Not for nothing called the Honduras Honduras
Thanks to photographer Michael Dominic, we will be able to look at the streets of the capital of Honduras Teguasigalpy where prostitutes work unusual. If you suddenly will travel to Honduras and want to try the local night "butterfly" - watch out!
20 ph via Bigpicture
1. In March this year, the photographer Michael Dominic in company with another reporter went to the capital of Honduras, to make a few photo reports on various subjects.
2. One of the reports was devoted to the rights of transsexuals, gays and lesbians in Honduras, as well as activists who act to protect the rights of sexual minorities.
4. One of the activities of Jose (a local human rights defender) - handing out condoms to prostitutes who are transvestites or transsexuals.
5. With the help of activist Jose Zambrano photographer spent two nights on the street Teguasigalpe where the local "point", and was able to do this photo essay.
6. Most of the sex workers are transgender, that is people who have undergone a sex change operation.
7. However, some of them - male transvestites.
8. Some of transvestite prostitution in secret, and in the light of the day live a normal human life.
9. As recognized photographer one of the "girls" while taking pictures on the point: "This is - the only place where I can feel myself ...»
10. The level of homophobia in Honduras is high enough.
11. In the local traditional society, homosexuality and transgender sharply condemned the family, the church and politicians.
12. Often these prostitutes become targets of attacks and police brutality.
13. Typically, they work independently without pimps, so no one to protect them.
14. There are cases when clients after sex attack on prostitutes, and even kill them.
15. Coming into the street, these "girls" understand that there is always a likelihood that they will be beaten or even killed.
16. Prostitutes are held together in groups, whiling away the time waiting for customers during a break, sipping amaretto or ginger beer.
17. In the period from 1991 to 2003 in Honduras killed 200 prostitutes, who were homosexual or transsexual.
18. As the work on the street is dangerous, many prostitutes prefer to work in hotels.
20. Two days after the photographers had left Honduras, one of the prostitutes, they were met by making this photo essay was brutally murdered by three shots.
20 ph via Bigpicture
1. In March this year, the photographer Michael Dominic in company with another reporter went to the capital of Honduras, to make a few photo reports on various subjects.

2. One of the reports was devoted to the rights of transsexuals, gays and lesbians in Honduras, as well as activists who act to protect the rights of sexual minorities.


4. One of the activities of Jose (a local human rights defender) - handing out condoms to prostitutes who are transvestites or transsexuals.

5. With the help of activist Jose Zambrano photographer spent two nights on the street Teguasigalpe where the local "point", and was able to do this photo essay.

6. Most of the sex workers are transgender, that is people who have undergone a sex change operation.

7. However, some of them - male transvestites.

8. Some of transvestite prostitution in secret, and in the light of the day live a normal human life.

9. As recognized photographer one of the "girls" while taking pictures on the point: "This is - the only place where I can feel myself ...»

10. The level of homophobia in Honduras is high enough.

11. In the local traditional society, homosexuality and transgender sharply condemned the family, the church and politicians.

12. Often these prostitutes become targets of attacks and police brutality.

13. Typically, they work independently without pimps, so no one to protect them.

14. There are cases when clients after sex attack on prostitutes, and even kill them.

15. Coming into the street, these "girls" understand that there is always a likelihood that they will be beaten or even killed.

16. Prostitutes are held together in groups, whiling away the time waiting for customers during a break, sipping amaretto or ginger beer.

17. In the period from 1991 to 2003 in Honduras killed 200 prostitutes, who were homosexual or transsexual.

18. As the work on the street is dangerous, many prostitutes prefer to work in hotels.


20. Two days after the photographers had left Honduras, one of the prostitutes, they were met by making this photo essay was brutally murdered by three shots.
