Bulk: painting in action
Interview with Navalny on FinamFM
Do not hide your money at banks and corners
And best of invest them in the struggle against swindlers, robbing all of us. [Next]
It is finished. We have finally matured to raise money.
As I wrote before the New Year navalny.livejournal.com/541417.html finance the project "Painting" will be all together. < br /> Once again briefly on the concept:
Law 94-FZ (one of the few decent things in our legislation) allows us all fairly easy to detect fraud officials on the implementation of public procurement.
News websites for $ 2 million., The purchase of beds and tables covered with gold Lexus cars for rural hospitals, scanners for $ 4 million at a cost of $ 1 million, etc. appear daily.
We are already inundated with these messages.
The level of corruption in public procurement is amazing. Actually Medvedev himself says that every year they steal one trillion (!) Rubles. www.vedomosti.ru/politics/news/1135...stigaet_bolee_1
Expect that officials deliberately and falling, will be competing with their own corruption is not necessary.
Well, it means something to have to do ourselves. It is clear that an alternative FSB, the prosecutor's office or the firing squad will not create.
But some efforts can be quite effective. Only a very chaotic motions through my magazine has already led to the cancellation of corrupt tenders 243 million rubles. navalny.livejournal.com/524351.html
Accordingly, our goal is to make a small, but military structure which, based on a large number of activists and formal legal possibilities, AD suit specific crooks.
With More activists we have no problems - on RosPile zageristrirovalos now more than two thousand people.
Now we need lawyers who are stupid and methodically, will write to complain, go to the courts and commissions Antimonopoly Service.
3-6 people (it depends on how much money collect).
How much money to collect?
The task at least - 3 million rubles a year
The task of the maximum - 5 million rubles a year
Is this possible?
I believe that it is possible. If it works, it will be the first example in the history of the new Russia as a great civil project financed in such a way, and not through a grant or just a rich sponsor.
Existing independent charitable projects are successful and collect more, then we gather.
How much to pay you personally?
As I said, I myself will pay 30 thousand rubles a year, plus a small cover organizational expenses.
What exactly will the money?
A very small amount to pay for the server "painted" on the rest of the salary. The project coordinator, a lawyer and a law.
Perhaps we will pay for expertise in complex cases.
Coordinator I choose myself, legal type on a competitive basis. The announcement of the vacancy shall publish in LJ.
All expenses will be posted on the general overview detailing to the penny.
It will be "white" salary?
Project RosPil obviously involves all the "white". And because we are for law and order because once we give the slightest reason to find fault with us, there will be everything from the FSB to the firefighters.
Alas - the "white" wages mean taxes. You can thank the current government, unwilling povyschat excise duties on tobacco and alcohol, but it increases payroll taxes, but to a sn give someone $ 100, we need to gather up 147 rubles (income tax and insurance payments).
Therefore, we must understand that a very significant part of what we will gather at the disposal of the organizers of the cuts. But this is just an excuse to work better
As everyone will be formalized?
The money you give to me simply. And I conclude employment contracts with those who have to work.
What are the salaries?
Salaries are market. The exact size of their identify and publish it to the dynamics of raising money in the first couple of weeks.
As we will check that you do not collect the money yourself?
After much deliberation, we concluded that the first phase of the work will be collected through Yandex-money.
In addition, the guys from Yandex themselves came to us, saying: "All the same we will collect through. Let us explain everything you do, and that in fact nakosyachil, and then raise the cry: Yandex and FSB Navalny stole money ».
From the account has two keys. With the aid of the operation can be performed - it will be just me. With the aid of a second you can watch all the committed transactions, where it was, where it took. This second key I'll 8-10 people who all love and respect. These people are not connected with me and will be for all of you to guarantee control.
If I decide to steal public cash, I will immediately caught.
Names of people announced in the near future.
In fact, this second key could simply publish for all to watch in the accounts. But this means that in some cases, be able to see and all donors, some of whom may wish to be anonymous.
Who knows, I donated money?
If you want to learn, we will write it in golden letters, a special section. If you do not want, you will not know anybody. Even the transfer from a bank account allows you to see us only an account number, but not name. If you send money through "iron bar" (well, this thing where mobile pay more for), then set your personality does not seem possible.
Will it be taxable income to you?
No. I do not get the money, Yandex-money, which is not the money, and the right to claim.
In short, here we are able to save 13% of income tax.
Are we going to buy with this money weapons and ammunition?
No. Not yet.
How do we measure effectiveness?
A detailed report on the work of everyone who financed under this scheme will be published on the site.
What list?
What you see fit.
Will you promise that the money I put into tears, white hair and possible landing corrupt?
Money harness my pocket! I want to help the project RosPil! What to do?
The account number Yandex-money - 41001859832724
The purpose of payment is necessary to put the "Donation" and (optionally) specify the name, if you will come out of his gilded letters in the "Who pays" painting ".
The main methods of money transfer to the account:
Bank cards
Internet banking
Prepaid cards
Systems transfers and payments
Answers to any questions regarding payments have here.
Along the way, we will try to cover any other legal ways of financing.
Let's go.
