Results of search for missing flight MH370
Yesterday, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak made a statement that the missing March 8 Boeing 777-200 plane crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. Representatives of the airline Malaysia Airlines has reported this information to all the relatives of the passengers of flight MH370. In all likelihood no survivors in the crash. It is worth noting that as of today, the search teams have not found any fragment of an airliner.
China. Beijing. March 25. A relative of one of the missing passengers of the aircraft after the statement of Prime Minister Malayzii.
Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur. March 25. Malaysia Airlines Managing Director Ahmad Jawhar makes a statement at the International Airport in Kuala Lumpura.
China. Beijing. March 25. Relatives of passengers Boeing 777-200.
China. Beijing. March 24th. Relatives of passengers Boeing 777-200.
Source: mirfactov.com/