Aeroflot leaks
He writes Ilya Varlamov
Today I left home at 7 am to noon to be in Amsterdam. But it did not. Landing on the flight SU229 Aeroflot was supposed to start at 10:30, but as an invitation passengers heard: "Departure of the flight SU229 Amsterdam delayed until 1330 due to the late arrival of the aircraft." Moved 3 hours, it does not seem to matter. Here it is necessary to digress.
For some reason today to Sheremetyevo F is not working ventilation and air conditioning. Judging by the fact that all the airport staff on the tables were fans, ventilation does not work here for a long time. To be in the departure lounge was impossible. The temperature was under 40, a terrible stuffiness. A lot of people flew on holiday with the kids, for them it was all the horror. As a mockery of the passengers on the speakerphone administration Sheremetyevo declared: "Dear passengers, for a comfortable waiting for your flight you modet use the business halls. Cost of services 1500 rubles. "That is, the passengers passed control remains two exits, or pay 1500 rubles and sit in the air conditioned room, or die from the heat in the common room. I chose the first option.
The passengers of the flight SU229 13:10 invited to the landing. But before the first passengers enter the cabin and take their seats as the aircraft commander asked everyone to leave. About 200 people gathered near the exit. At this time of the wings of the aircraft poured kerosene! I poured it very well, for a few minutes under the plane formed decent puddle. Fire truck arrived, firefighters began to pour a puddle of foam. People continued to stand no clarity was not. I went to look for the representative of Aeroflot, but he apparently felt wrong, somewhere evaporated. The passengers were nervous, many were transit flights, someone was commissioned cruise, kids crying in the room was 40, not a single representative of Aeroflot there. Soon handsfree announced a new time of departure - 14:10. By this time, a puddle under the plane washed away, the plane itself apparently patched and passengers rushed to take their places.
Flight attendants carried out the necessary preflight procedures, pilots were about to start the engines, but they are not bred. So we sat on the plane for an hour. No information other than the small lie commander that he was waiting for some teams. And then I looked out the window .... and there from the wings again pours kerosene! Inside, there was a smell of aviation fuel. Oil Painting - people are sitting in an airplane, it implies fuel, and the commander of soothing joy that now we fly. Soon the smell probably came to the cockpit and slightly sobered pilots. All the passengers once again kicked out of the cabin into the stove F. Sheremetyevo Fire once again poured all foam, passengers crowd in stands with representatives, no one owes nothing to say.
I refused to go. At 15-30, I came out of the airport building. Total no representative of Aeroflot did not come out to the passengers, no one apologized, no one gave the normal information about what is happening. Most of all I'm interested in another question. The pilot was about to take off, while kerosene has not started to pour a second time. And if it was not on the platform, and in flight? It is normal that passengers have started in a faulty plane and he was about to take off?
Today I left home at 7 am to noon to be in Amsterdam. But it did not. Landing on the flight SU229 Aeroflot was supposed to start at 10:30, but as an invitation passengers heard: "Departure of the flight SU229 Amsterdam delayed until 1330 due to the late arrival of the aircraft." Moved 3 hours, it does not seem to matter. Here it is necessary to digress.
For some reason today to Sheremetyevo F is not working ventilation and air conditioning. Judging by the fact that all the airport staff on the tables were fans, ventilation does not work here for a long time. To be in the departure lounge was impossible. The temperature was under 40, a terrible stuffiness. A lot of people flew on holiday with the kids, for them it was all the horror. As a mockery of the passengers on the speakerphone administration Sheremetyevo declared: "Dear passengers, for a comfortable waiting for your flight you modet use the business halls. Cost of services 1500 rubles. "That is, the passengers passed control remains two exits, or pay 1500 rubles and sit in the air conditioned room, or die from the heat in the common room. I chose the first option.

The passengers of the flight SU229 13:10 invited to the landing. But before the first passengers enter the cabin and take their seats as the aircraft commander asked everyone to leave. About 200 people gathered near the exit. At this time of the wings of the aircraft poured kerosene! I poured it very well, for a few minutes under the plane formed decent puddle. Fire truck arrived, firefighters began to pour a puddle of foam. People continued to stand no clarity was not. I went to look for the representative of Aeroflot, but he apparently felt wrong, somewhere evaporated. The passengers were nervous, many were transit flights, someone was commissioned cruise, kids crying in the room was 40, not a single representative of Aeroflot there. Soon handsfree announced a new time of departure - 14:10. By this time, a puddle under the plane washed away, the plane itself apparently patched and passengers rushed to take their places.
Flight attendants carried out the necessary preflight procedures, pilots were about to start the engines, but they are not bred. So we sat on the plane for an hour. No information other than the small lie commander that he was waiting for some teams. And then I looked out the window .... and there from the wings again pours kerosene! Inside, there was a smell of aviation fuel. Oil Painting - people are sitting in an airplane, it implies fuel, and the commander of soothing joy that now we fly. Soon the smell probably came to the cockpit and slightly sobered pilots. All the passengers once again kicked out of the cabin into the stove F. Sheremetyevo Fire once again poured all foam, passengers crowd in stands with representatives, no one owes nothing to say.
I refused to go. At 15-30, I came out of the airport building. Total no representative of Aeroflot did not come out to the passengers, no one apologized, no one gave the normal information about what is happening. Most of all I'm interested in another question. The pilot was about to take off, while kerosene has not started to pour a second time. And if it was not on the platform, and in flight? It is normal that passengers have started in a faulty plane and he was about to take off?