Crooks will show that we will fund a project to deal with them without the oligarchs and foreign grants.
via navalny navalny.livejournal.com/547869.html
at the time on February 3, has already collected 1.2 million rubles 75,200,769
Do not hide your money at banks and corners
And best of invest them in the struggle against swindlers, robbing all of us. [Next]
It is finished. We have finally matured to raise money.
As I wrote before the New Year navalny.livejournal.com/541417.html finance the project "Painting" will be all together. < br /> Once again briefly on the concept:
Law 94-FZ (one of the few decent things in our legislation) allows us all fairly easy to detect fraud officials on the implementation of public procurement.
News websites for $ 2 million., The purchase of beds and tables covered with gold Lexus cars for rural hospitals, scanners for $ 4 million at a cost of $ 1 million, etc. appear daily.
We are already inundated with these messages.
The level of corruption in public procurement is amazing. Actually Medvedev himself says that every year they steal one trillion (!) Rubles. www.vedomosti.ru/politics/news/1135...stigaet_bolee_1
Expect that officials deliberately and falling, will be competing with their own corruption is not necessary.
Well, it means something to have to do ourselves. It is clear that an alternative FSB, the prosecutor's office or the firing squad will not create.
But some efforts can be quite effective. Only a very chaotic motions through my magazine has already led to the cancellation of corrupt tenders 243 million rubles. navalny.livejournal.com/524351.html
Accordingly, our goal is to make a small, but military structure which, based on a large number of activists and formal legal possibilities, AD suit specific crooks.
With More activists we have no problems - on RosPile zageristrirovalos now more than two thousand people.
Now we need lawyers who are stupid and methodically, will write to complain, go to the courts and commissions Antimonopoly Service.
3-6 people (it depends on how much money collect).
How much money to collect?
The task at least - 3 million rubles a year
The task of the maximum - 5 million rubles a year
Is this possible?
I believe that it is possible. If it works, it will be the first example in the history of the new Russia as a great civil project financed in such a way, and not through a grant or just a rich sponsor.
Existing independent charitable projects are successful and collect more, then we gather.
How much to pay you personally?
As I said, I myself will pay 30 thousand rubles a year, plus a small cover organizational expenses.
What exactly will the money?
A very small amount to pay for the server "painted" on the rest of the salary. The project coordinator, a lawyer and a law.
Perhaps we will pay for expertise in complex cases.
Coordinator I choose myself, legal type on a competitive basis. The announcement of the vacancy shall publish in LJ.
All expenses will be posted on the general overview detailing to the penny.
It will be "white" salary?
Project RosPil obviously involves all the "white". And because we are for law and order because once we give the slightest reason to find fault with us, there will be everything from the FSB to the firefighters.
Alas - the "white" wages mean taxes. You can thank the current government, unwilling povyschat excise duties on tobacco and alcohol, but it increases payroll taxes, but to a sn give someone $ 100, we need to gather up 147 rubles (income tax and insurance payments).
Therefore, we must understand that a very significant part of what we will gather at the disposal of the organizers of the cuts. But this is just an excuse to work better
As everyone will be formalized?
The money you give to me simply. And I conclude employment contracts with those who have to work.
What are the salaries?
Salaries are market. The exact size of their identify and publish it to the dynamics of raising money in the first couple of weeks.
As we will check that you do not collect the money yourself?
After much deliberation, we concluded that the first phase of the work will be collected through Yandex-money.
In addition, the guys from Yandex themselves came to us, saying: "All the same we will collect through. Let us explain everything you do, and that in fact nakosyachil, and then raise the cry: Yandex and FSB Navalny stole money ».
From the account has two keys. With the aid of the operation can be performed - it will be just me. With the aid of a second you can watch all the committed transactions, where it was, where it took. This second key I'll 8-10 people who all love and respect. These people are not connected with me and will be for all of you to guarantee control.
If I decide to steal public cash, I will immediately caught.
Names of people announced in the near future.
In fact, this second key could simply publish for all to watch in the accounts. But this means that in some cases, be able to see and all donors, some of whom may wish to be anonymous.
Who knows, I donated money?
If you want to learn, we will write it in golden letters, a special section. If you do not want, you will not know anybody. Even the transfer from a bank account allows you to see us only an account number, but not name. If you send money through "iron bar" (well, this thing where mobile pay more for), then set your personality does not seem possible.
Will it be taxable income to you?
No. I do not get the money, Yandex-money, which is not the money, and the right to claim.
In short, here we are able to save 13% of income tax.
Are we going to buy with this money weapons and ammunition?
No. Not yet.
How do we measure effectiveness?
A detailed report on the work of everyone who financed under this scheme will be published on the site.
What list?
What you see fit.
Will you promise that the money I put into tears, white hair and possible landing corrupt?
Money harness my pocket! I want to help the project RosPil! What to do?
The account number Yandex-money - 41001859832724
The purpose of payment is necessary to put the "Donation" and (optionally) specify the name, if you will come out of his gilded letters in the "Who pays" painting ".
The main methods of money transfer to the account:
Bank cards
Internet banking
Prepaid cards
Systems transfers and payments
Answers to any questions regarding payments have here.
Along the way, we will try to cover any other legal ways of financing.
Let's go.
Crooks will show that we will fund a project to deal with them without the oligarchs and foreign grants.
via navalny navalny.livejournal.com/547869.html
at the time on February 3, has already collected 1.2 million rubles 75,200,769