Aviatseh 8623
In Moscow, a lot of factories related to the aircraft industry. These plants are not interesting from the outside, but very interesting inside. In Soviet times, to see that in this record, it was possible only to those who worked there, but now a different time, and everything was a little easier. And at night in a rainy autumn day, when the guards peacefully asleep, I teleported to the territory in search of another photographic material. So, welcome to the shop № 8623.
25 photos
1. Lightly soaked under the rain, I went to the open corridor and start viewing.
2. All the doors were closed, and get nothing damaged, it was only possible in the shop.
3. A couple of minutes and I was behind the door. And immediately I realized that the night will be held not in vain.
4. In the only lit area shops are stacks to build planes, they come in all sizes and shapes, usually the plant itself produces them.
5. The entire plant is absolutely working, and relatively clean.
6. Svezhepokrashennaya item on the trolley.
7. As I understand it in this round thing built.
8. Place the employee.
9. These stands are on every factory where I was. True signs they are different.
10. The forms for the noses of fighter.
11. I think for this is a specific title and more interesting to learn the process of making noses.
12. Approximately one hour of being in the shop, was found screaming wildly life form. The cry was so sharp that I almost dropped the camera with a tripod together. The animal was obviously a romantic mood and Ora has been heard, a few minutes later he reappeared cat. Photograph them failed. they quickly went away and I continued to shoot it is not clear to me things.
13. Racks with templates, using them to shape the details of cladding
14. They are quite a lot.
15. Again, the mechanisms are not known to me.
17. The table at which the hand-dyed rivets and other non-painted items.
20. Wing.
21. The plating bath.
23. This part of the plant has been equipped with a variety of machine tools, machine tools is quite typical for plants. A variety of patterns of wood.
24. Another fighter.
25. For two hours in the shop, I got a good positive emotions, and all because I love cats and planes.
25 photos
1. Lightly soaked under the rain, I went to the open corridor and start viewing.

2. All the doors were closed, and get nothing damaged, it was only possible in the shop.

3. A couple of minutes and I was behind the door. And immediately I realized that the night will be held not in vain.

4. In the only lit area shops are stacks to build planes, they come in all sizes and shapes, usually the plant itself produces them.

5. The entire plant is absolutely working, and relatively clean.

6. Svezhepokrashennaya item on the trolley.

7. As I understand it in this round thing built.

8. Place the employee.

9. These stands are on every factory where I was. True signs they are different.

10. The forms for the noses of fighter.

11. I think for this is a specific title and more interesting to learn the process of making noses.

12. Approximately one hour of being in the shop, was found screaming wildly life form. The cry was so sharp that I almost dropped the camera with a tripod together. The animal was obviously a romantic mood and Ora has been heard, a few minutes later he reappeared cat. Photograph them failed. they quickly went away and I continued to shoot it is not clear to me things.

13. Racks with templates, using them to shape the details of cladding

14. They are quite a lot.

15. Again, the mechanisms are not known to me.


17. The table at which the hand-dyed rivets and other non-painted items.



20. Wing.

21. The plating bath.


23. This part of the plant has been equipped with a variety of machine tools, machine tools is quite typical for plants. A variety of patterns of wood.

24. Another fighter.

25. For two hours in the shop, I got a good positive emotions, and all because I love cats and planes.