Chinese Barvikha (6 photos)
In this village, everyone has a house, a car, and free medical care. About how one separately taken the farm with a rather narrow view of the world has come to the individual communism and try to tell in a few words.
The collective farm was founded by the local Communist Party secretary Wu Renbao in 1961. Since then, on the working of cereals farm stepped far forward, but because of sane leadership, diversification and attracting labor migrants (sounds unusual for China) - has turned into a real paradise. By Chinese standards. We - more in some hive. Although, when compared with zasrat villages near Saratov how, entirely made up of alcoholics, it is not clear - it is better.
Cow This established a skyscraper in the center of the village, it has risen: even two years ago it cost about 50 million dollars, now - almost 70.
Copies of the piece of the Great Wall of China or the Arc de Triomphe - are elements of landscape design of the town. On the scale so. and - for future generations.
Now Huaxi is not only agriculture but also the largest holding steel mills, textile production ... and a tourist center. Because many people want to see it with my own eyes, surprising the locals. that just work and calm myself live without clogging the head of any political tops or finding out "who is to blame." Roads have also good if people are interested.

The collective farm was founded by the local Communist Party secretary Wu Renbao in 1961. Since then, on the working of cereals farm stepped far forward, but because of sane leadership, diversification and attracting labor migrants (sounds unusual for China) - has turned into a real paradise. By Chinese standards. We - more in some hive. Although, when compared with zasrat villages near Saratov how, entirely made up of alcoholics, it is not clear - it is better.

Cow This established a skyscraper in the center of the village, it has risen: even two years ago it cost about 50 million dollars, now - almost 70.

Copies of the piece of the Great Wall of China or the Arc de Triomphe - are elements of landscape design of the town. On the scale so. and - for future generations.

Now Huaxi is not only agriculture but also the largest holding steel mills, textile production ... and a tourist center. Because many people want to see it with my own eyes, surprising the locals. that just work and calm myself live without clogging the head of any political tops or finding out "who is to blame." Roads have also good if people are interested.