The military might of the USSR - the flip side
Recently, I read in the main Yap many articles about arming once great country, our common motherland - the Soviet Union. This shows a healthy interest yapovtsev to our own history and science. I would like to talk about what led the saber rattling and offensive arms buildup and to draw conclusions for the future, relating to military equipment.
5 photo, 2 video.
Materials taken from habrahabr.ru
1) Environmental issues
In order to test their latest weapons to the Soviet Union required polygons.
The largest and most famous is the Semipalatinsk test site (Kazakhstan). It is here August 29, 1949 for the first time in the Soviet Union had tested nuclear weapons. For these events for the film "The Gift to Stalin».
Also, this is where the first Soviet government tested the first thermonuclear device (12.8.1953) and the world's first hydrogen bomb (11/22/1955). Altogether during the use of the landfill was carried out not less than 468 nuclear tests. Carried out both ground and underground explosions, and space. After the collapse of the Soviet Union August 29, 1991, the landfill was closed. But echoes of the test for a long time will make itself felt.
If Japan Hiroshima stood on yourself first nuclear bomb, the Semipalatinsk region and the US state of Nevada passed all these explosions. They also landfill
Log in to one of the test tunnels in the mountain range Delegen (tunnels), which carried out a nuclear test. Clearly visible ring structures that supported dismantled channel output radiation of very large diameter or a terminal box with equipment or materials irradiated
The vacuum (evacuated) box output channel O emissions from the gallery at the site Delegen 169-2. Evacuated boxes used for nuclear tests in the conditions close to the conditions of outer space, probably to test the stability of radiation weapons and space-based systems.
The first thermonuclear test at the site of the experimental field of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. The device RDS-6s (Joe-4), the type of charge - "puff" (65% of energy - fission reaction, 35% - synthesis). Height undermine 30 meters (tower). The energy of 400 kt [13]. This explosion caused the most significant radioactive contamination of the landfill site in the south-west and the adjacent areas. Golf experimental field Semipalatinsk test site.
Above ground nuclear explosion ultra-low power (1 kiloton or less). Golf experimental field Semipalatinsk test site. Not identified.
Mad arms race, and more and more new nuclear weapons testing course, affected the health of local populations. Horrific photos and videos shocking normal person. Who knows what will happen to the descendants of the people affected by the nuclear tests and how they affect the whole of humanity.
The explosion on the video.
Video 1.
Horrible video of the victims of the military trials and military action. Only if the United States tested its weapons in outer war, the USSR experience all on its citizens.
Video 2.
2) Economic problems
As you know, the defense industry - the industry is not revenue-generating. And if the construction of the plant or pipeline pays for itself, the creation of military equipment is in permanent waste of money and considerable money.
The situation in which the entire country over the years continuously semidyaseti and works hard only to defense can not favorably affect the economic health of this country. If the United States - the main rival of the Soviet Union in the arms race resorted to the help of private companies to design and build military equipment, then in the Soviet Union it was only the state.
The militarization of the economy, necessary during WWII, did not stop after May 9, 1945. She walked forward and gaining momentum. The construction of strategic facilities, development of new types of weapons was carried out constantly. And all who have little lived in the USSR well remember that it is best at the time lived in the military and scientists, for them there was no shortage, they had good salaries.
Foreign Minister Shevardnadze, said in May 1988 that the Soviet military expenditures account for 19% of GDP, in April 1990, Gorbachev rounded this figure to 20%. In late 1991, Chief of General Staff Lobov announced that the Soviet military expenditures account for one third or even more of GDP (260 billion. Rubles in prices of 1988, ie more than 300 billion. Dollars).
Normal economy, from which from fifth to third of all income goes vnikuda becomes abnormal and depressive. Long so could not continue and the Land of the Soviets lost stability. And subsequently collapsed.
Echoes of our militarization we see today. Post-Soviet countries, inherited military capabilities can not support it in its entirety, or their already weak and unstable economy finally rolls onto its side. So we have only to remember with pride our common great past.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1268810226 [/ mergetime]
P.S. It is not necessary to dig a hole to another, he will enter into this pit.
We were in the lead in the arms race.
Time has shown the price of leadership.
The post is not written for the purpose of any way to downplay the achievements of the military-industrial sector in the development of Soviet science, to shield the United States or denigrate the Soviet Union. The post was written so that we all understand - to increase military potential is endless, but we should not forget about the consequences of such growth.
5 photo, 2 video.
Materials taken from habrahabr.ru

