Come, Lyudmila Efimovna!
Says researcher and blogger Igor Shpilenok
In our little house in the Valley of Geysers, I always wake up first to before the first rays of the sun to be at the scene. My good friend and colleague Vladimir Zlotnikov loved to luxuriate in bed to radio-controlled reserve. Even in the pre-dawn twilight, I flooded the stove, made coffee, and sometimes had time to release something written in the diary. So that day, I almost enjoyed the first sip of coffee and took a laptop on the porch floorboards creaked ...
"Come, Lyudmila Efimovna!" - I was invited.
The fact that on the eve of the Valley arrived Lyudmila Efimovna Lobkova known in Kamchatka entomologist. The Valley of Geysers is already several decades studying how insects have adapted to use and benefit from volcanic heat. In the evening she came to us for tea and even brought hot pan just toasted sunflower seeds. When she went into her hut, the pan with nedogryzenymi seeds left we said that would take in the morning.
But now, for some reason she hovered on the porch, not daring to enter. "Come on, do not hesitate!" - I repeated, but Lyudmila Efimovna continued shifting from foot to foot, creaking planks. I got up from the bench and holding laptop in hand, foot pushed the door, which can be easily opened and put her in something soft. I opened my mouth to apologize, but stopped in mid-sentence: Bear standing on the porch. He looked quite peaceful, much embarrassed, as if he felt guilty that violated our privacy. But who knows this bear! I quickly grabbed a pen and closed the door, but had noticed that both gun - and mine, and Volodya, hanging on nails at the front door just behind the bear. Came back, I put the computer on the bench and heard "Lyudmila Efimovna" started to turn around on the narrow porch to get out of it. Showered with tools hanging on the walls, collapsed stack of firewood, rattled empty boxes drawn up against the wall, zabrenchali overturned bucket.
"What is it?" - Volodya asked sleepily.
"Lyudmila Efimovna seeking pan" - I replied calmly.
Volodya picked up out of bed, grabbed a frying pan on the table and tried to run out into the hallway, but the door swung back into a bear, pushing the beast out. Volodya immediately assessed the situation and slammed the door. He could hear the bear came out, creaking steps on the snow, and a second beast with snowdrift already looking at us through the window. Our noses were separated just two feet and a thin pane of glass. Disturbingly close, but we are interested in looking at each other. The nose of a bear to work hard, bulging lips silently.
"What does he want to tell us?" - I thought. Volodya if reading my mind, "Compete calling you!" It is evident understanding that anything useful from the visit to us take forth, bear walked slowly down the hill, to the geysers ...
In our little house in the Valley of Geysers, I always wake up first to before the first rays of the sun to be at the scene. My good friend and colleague Vladimir Zlotnikov loved to luxuriate in bed to radio-controlled reserve. Even in the pre-dawn twilight, I flooded the stove, made coffee, and sometimes had time to release something written in the diary. So that day, I almost enjoyed the first sip of coffee and took a laptop on the porch floorboards creaked ...
"Come, Lyudmila Efimovna!" - I was invited.
The fact that on the eve of the Valley arrived Lyudmila Efimovna Lobkova known in Kamchatka entomologist. The Valley of Geysers is already several decades studying how insects have adapted to use and benefit from volcanic heat. In the evening she came to us for tea and even brought hot pan just toasted sunflower seeds. When she went into her hut, the pan with nedogryzenymi seeds left we said that would take in the morning.
But now, for some reason she hovered on the porch, not daring to enter. "Come on, do not hesitate!" - I repeated, but Lyudmila Efimovna continued shifting from foot to foot, creaking planks. I got up from the bench and holding laptop in hand, foot pushed the door, which can be easily opened and put her in something soft. I opened my mouth to apologize, but stopped in mid-sentence: Bear standing on the porch. He looked quite peaceful, much embarrassed, as if he felt guilty that violated our privacy. But who knows this bear! I quickly grabbed a pen and closed the door, but had noticed that both gun - and mine, and Volodya, hanging on nails at the front door just behind the bear. Came back, I put the computer on the bench and heard "Lyudmila Efimovna" started to turn around on the narrow porch to get out of it. Showered with tools hanging on the walls, collapsed stack of firewood, rattled empty boxes drawn up against the wall, zabrenchali overturned bucket.
"What is it?" - Volodya asked sleepily.
"Lyudmila Efimovna seeking pan" - I replied calmly.
Volodya picked up out of bed, grabbed a frying pan on the table and tried to run out into the hallway, but the door swung back into a bear, pushing the beast out. Volodya immediately assessed the situation and slammed the door. He could hear the bear came out, creaking steps on the snow, and a second beast with snowdrift already looking at us through the window. Our noses were separated just two feet and a thin pane of glass. Disturbingly close, but we are interested in looking at each other. The nose of a bear to work hard, bulging lips silently.
"What does he want to tell us?" - I thought. Volodya if reading my mind, "Compete calling you!" It is evident understanding that anything useful from the visit to us take forth, bear walked slowly down the hill, to the geysers ...
