The era of foreign players

What is more important - from which country the athlete, or a T-shirt logo on it? And where else but football, popular "legionnaires"?

In football, it called legions of players not representing the country, which plays in the championship of the club, and guests from abroad. As a result, any host club (no matter the London "Chelsea" it or Moscow "Spartak"), the vast majority of the players - not local. Proposals Russian clubs this season the legionnaires were up to 43 (!) Percent. It turns out that the main thing - not where a player was born, and what color shirt to wearing it, and that this T-shirt emblem of the brand. The same process is observed not only in professional sports, but also on the other fronts of life, requiring large investments. Take the iPhone. What it the US, in addition to "T-Shirts", that is, design and brand?

Processors for iPhones manufactured Koreans from Samsung, the screen - partly Japanese, from Sharp, partly made again Koreans from LG Display.

Well, going to "Apple" products where known:

How, then, can trump the American "origin"? So control of the same quality! - Just answer me, and they will be right. It does not matter where the devices are going. If there's organized Quality control - so collect as necessary. It's the same in football - whether black leather Player or yellow. Runs red "Spartacist" T-shirt - so scoring goals for the "red-white". The time has come "era of foreign players." Actually, it existed before (remember the Russified Germans and the French, defended Russia, or the janissaries, who beat the Sultan for his relatives Slavs), but now practiced on a global scale.

So it turns solid paradoxes. American (write without quotation marks, bearing in mind the quality control) iPhones are equipped with processors Korean and Russian smartphones Highscreen Blast and Highscreen Strike - American processors, powered by Qualcomm, the market leader in processors for smartphones (there is such a market, imagine). Thus, under the flag of a country can put a budget smartphone Highscreen Blast and Highscreen Strike, if processors are more American than American processors iPhones? Under the Russian - says Mikhail Chernyshov (http://hi-tech.mail.ru/article/misc/highscreen_interview_2013.html), the commercial director of the company "Vobis", the brand owner Highscreen.

In the "era of Legionnaires' is the main quality control. If this control at a high level, it does not matter where the components are manufactured gadget, and where they are going into a single device. Just like it does not matter which continent born man to score goals to the delight of fans of "Spartacus."
Source: mirfactov.com/