Archangel freak called "Putin"
Writes Sergei Mukhammedov:
- Andrew - gave me his hand shaking Putin. Well, well, the answer to the first question is received - in person the famous Arkhangelsk freak (never thought of that word offensive) calls itself a normal name, given to him by his parents. But the rest ...
29 photos
1. Andrei Khristophorov, better known as Drevarh-Enlightened One, in forty years to realize that it is a tree. His actions to protect green spaces rattle more than Chirikov the Khimki forest, but about the epic with the change of name is not removed unless a movie that only the transfer "Good night, kids!»
2. He walks naked through public institutions, taken on Christmas trees, rides through the city on drevarh-mobile with a flashing light on his head and marks the door of coming across organizations sticker with a picture of a tree.
3. Recently, in his usual clothes - rags, was detained on Red Square, right then he was not Vladimir Putin - news sites wrote that Dmitry Medvedev was sent to a psychiatric hospital.
4. Whenever Drevarhu comes a sign from above, he changes the name:
- What is your middle name, E.? That's the next time I will Mukhamedov Sergei Eduardovich and work on your problems will clean the aura.
- And Putin what problems you they were called?
- Its negative aspects, which a lot of greed, avarice ... and that everything should be shoveled and not in one sitting. He was, in fact, very difficult to work on himself, he is a man busy, and no one will tell him in the eye it apart Drevarha. Working on the person, I reincarnated in him, starting to see everything through his eyes and ears and the name change helps me in this.
6. Drevarh already replaced 23 of the passport, namely even more - the name actually changed every 10 days, and the passport only once a month, so it turns out that the two new red book are two or three of the certificate of change of name.
7. He was Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov, August Letnievichem October Osenievichem, March Vesenievichem, wore the names of governors, politicians and other famous people.
8. His children, he also called the original: son Posad Vselenovich Drevarh-enlightened and daughter Posada. His wife Alla in the building affectionately referred Vsenezhnoy Vselenovnoy.
9. considers himself Drevarh middle from, as the word 'tree', and is suing the government for the recognition of gender in the documents. Four upper tree tattoo on his head represent universal harmony, and the tree in the back of the head has four eyes and allows Drevarhu see what he has done behind his back.
13. In his home Drevarh (wood Archangel) usually goes naked - to be closer to nature, but the correspondent NedoSMI decided to demonstrate its various rags, original hats and drevarhovskoe underwear.
16. Three fingers bent open Drevarha Enlightened during three greeting mean value of human life: "Build your house", "grow your child," and the middle - of course, "Plant your tree".
17. drevarh-mobile, we're going to go to Sberbank.
18. But before that Posada decides to take a picture of my daughter a new label on the body of the Pope. In the evening a concert of Nino Katamadze Drevarh try to please visitors a star image of the heart on the belly, symbolizing the Russian-Georgian friendship, climbed naked on stage during the performance.
21. Drevarh many times was in psychiatric hospitals, but the diagnosis has not received. The latest findings of doctors said that he "can make important decisions and to participate in public life."
22. Once at the bank, I realized all the charm of a freak to be - for you there is no queue. Drevarh, telling visitors about universal love and trees, easily passes the queue, even managed to put his grandmother from a closed stall offices - communicate with not even want the guards. He habitually clings indoors all logos sberbankovskim their "trees", and then spread out on a rack received a thick stack of five thousandth, he starts to "work" on the bills.
- You need? - Drevarh labeled tree stretches five thousand young man. The guy is not shy - two visitors just before it ran out of the room after such a proposal. He's not coming off a few seconds looking at the bill and says firmly: - Yes! "Is still crazy?" - Flashed in my head. - That's so easy to distribute half a lemon wooden people? "- Well, let his five thousand, I and you Stick. What no? Well, then let's hundred-ruble note, got! - I exhale in relief. He is not crazy, he is a troll and offline. Drevarh begins paste money guy pushes his mobilku and under his preaching and decorate it too.
24. We are on the Arkhangelsk to the place where we will be taken on an important event.
25. - Where the money they were? - I ask. - You do not work anywhere. - Who MMM income. Troll? No? I do not know, before that, he claimed that he lives on donations "from different countries, municipal and regional budgets."
26. Recently Drevarh Enlightened became head of the Arkhangelsk branch of the "party of love" today opened its founding congress on a railway bridge.
27. It was the shortest party congress in the world: - declare the Congress "Party of Love" opened! I declare the Congress "Party Love" closed!
28. Then the festivities began with a katana and beer
29. Recently, the Moscow branch of the "Party of Love" will be a rehearsal innaguratsii Vladimir Putin. Someone there will be the protagonist of you have probably already guessed.
- Andrew - gave me his hand shaking Putin. Well, well, the answer to the first question is received - in person the famous Arkhangelsk freak (never thought of that word offensive) calls itself a normal name, given to him by his parents. But the rest ...
29 photos
1. Andrei Khristophorov, better known as Drevarh-Enlightened One, in forty years to realize that it is a tree. His actions to protect green spaces rattle more than Chirikov the Khimki forest, but about the epic with the change of name is not removed unless a movie that only the transfer "Good night, kids!»

