National characteristics storage of firewood.
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So stack firewood Olonets Karelia. It still low Polenitsa. Usually, much higher and is shaped like a haystack. As a haystack does not get wet in the rain, just do not soak the wood. The wind blows freely the wood from all sides, so they are always dry and well-lit.
It is in the village. City eliminates national characteristics of people. In the city all the usual wooden sheds built with blank walls for one simple reason - the wood can steal.
So stack firewood in woodpile long Pryazha Karelia. On top of the wood covered. Polenitsa folded towards the street so that the wind blows it thoroughly and well dried firewood.
It Zaozerye. In Russian Karelia usually do shed without walls, but with the roof. Wind roam freely back and forth and dries the wood to the desired condition. Roof top shelter from the rain.
3 photo
So stack firewood Olonets Karelia. It still low Polenitsa. Usually, much higher and is shaped like a haystack. As a haystack does not get wet in the rain, just do not soak the wood. The wind blows freely the wood from all sides, so they are always dry and well-lit.
It is in the village. City eliminates national characteristics of people. In the city all the usual wooden sheds built with blank walls for one simple reason - the wood can steal.
So stack firewood in woodpile long Pryazha Karelia. On top of the wood covered. Polenitsa folded towards the street so that the wind blows it thoroughly and well dried firewood.
It Zaozerye. In Russian Karelia usually do shed without walls, but with the roof. Wind roam freely back and forth and dries the wood to the desired condition. Roof top shelter from the rain.