Small predators: lion cubs at the zoo Santa Fe!
October 9 at the zoo Santa Fe Colombian city of Medellin were born three small lion cub.
6 photos, http://eco.ria.ru/ecophoto/20111109/483018409.html
2.Lvyata born blind and completely helpless, their eyes opened about a week after birth. Body weight newborns - 1, 2-2, 1 kg, they begin to crawl a day or two, and go after the third week of life.
6 photos, http://eco.ria.ru/ecophoto/20111109/483018409.html
2.Lvyata born blind and completely helpless, their eyes opened about a week after birth. Body weight newborns - 1, 2-2, 1 kg, they begin to crawl a day or two, and go after the third week of life.
If the browser is presented in the form of weapons
Demolition of the monument to Soviet soldiers in Poland