Mouse and cheese
Hello. Today is the "micro-foam" will be 9 photos and a small description.
I did a small mouse with a piece of cheese in his hands. post, as usual ask not break. and I think now wallow statements, saying that, a lot of gaps, and how it all sideways, it's just such photos "hastily" in a live souvenir appreciated and said that it is very cool. gone.
date of manufacture mouse I need sheet metal, a small piece of wire, and 3 balls, one for the nose, the second eye.
2 slices cut out from the sheet and twist the arms of these two cone (like a cone is called the geometry of my trio was weak, so let it be cone) :-) one is the trunk, the second (smaller) muzzle.
continue to cut out the metal plate and make of it a triangle to seal it from both sides, we got the cheese has not yet processed and without holes.
solder 2 cones, put them on a plate, and solder them the ball (later the nose)))
Well, actually ... cheese itself was not at home drills, a friend asked for the time, sawed a hole than you can.
I cut ears soldered cheese. already looming silhouette of a mouse)
eyes, whiskers, paws and legs)) tail) all ready)
in painted form. a couple of photos.
Photo 2
everything I finished.
I did a small mouse with a piece of cheese in his hands. post, as usual ask not break. and I think now wallow statements, saying that, a lot of gaps, and how it all sideways, it's just such photos "hastily" in a live souvenir appreciated and said that it is very cool. gone.
date of manufacture mouse I need sheet metal, a small piece of wire, and 3 balls, one for the nose, the second eye.

2 slices cut out from the sheet and twist the arms of these two cone (like a cone is called the geometry of my trio was weak, so let it be cone) :-) one is the trunk, the second (smaller) muzzle.

continue to cut out the metal plate and make of it a triangle to seal it from both sides, we got the cheese has not yet processed and without holes.

solder 2 cones, put them on a plate, and solder them the ball (later the nose)))

Well, actually ... cheese itself was not at home drills, a friend asked for the time, sawed a hole than you can.

I cut ears soldered cheese. already looming silhouette of a mouse)

eyes, whiskers, paws and legs)) tail) all ready)

in painted form. a couple of photos.

Photo 2
everything I finished.
