Moroccan "farm" - harvesting vegetables

In contrast to Russia, the whole pre-training roots are right in the fields. Nearly every field has a small item of mobile processing, where workers brought in bags collected vegetables. Here they are washed, collected, sorted, packed in boxes and immediately sell. I do not know how much this method is more convenient, but it is very common in Morocco.

14 ph via zyalt

Jagger boxes. Paragraph already attracts car buyers.

Standard Grading is a pit with water, which washed vegetables.


Bags of golf just dumped into the pit of her work and then take out the vegetables, cut the tops and packed in boxes. Boxes provide buyers. To avoid confusion, who have, they applied paint mark.




Tops pave the boxes so as not to suppress a valuable product.


Can ship ...

And to drive the market ...

Next, from the neighboring fields are sorted turnip.


In the evening all gets to market



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