Abandoned School
In the world there are tens of thousands of abandoned schools. All of them were abandoned for various reasons, fires, lack of funding, lack of students. Dramatic pictures of abandoned schools from around the world. Projection Room University Belgii
Abandoned school Eastmoor Reformatory, Velikobritaniya
Journals 60s in an abandoned school Istmora
The ruins of School Economics Vocational, Tayvan
School Library Economics Vocational, Tayvan
Former gymnasium in Pripyat, Ukraina
Graffiti in abandoned school Berlina
School Gym in East Liberty, Pittsburg
Abandoned rural school in Smithfield, Virginia, SSHA
Inside the school in Smitfilde
Public School in Merilende
State University in Maryland. Closed in 2009 godu
School for girls in Velikobritanii
Abandoned building schools and hospitals, Mansfield - an institution for mentally retarded children located in Mansfield, state Konnektikut
Abandoned school swimming pool, Leeds, Angliya
Toilet in an abandoned school Dzhordzhii
Grand piano in an abandoned school in Gary, Indiana
Assembly Hall High School in the state of Bainbridge Merilend
Training auditoriya
Destroys sport zal
Rotting school avtobusy
The school Detroite
The sun's rays make their way to the former academic klass
Library Abandoned schools in Detroit. In 1987, in a building occurred pozhar.
Proektornaya room at the university, Belgiya
Library at the University of Urbex, Belgiya
Preston School of Industry, also known as Preston Castle, California. Abandoned in 1960 godu
Hostel in Preston School Promyshlennosti
Assembly Hall at the school Tehasa
Moldy books in the school biblioteke
Source: trasyy.livejournal.com/1156543.html
The era of foreign players
The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest "Eurovision-2013" Dane Emmili de Forest on stage "Malmo Arena"