Dull Sochi velvet season
Writes blogger sholademi
I am a first time, and hopefully for the last time in Sochi. In contrast to the construction of Olympic facilities impression of the All-Russian spa resorts most sad. For my money, I would never not go here for a vacation. Better in Turkey, Egypt. Yes, at worst - in the Crimea!
6 ph
They killed the local beaches. Little concrete reservation for the railroad. Imagine what is on the shingle, in July and August, at the tourist season, is in the crush.
Prices for food and alcohol is unreasonably expensive, Moscow. This service in the restaurants along the southern well, very slow.
A mystery to me, why do people go to rest in Sochi, even in the velvet season? While there are three logical explanation for this nonsense:
a) go, who do not have passports
b) go the old fashioned way, as in the Soviet period, because of the nostalgic feelings
c) go, because do not care where to hang out
And your version?
I am a first time, and hopefully for the last time in Sochi. In contrast to the construction of Olympic facilities impression of the All-Russian spa resorts most sad. For my money, I would never not go here for a vacation. Better in Turkey, Egypt. Yes, at worst - in the Crimea!
6 ph

They killed the local beaches. Little concrete reservation for the railroad. Imagine what is on the shingle, in July and August, at the tourist season, is in the crush.

Prices for food and alcohol is unreasonably expensive, Moscow. This service in the restaurants along the southern well, very slow.

A mystery to me, why do people go to rest in Sochi, even in the velvet season? While there are three logical explanation for this nonsense:
a) go, who do not have passports
b) go the old fashioned way, as in the Soviet period, because of the nostalgic feelings
c) go, because do not care where to hang out
And your version?