1) Environmental issues
In order to test their latest weapons to the Soviet Union required polygons.
The largest and most famous is the Semipalatinsk test site (Kazakhstan). It is here August 29, 1949 for the first time in the Soviet Union had tested nuclear weapons. For these events for the film "The Gift to Stalin».
Also, this is where the first Soviet government tested the first thermonuclear device (12.8.1953) and the world's first hydrogen bomb (11/22/1955). Altogether during the use of the landfill was carried out not less than 468 nuclear tests. Carried out both ground and underground explosions, and space. After the collapse of the Soviet Union August 29, 1991, the landfill was closed. But echoes of the test for a long time will make itself felt.
If Japan Hiroshima stood on yourself first nuclear bomb, the Semipalatinsk region and the US state of Nevada passed all these explosions. They also landfill
Log in to one of the test tunnels in the mountain range Delegen (tunnels), which carried out a nuclear test. Clearly visible ring structures that supported dismantled channel output radiation of very large diameter or a terminal box with equipment or materials irradiated

The vacuum (evacuated) box output channel O emissions from the gallery at the site Delegen 169-2. Evacuated boxes used for nuclear tests in the conditions close to the conditions of outer space, probably to test the stability of radiation weapons and space-based systems.

The first thermonuclear test at the site of the experimental field of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. The device RDS-6s (Joe-4), the type of charge - "puff" (65% of energy - fission reaction, 35% - synthesis). Height undermine 30 meters (tower). The energy of 400 kt [13]. This explosion caused the most significant radioactive contamination of the landfill site in the south-west and the adjacent areas. Golf experimental field Semipalatinsk test site.

Above ground nuclear explosion ultra-low power (1 kiloton or less). Golf experimental field Semipalatinsk test site. Not identified.

Mad arms race, and more and more new nuclear weapons testing course, affected the health of local populations. Horrific photos and videos shocking normal person. Who knows what will happen to the descendants of the people affected by the nuclear tests and how they affect the whole of humanity.
The explosion on the video.
Video 1.
Horrible video of the victims of the military trials and military action. Only if the United States tested its weapons in outer war, the USSR experience all on its citizens.
Video 2.
2) Economic problems
As you know, the defense industry - the industry is not revenue-generating. And if the construction of the plant or pipeline pays for itself, the creation of military equipment is in permanent waste of money and considerable money.
The situation in which the entire country over the years continuously semidyaseti and works hard only to defense can not favorably affect the economic health of this country. If the United States - the main rival of the Soviet Union in the arms race resorted to the help of private companies to design and build military equipment, then in the Soviet Union it was only the state.
The militarization of the economy, necessary during WWII, did not stop after May 9, 1945. She walked forward and gaining momentum. The construction of strategic facilities, development of new types of weapons was carried out constantly. And all who have little lived in the USSR well remember that it is best at the time lived in the military and scientists, for them there was no shortage, they had good salaries.
Foreign Minister Shevardnadze, said in May 1988 that the Soviet military expenditures account for 19% of GDP, in April 1990, Gorbachev rounded this figure to 20%. In late 1991, Chief of General Staff Lobov announced that the Soviet military expenditures account for one third or even more of GDP (260 billion. Rubles in prices of 1988, ie more than 300 billion. Dollars).
Normal economy, from which from fifth to third of all income goes vnikuda becomes abnormal and depressive. Long so could not continue and the Land of the Soviets lost stability. And subsequently collapsed.
Echoes of our militarization we see today. Post-Soviet countries, inherited military capabilities can not support it in its entirety, or their already weak and unstable economy finally rolls onto its side. So we have only to remember with pride our common great past.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1268810226 [/ mergetime]
P.S. It is not necessary to dig a hole to another, he will enter into this pit.
We were in the lead in the arms race.
Time has shown the price of leadership.
The post is not written for the purpose of any way to downplay the achievements of the military-industrial sector in the development of Soviet science, to shield the United States or denigrate the Soviet Union. The post was written so that we all understand - to increase military potential is endless, but we should not forget about the consequences of such growth.