How to extract oil in the sea?
Recently Sergey Dolya talked about how to construct the Offshore Drilling. Today, we will focus on how the oil is extracted in a sea
27 photos
All management of marine ice-resistant stationary platform (MISP) comes from a central control unit (CPU):
The entire platform is crammed with sensors and even if somewhere in the wrong place worker lit a cigarette, it soon will know the CPU and, later, in the personnel department, which will prepare the order for dismissal of the wiseacre before the helicopter took him to mainland:
The upper deck is called the Pipe. Here collect candles from 2-3 drill pipe and hence the same is controlled drilling process:
Pipe deck - the only place on the rig, where there is at least some hint of dirt. All the other places on the platform to kick to shine.
Large gray circle on the right - a new well that is currently drilled. Drilling each hole takes about 2 months:
drilling process
Chief driller. He has a wheelchair with 4 monitors, joystick and various other cool thing. From this wonderful armchairs it controls the drilling process:
Pumps pumping drilling fluid under pressure to 150 atmospheres. On the platform 2 working pump and 1 spare
Cutters - chisel. That it is on the cutting edge of the drill string:
With mud is pumped to the previous photo, cool the teeth, and gnaw the rock is carried away upstairs with waste drilling mud:
At the moment, on this rig already operating 3 oil, gas and 1 1 water wells. Another well is during drilling.
At the same time can be drilled only one well, and all of them will be 27. Each well of 2, 5 to 7 kilometers long (not deep). Oil reservoir lies 1,300 meters under the ground, so that all horizontal wells and how the tentacles differ from the drill:
Debit wells (ie, how much oil she shakes per hour) from 12 to 30 cubes:
In these cylinders, the separators passing gas and water is separated from oil, and the output after running through an oil treatment, which separates the oil from all the impurities produced commercial oil:
Platform laid a subsea pipeline length of 58 kilometers to a floating reservoir is installed ice zone of the Caspian Sea:
The oil pipeline is pumped main pumps:
These compressors pump the associated gas back into the reservoir to maintain reservoir pressure that pushes the oil to the surface, respectively, is greater than the return of oil:
The water that is separated from the oil, purified from mechanical impurities and recycled back into the reservoir (the same water that drained from the bowels)
Pumps 160 atmospheres, water is pumped back into the reservoir:
The platform has its own chemical laboratory, which control all the parameters of oil, associated gas and water:
Drilling electricity supply 4 turbines operating on associated gas, with a total capacity of about 20 megawatts. The white boxes turbine at 5 megawatts each:
If the turbine, for whatever reasons, bran, drilling will supply backup diesel generators:
Switchboard has 2 floors:
Special boilers afterburning exhaust from the turbine and heat their apartment complex. That is, even the exhaust as in the machine of the muffler and disposed into atmosphere zero pollutants:
We found a rare moment when associated gas is simply burned in the flare boom, since at this time the concrete was poured between the walls of the well and the casing, and is mostly of 98% of associated gas is used for own needs:
27 photos

All management of marine ice-resistant stationary platform (MISP) comes from a central control unit (CPU):

The entire platform is crammed with sensors and even if somewhere in the wrong place worker lit a cigarette, it soon will know the CPU and, later, in the personnel department, which will prepare the order for dismissal of the wiseacre before the helicopter took him to mainland:

The upper deck is called the Pipe. Here collect candles from 2-3 drill pipe and hence the same is controlled drilling process:

Pipe deck - the only place on the rig, where there is at least some hint of dirt. All the other places on the platform to kick to shine.

Large gray circle on the right - a new well that is currently drilled. Drilling each hole takes about 2 months:

drilling process

Chief driller. He has a wheelchair with 4 monitors, joystick and various other cool thing. From this wonderful armchairs it controls the drilling process:

Pumps pumping drilling fluid under pressure to 150 atmospheres. On the platform 2 working pump and 1 spare

Cutters - chisel. That it is on the cutting edge of the drill string:

With mud is pumped to the previous photo, cool the teeth, and gnaw the rock is carried away upstairs with waste drilling mud:

At the moment, on this rig already operating 3 oil, gas and 1 1 water wells. Another well is during drilling.
At the same time can be drilled only one well, and all of them will be 27. Each well of 2, 5 to 7 kilometers long (not deep). Oil reservoir lies 1,300 meters under the ground, so that all horizontal wells and how the tentacles differ from the drill:

Debit wells (ie, how much oil she shakes per hour) from 12 to 30 cubes:

In these cylinders, the separators passing gas and water is separated from oil, and the output after running through an oil treatment, which separates the oil from all the impurities produced commercial oil:

Platform laid a subsea pipeline length of 58 kilometers to a floating reservoir is installed ice zone of the Caspian Sea:

The oil pipeline is pumped main pumps:

These compressors pump the associated gas back into the reservoir to maintain reservoir pressure that pushes the oil to the surface, respectively, is greater than the return of oil:

The water that is separated from the oil, purified from mechanical impurities and recycled back into the reservoir (the same water that drained from the bowels)

Pumps 160 atmospheres, water is pumped back into the reservoir:

The platform has its own chemical laboratory, which control all the parameters of oil, associated gas and water:


Drilling electricity supply 4 turbines operating on associated gas, with a total capacity of about 20 megawatts. The white boxes turbine at 5 megawatts each:

If the turbine, for whatever reasons, bran, drilling will supply backup diesel generators:

Switchboard has 2 floors:

Special boilers afterburning exhaust from the turbine and heat their apartment complex. That is, even the exhaust as in the machine of the muffler and disposed into atmosphere zero pollutants:


We found a rare moment when associated gas is simply burned in the flare boom, since at this time the concrete was poured between the walls of the well and the casing, and is mostly of 98% of associated gas is used for own needs:
