Have you tried?
Have you tried?
My top 10 berry nyamok, of which I have not tried.
I want to visit every corner of the world, well, try local dishes, vegetables and fruit with berries, where the same without it. But have you tried?
15 photos
1. Asai (port. Açaí, açaizeiro), or Cabbage palm - genus of tropical trees, up to 30 meters or more thin, smooth trunks. Fruit - round, seeded, dark purple, almost black juicy berries. The berries have a very pleasant taste, reminiscent of blueberries or aronia. According to other sources Asai has an unusual taste, resembling the taste of raspberries and blackberries with a touch of walnut. In countries where this kind of palm trees, their fruits are added to smoothies, ice cream, desserts; also from berries make drinks. Homeland yagody- Belize, South - Peru and Brazil.
Asai collection
2. Myrica gale, other names - bog myrtle, a berry candle, scented heather, myrtle and others. Shrub 1-1, 5 m, branched, spherical. Bayberry hails from the East - these berries are very popular in Japan and China. There bayberry grown from time immemorial, its fruits, flowers and bark are used in traditional medicine. The berries are used in cooking, in the preparation of alcoholic beverages, canned juices, served as a dessert. The taste is sweet and sour, reminiscent of the taste of strawberries, blackberries and cherries together.
In Denmark, especially in Jutland, where gale marsh is quite widespread, plant shoots are a major component in the production of schnapps voskovnikovogo.
like that bayberry growing
3. Goji Berries Tibetan barberry - the name of the same fruit, she comes from Tibet. It looks plant as a shrub whose vines hanging down, reaching 7-8 meters. Touching the fruit causes the oxidation reaction of the skin with its subsequent blackening. Collect fruit, shaking the branches, the fruits fall to the special flooring, then they are dried in the shade. The taste is soft salty-sweet berries.
Goji dried
4. Saskatoon - deciduous shrub or small tree. Fruit - apples, blue-black or reddish-violet, with a bluish tinge, with a diameter of 10 mm, edible, sweet, ripe in Moscow in July - August. The taste is reminiscent of raisins.
There are 19 species irgi growing in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere: North America, North Africa, Central and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Crimea, Japan, and several hybrid forms. Easily adapting to widely divergent throughout the world, including in Russia. Quite often enraged. Seeds are spread by birds.
That's how Saskatoon blossoms
5. stone bramble - a small perennial herb up to 30 cm long outstretched on the ground shoots up to 1, 5 m, rooting for the autumn. Fruit - drupe rather large team of bright red or orange-red color, usually consists of four fruitlets, within each there is a large bone. The berries are juicy, sour, taste like pomegranate. The fruits ripen in July - August. In Russia, found in many regions of the European part (except for the extreme south), Siberia and the Far East. In Central Russia is known in all the areas dedicated to the humid forests, mainly coniferous.
6. Krasnik - shrub of the genus Vaccinium heath family. People plant name - "klopovka." It grows in the mountain-taiga regions of Primorye, Khabarovsk region (north of Sovetskaya Gavan on the coast and the mouth of the Amur), Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands (Shikotan, Kunashir, Iturup, Urup, Simushir, Keta), Hokkaido, Honshu. The berries are spherical, 8-10 mm in diameter, bright red, glossy, juicy, sweet-sour. Specific smell of berries caused the name "klopovka."
Ah, a handful Krasniqi would now
7. Sunberry - solar berries (blueberries in the world-fort), Solarium nigrum - perennial of the nightshade family. Sunberry - is the result of years of work of the famous American breeder Luther Burbank-Darwinist. As the parent forms were used by representatives of fauna from different continents: African nightshade and European creeping nightshade. Juicy berries gathered in clusters of 10-15 pieces, to taste reminiscent of black nightshade. Not everyone may like the taste of fresh berries. But mincemeat of Sunberry obtained excellent. Jam Sunberry has incomparable flavor.
8. Chinese Litchi (Lychee). For more than 1000 years, this berry has been known in China and Vietnam. It is a very good source of essential vitamin C (100 g berries is 72 mg of vitamin C), potassiuma and other nutrients. It is the fruit size of a small plum, coated with a thin solid pupyrchatoy red shell, which hides under the elastic translucent flesh with kislovato- sweet taste and aroma of rose petals.
9. Carambola - a bright yellow or golden berries weighing up to 200 grams. The fruits have a thin, delicate, almost transparent skin and watery aromatic flesh with a pleasant sweet-sour taste. The fruit is considered ripe when is dark yellow and brown the edges. It grows in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil and Israel. Carambola eat raw or as an ingredient in fruit salads. Also used as a beautiful decoration for any meals and cocktails.
10 Mangosteen - a round berry, which reaches the diameter of 5-7 centimeters. The rind from mangosteen is very dense, the color varies from purple to brown-red. In the food used by a white juicy pulp, consisting of 4-7 segments. Refreshing, creamy taste mangostanana considered the most elegant of all tropical fruits. It is because of its taste and aroma mangosteen received the title of King of tropical fruits. It grows in Indonesia, Thailand, Central America, Brazil. To use it is necessary to make an incision in the skin of a firm with a knife and cut out the cover, remove it. Segments pulp split, like slices of mandarin. The flesh can be eaten raw or used for making fruit salads and desserts.
But we remember that allergy has not been canceled! Bon Appetit!
My top 10 berry nyamok, of which I have not tried.
I want to visit every corner of the world, well, try local dishes, vegetables and fruit with berries, where the same without it. But have you tried?
15 photos
1. Asai (port. Açaí, açaizeiro), or Cabbage palm - genus of tropical trees, up to 30 meters or more thin, smooth trunks. Fruit - round, seeded, dark purple, almost black juicy berries. The berries have a very pleasant taste, reminiscent of blueberries or aronia. According to other sources Asai has an unusual taste, resembling the taste of raspberries and blackberries with a touch of walnut. In countries where this kind of palm trees, their fruits are added to smoothies, ice cream, desserts; also from berries make drinks. Homeland yagody- Belize, South - Peru and Brazil.

