Fighting mud on the roads in Kaluga
Tired of the poor performance of public utilities Kaluga, townspeople began offering ways to deal with dirt and snow on the roads. Kaluzhanin Alexey Litvinenko called the editorial "Crossroads", and then he came to us in a car equipped with a special device.
We expect to see any truck equipped with superskrebkom or some other similar mechanism, but Alex came to the "Opel", the rear right mudguard which was fastened some black plastic contraption with two blades on each side, angled 20 degrees.
- This guide reflector road precipitation - explained Alex. - When driving a car road precipitation - snow or dirt - with its help will be directed toward the side of the road and beyond, depending on the speed of the car. The reflector can be mounted on a mudguard, locker or behind the wheel of the rear bumper.
Alex said that such a reflector can be made of black plastic or rubber using inexpensive supplies that are available in all mobile shops.
2 photos via kp40.ru
- Traffic rainfall raised in the air wheels moving the vehicle in contact with the blades of the reflector change their flight path and, accordingly, the place of his fall, - says Alexei Litovchenko principle of their know-how. - They are referred to the right side, to the side of the road.
Certainly, one such car Roads weather will do. But if we imagine that such reflectors will acquire the majority of motorists Kaluga, and several of these machines will pass each other on the same road, the effect is going to be very tangible.
Roadway cleared and all the dirt will be on the sidelines. Road builders and public utilities will only remove it.
Alex on his invention is not specifically worked, and came to him through observation, when he worked as a taxi driver.
- Once for a long time I stood in bad weather while waiting for passenger cars and watched while driving on urban mud. Then came the idea to try to do something, - says Alexei.
Those whom he talked about his invention and shows him until treated him with skepticism. Although he Alexei sure that the benefits of mass introduction of the reflector will be significant.
First, it increases the durability of roads, and second, to improve the environment. Oh, and most importantly, the motorists themselves are not even aware of it, to remove, for example, wet snow from the roadway.
It is known that many great inventions born of sometimes incredible assumptions and ideas. And we thought the idea of Alexey Litvinenko have sensible grain. One can only try know-how into practice.
On your car Alexey Litvinenko reflectors have put
We expect to see any truck equipped with superskrebkom or some other similar mechanism, but Alex came to the "Opel", the rear right mudguard which was fastened some black plastic contraption with two blades on each side, angled 20 degrees.
- This guide reflector road precipitation - explained Alex. - When driving a car road precipitation - snow or dirt - with its help will be directed toward the side of the road and beyond, depending on the speed of the car. The reflector can be mounted on a mudguard, locker or behind the wheel of the rear bumper.
Alex said that such a reflector can be made of black plastic or rubber using inexpensive supplies that are available in all mobile shops.
2 photos via kp40.ru
- Traffic rainfall raised in the air wheels moving the vehicle in contact with the blades of the reflector change their flight path and, accordingly, the place of his fall, - says Alexei Litovchenko principle of their know-how. - They are referred to the right side, to the side of the road.
Certainly, one such car Roads weather will do. But if we imagine that such reflectors will acquire the majority of motorists Kaluga, and several of these machines will pass each other on the same road, the effect is going to be very tangible.
Roadway cleared and all the dirt will be on the sidelines. Road builders and public utilities will only remove it.
Alex on his invention is not specifically worked, and came to him through observation, when he worked as a taxi driver.
- Once for a long time I stood in bad weather while waiting for passenger cars and watched while driving on urban mud. Then came the idea to try to do something, - says Alexei.
Those whom he talked about his invention and shows him until treated him with skepticism. Although he Alexei sure that the benefits of mass introduction of the reflector will be significant.
First, it increases the durability of roads, and second, to improve the environment. Oh, and most importantly, the motorists themselves are not even aware of it, to remove, for example, wet snow from the roadway.
It is known that many great inventions born of sometimes incredible assumptions and ideas. And we thought the idea of Alexey Litvinenko have sensible grain. One can only try know-how into practice.
On your car Alexey Litvinenko reflectors have put