Maybe for someone it now will be open, but absolutely any color can be obtained with a combination of red, green and blue. This triad is called RGB.
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Everyone is familiar with the principle of 3D - red and blue stereo glasses filters close the viewer left and right eye, respectively, which ultimately gives the three-dimensional image.
But at the entrance to the exhibition of Milan duo Gallery Johanssen Gallery in Berlin, the audience immediately give three different filters: red, blue and green. After all, each of the works presented in this exhibition, is just three paintings.
4. The last
Source: http: //
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Everyone is familiar with the principle of 3D - red and blue stereo glasses filters close the viewer left and right eye, respectively, which ultimately gives the three-dimensional image.

But at the entrance to the exhibition of Milan duo Gallery Johanssen Gallery in Berlin, the audience immediately give three different filters: red, blue and green. After all, each of the works presented in this exhibition, is just three paintings.

4. The last

Source: http: //