Asai collection

2. Myrica gale, other names - bog myrtle, a berry candle, scented heather, myrtle and others. Shrub 1-1, 5 m, branched, spherical. Bayberry hails from the East - these berries are very popular in Japan and China. There bayberry grown from time immemorial, its fruits, flowers and bark are used in traditional medicine. The berries are used in cooking, in the preparation of alcoholic beverages, canned juices, served as a dessert. The taste is sweet and sour, reminiscent of the taste of strawberries, blackberries and cherries together.
In Denmark, especially in Jutland, where gale marsh is quite widespread, plant shoots are a major component in the production of schnapps voskovnikovogo.

like that bayberry growing

3. Goji Berries Tibetan barberry - the name of the same fruit, she comes from Tibet. It looks plant as a shrub whose vines hanging down, reaching 7-8 meters. Touching the fruit causes the oxidation reaction of the skin with its subsequent blackening. Collect fruit, shaking the branches, the fruits fall to the special flooring, then they are dried in the shade. The taste is soft salty-sweet berries.

Goji dried

4. Saskatoon - deciduous shrub or small tree. Fruit - apples, blue-black or reddish-violet, with a bluish tinge, with a diameter of 10 mm, edible, sweet, ripe in Moscow in July - August. The taste is reminiscent of raisins.
There are 19 species irgi growing in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere: North America, North Africa, Central and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Crimea, Japan, and several hybrid forms. Easily adapting to widely divergent throughout the world, including in Russia. Quite often enraged. Seeds are spread by birds.

That's how Saskatoon blossoms

5. stone bramble - a small perennial herb up to 30 cm long outstretched on the ground shoots up to 1, 5 m, rooting for the autumn. Fruit - drupe rather large team of bright red or orange-red color, usually consists of four fruitlets, within each there is a large bone. The berries are juicy, sour, taste like pomegranate. The fruits ripen in July - August. In Russia, found in many regions of the European part (except for the extreme south), Siberia and the Far East. In Central Russia is known in all the areas dedicated to the humid forests, mainly coniferous.

6. Krasnik - shrub of the genus Vaccinium heath family. People plant name - "klopovka." It grows in the mountain-taiga regions of Primorye, Khabarovsk region (north of Sovetskaya Gavan on the coast and the mouth of the Amur), Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands (Shikotan, Kunashir, Iturup, Urup, Simushir, Keta), Hokkaido, Honshu. The berries are spherical, 8-10 mm in diameter, bright red, glossy, juicy, sweet-sour. Specific smell of berries caused the name "klopovka."

Ah, a handful Krasniqi would now

7. Sunberry - solar berries (blueberries in the world-fort), Solarium nigrum - perennial of the nightshade family. Sunberry - is the result of years of work of the famous American breeder Luther Burbank-Darwinist. As the parent forms were used by representatives of fauna from different continents: African nightshade and European creeping nightshade. Juicy berries gathered in clusters of 10-15 pieces, to taste reminiscent of black nightshade. Not everyone may like the taste of fresh berries. But mincemeat of Sunberry obtained excellent. Jam Sunberry has incomparable flavor.

8. Chinese Litchi (Lychee). For more than 1000 years, this berry has been known in China and Vietnam. It is a very good source of essential vitamin C (100 g berries is 72 mg of vitamin C), potassiuma and other nutrients. It is the fruit size of a small plum, coated with a thin solid pupyrchatoy red shell, which hides under the elastic translucent flesh with kislovato- sweet taste and aroma of rose petals.

9. Carambola - a bright yellow or golden berries weighing up to 200 grams. The fruits have a thin, delicate, almost transparent skin and watery aromatic flesh with a pleasant sweet-sour taste. The fruit is considered ripe when is dark yellow and brown the edges. It grows in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil and Israel. Carambola eat raw or as an ingredient in fruit salads. Also used as a beautiful decoration for any meals and cocktails.

10 Mangosteen - a round berry, which reaches the diameter of 5-7 centimeters. The rind from mangosteen is very dense, the color varies from purple to brown-red. In the food used by a white juicy pulp, consisting of 4-7 segments. Refreshing, creamy taste mangostanana considered the most elegant of all tropical fruits. It is because of its taste and aroma mangosteen received the title of King of tropical fruits. It grows in Indonesia, Thailand, Central America, Brazil. To use it is necessary to make an incision in the skin of a firm with a knife and cut out the cover, remove it. Segments pulp split, like slices of mandarin. The flesh can be eaten raw or used for making fruit salads and desserts.
But we remember that allergy has not been canceled! Bon Appetit!