2. He walks naked through public institutions, taken on Christmas trees, rides through the city on drevarh-mobile with a flashing light on his head and marks the door of coming across organizations sticker with a picture of a tree.

3. Recently, in his usual clothes - rags, was detained on Red Square, right then he was not Vladimir Putin - news sites wrote that Dmitry Medvedev was sent to a psychiatric hospital.

4. Whenever Drevarhu comes a sign from above, he changes the name:
- What is your middle name, E.? That's the next time I will Mukhamedov Sergei Eduardovich and work on your problems will clean the aura.

- And Putin what problems you they were called?
- Its negative aspects, which a lot of greed, avarice ... and that everything should be shoveled and not in one sitting. He was, in fact, very difficult to work on himself, he is a man busy, and no one will tell him in the eye it apart Drevarha. Working on the person, I reincarnated in him, starting to see everything through his eyes and ears and the name change helps me in this.

6. Drevarh already replaced 23 of the passport, namely even more - the name actually changed every 10 days, and the passport only once a month, so it turns out that the two new red book are two or three of the certificate of change of name.

7. He was Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov, August Letnievichem October Osenievichem, March Vesenievichem, wore the names of governors, politicians and other famous people.

8. His children, he also called the original: son Posad Vselenovich Drevarh-enlightened and daughter Posada. His wife Alla in the building affectionately referred Vsenezhnoy Vselenovnoy.

9. considers himself Drevarh middle from, as the word 'tree', and is suing the government for the recognition of gender in the documents. Four upper tree tattoo on his head represent universal harmony, and the tree in the back of the head has four eyes and allows Drevarhu see what he has done behind his back.




13. In his home Drevarh (wood Archangel) usually goes naked - to be closer to nature, but the correspondent NedoSMI decided to demonstrate its various rags, original hats and drevarhovskoe underwear.



16. Three fingers bent open Drevarha Enlightened during three greeting mean value of human life: "Build your house", "grow your child," and the middle - of course, "Plant your tree".

17. drevarh-mobile, we're going to go to Sberbank.

18. But before that Posada decides to take a picture of my daughter a new label on the body of the Pope. In the evening a concert of Nino Katamadze Drevarh try to please visitors a star image of the heart on the belly, symbolizing the Russian-Georgian friendship, climbed naked on stage during the performance.



21. Drevarh many times was in psychiatric hospitals, but the diagnosis has not received. The latest findings of doctors said that he "can make important decisions and to participate in public life."

22. Once at the bank, I realized all the charm of a freak to be - for you there is no queue. Drevarh, telling visitors about universal love and trees, easily passes the queue, even managed to put his grandmother from a closed stall offices - communicate with not even want the guards. He habitually clings indoors all logos sberbankovskim their "trees", and then spread out on a rack received a thick stack of five thousandth, he starts to "work" on the bills.

- You need? - Drevarh labeled tree stretches five thousand young man. The guy is not shy - two visitors just before it ran out of the room after such a proposal. He's not coming off a few seconds looking at the bill and says firmly: - Yes! "Is still crazy?" - Flashed in my head. - That's so easy to distribute half a lemon wooden people? "- Well, let his five thousand, I and you Stick. What no? Well, then let's hundred-ruble note, got! - I exhale in relief. He is not crazy, he is a troll and offline. Drevarh begins paste money guy pushes his mobilku and under his preaching and decorate it too.

24. We are on the Arkhangelsk to the place where we will be taken on an important event.

25. - Where the money they were? - I ask. - You do not work anywhere. - Who MMM income. Troll? No? I do not know, before that, he claimed that he lives on donations "from different countries, municipal and regional budgets."

26. Recently Drevarh Enlightened became head of the Arkhangelsk branch of the "party of love" today opened its founding congress on a railway bridge.

27. It was the shortest party congress in the world: - declare the Congress "Party of Love" opened! I declare the Congress "Party Love" closed!

28. Then the festivities began with a katana and beer

29. Recently, the Moscow branch of the "Party of Love" will be a rehearsal innaguratsii Vladimir Putin. Someone there will be the protagonist of you have probably already guessed.
