when meeting neighbors share with each other, much as they fed the birds. But Twitter about holiday village does not stop.
In the summer of birds gather at the pool, which is made on the site businessman - drink water, bathe. According to Anatoly you can even see the rare birds. Defending his players, he was forced to put a high fence to the neighboring cats do not bother.
This winter businessman not happy. Severe frost and snow are very dangerous for the tits.
- I do not remember in the last 50 years to titmouse (not separate individuals, and entire flocks) took the food right out of the hands of man, - he said. - Now they are especially in need of our help. And it's not that the pests in the spring will feel at ease in our gardens simply disappear piece of the world - such a beautiful and unique.

Note beginner rescuer
Tits, nuthatches - insectivorous birds, so they will unsalted or interior (on the market 1 kg costs 2000 rubles.) Lard and seeds. Bread and cereals, they almost do not eat, but it will happily pecking sparrows and other granivorous and omnivorous birds. Bullfinches and waxwings prefer a variety of berries and fruit (you can prepare with semi-ripe seeds summer lilac) seeds.
Birds fly to the trough in the morning, so it is necessary to feed in the evening to sleep. And while there are severe frosts or blizzards sweep, it should be done on a daily basis - because of the small size of the bird body loses heat very quickly.
Danger awaits the birds and by the abandoned suburban areas negligent owners of hungry cats, so in any case impossible to arrange the feeder where they will be accessible to predators.
Feeders best to protect against theft of large birds (woodpeckers, jays, magpies and so on) by any gratings (from old refrigerators, gas stoves, structural metal and plastic nets), attached to a wooden nails conventional basis (trim boards, plywood , OSB).
I took here

Well, I personally do here such feeders, as in the photo.
The truth is this - without impregnation (better cover the antiseptic)
