Fungal place
23 photos + a bit of letters
This weekend went for the mushrooms for 300 kilometers from Moscow. I took the baskets except with another camera. So now you have the opportunity to go there with me, I assure you there is something to see. One of the photographs with a fairly close-up fit more than 20 brown cap boletus.
Morning in the village. Before her, by the way, about 20 kilometers of dirt road through the woods.
We got up at dawn, modal time for photographers and fungi more, though it is wilderness, but local in the woods there.
Amanita to hide, and asks the lens.
If at first we collected singles mushrooms. That came out on the edge of understand that now we will fill all the capacity that we had with them. If you look closely, you on this photo More than 20 brown cap boletus and a small part of what surrounds us there.
Here beside another.
Experienced comrades, who this year is not the first time went for mushrooms, take a backpack, which climb three cardboard boxes.
Fifteen minutes later it was filled and we are still currently allowed to choose what mushrooms we take, and what is not.
Frankly, frame staging. Cep has been set on the picturesque mound from the basket.
Interestingly, white fungus growing the slowest, but increase in weight in 1 day had the highest. On the fourth day of his stature weight 160g. For example, russula - 12g. Most fungi grow for 3-5 days prior to medium-sized and still continues to grow 10-15 days. On an average day, the growth of the mushroom caps and height - 1, 5 cm.
Thus, preparing for drying mushrooms in the Russian stove.
In the forest, we have divided opinion, as far as I can remember, it was always assumed that the fungus should be cut with a knife, so as not to damage the mycelium. This time I was told that it is wrong. According to the new information after this method, the remaining leg starts to rot and it is harmful to the whole mycelium. Now recommend the mushroom twist entirely. Who collects what method?
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you all for your attention
This weekend went for the mushrooms for 300 kilometers from Moscow. I took the baskets except with another camera. So now you have the opportunity to go there with me, I assure you there is something to see. One of the photographs with a fairly close-up fit more than 20 brown cap boletus.
Morning in the village. Before her, by the way, about 20 kilometers of dirt road through the woods.
We got up at dawn, modal time for photographers and fungi more, though it is wilderness, but local in the woods there.
Amanita to hide, and asks the lens.
If at first we collected singles mushrooms. That came out on the edge of understand that now we will fill all the capacity that we had with them. If you look closely, you on this photo More than 20 brown cap boletus and a small part of what surrounds us there.
Here beside another.
Experienced comrades, who this year is not the first time went for mushrooms, take a backpack, which climb three cardboard boxes.
Fifteen minutes later it was filled and we are still currently allowed to choose what mushrooms we take, and what is not.
Frankly, frame staging. Cep has been set on the picturesque mound from the basket.
Interestingly, white fungus growing the slowest, but increase in weight in 1 day had the highest. On the fourth day of his stature weight 160g. For example, russula - 12g. Most fungi grow for 3-5 days prior to medium-sized and still continues to grow 10-15 days. On an average day, the growth of the mushroom caps and height - 1, 5 cm.
Thus, preparing for drying mushrooms in the Russian stove.
In the forest, we have divided opinion, as far as I can remember, it was always assumed that the fungus should be cut with a knife, so as not to damage the mycelium. This time I was told that it is wrong. According to the new information after this method, the remaining leg starts to rot and it is harmful to the whole mycelium. Now recommend the mushroom twist entirely. Who collects what method?
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you all for your attention