Abandoned school in the Kola Peninsula
This school is located in Teriberke, on the Kola Peninsula. It is closed not long ago, in 2005. The building is purchased by someone, and that someone no one here has ever seen. They promised to make the school a hotel but well worth it since closed. Instead, it works the other "new" in Lodeynoye. And not only in the decay of the building itself, but also that there's nothing special to teach nobody. And those who can teach, prefer to finish 9th grade.
39 photos via cr2
1. School designed taking into account the autonomous existence. It and its boiler, and a well with drinking water.
2. Open the doors and windows of course it was not, so it was decided to get in through the second floor
3. Carefully removing the glass, all were inside
4. Downstairs, we first came to the library
5. On the floor are neat old computers, and it is of 2000 kilometers from Moscow, on the edge of the peninsula
6. The library was very big. Moreover, all perfectly preserved
7. Heap of old books and literature on the shelves slowly dampen
8. Apparently the new school, which was built in Lodeynoye, nuzhdny in these books is not
9. The corridor of the first floor. Why there is a table, it is unclear
10. Rather, the former Labour cabinet
12. Dining
13. And this is the second floor and steep deer
14.Kabinet biology. And do not confuse the map and globe
17. Apparently he had a general utility room with study chemistry
19.Nauchny skeleton
21.Kolichestvo any devices even surprised girl - chemist, graduated from the Moscow school
22. A little different classrooms
25. Here taught history
28. And here is the account of physics. It was the most interesting
29. The door in the middle of the frame - the entrance to laborantskuyu that simply crammed from top to bottom with all sorts of devices
30. Generally surprised equip schools
31. Do not think it could supply the regions
33. But it is simply picked up and thrown, instead of being used for its intended purpose
34. Gym. It is located in the basement, which is why there's plenty of damp and cold
38. In such a climb stairs to the third floor, it was empty. So just removed from above the village
39. In the class teacher found a journal in which it was written only 2 people that survived until the 10th grade ...
When the climbs were seen local grandmother. I had to explain why we climbed back. During the conversation, I found out that she worked in the school mathematics teacher, that all who can leave, try to do it. In fact, in less than Teriberke 1,300 lives. Others just numbers. And there actually do? By the way, the new school in Lodeynoye much worse than this.
39 photos via cr2
1. School designed taking into account the autonomous existence. It and its boiler, and a well with drinking water.
2. Open the doors and windows of course it was not, so it was decided to get in through the second floor
3. Carefully removing the glass, all were inside
4. Downstairs, we first came to the library
5. On the floor are neat old computers, and it is of 2000 kilometers from Moscow, on the edge of the peninsula
6. The library was very big. Moreover, all perfectly preserved
7. Heap of old books and literature on the shelves slowly dampen
8. Apparently the new school, which was built in Lodeynoye, nuzhdny in these books is not
9. The corridor of the first floor. Why there is a table, it is unclear
10. Rather, the former Labour cabinet
12. Dining
13. And this is the second floor and steep deer
14.Kabinet biology. And do not confuse the map and globe
17. Apparently he had a general utility room with study chemistry
19.Nauchny skeleton
21.Kolichestvo any devices even surprised girl - chemist, graduated from the Moscow school
22. A little different classrooms
25. Here taught history
28. And here is the account of physics. It was the most interesting
29. The door in the middle of the frame - the entrance to laborantskuyu that simply crammed from top to bottom with all sorts of devices
30. Generally surprised equip schools
31. Do not think it could supply the regions
33. But it is simply picked up and thrown, instead of being used for its intended purpose
34. Gym. It is located in the basement, which is why there's plenty of damp and cold
38. In such a climb stairs to the third floor, it was empty. So just removed from above the village
39. In the class teacher found a journal in which it was written only 2 people that survived until the 10th grade ...
When the climbs were seen local grandmother. I had to explain why we climbed back. During the conversation, I found out that she worked in the school mathematics teacher, that all who can leave, try to do it. In fact, in less than Teriberke 1,300 lives. Others just numbers. And there actually do? By the way, the new school in Lodeynoye much worse than this.