Hollywood "Predator" glorified electrician from the USSR,
Ex-Kharkov, received the "Oscar", told how he, a Soviet engineer-electrician, managed to break into Hollywood, and how to work with venerable directors.
Picchu is 7 and the text, please do not break!
Mamut - one of six Ukrainians, awarded the highest award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts. Over 34 years old, he lives with his family in the United States, in his native Kharkiv came only twice. In this arrival a few days - was invited to the festival "Kharkov lilac". In an interview to the editors came together with his wife - animator Irina Borisova. Modestly dressed with a bag ready.
- Eugene - without too much pathos had the 70-year-old master of special effects and extended his hand. - In America, I have been calling Eugene, so recorded in the passport, when he received citizenship.
01. During the special effects for the movie "Predator" Mamut has received "Oscar" in 1988.
"The first in the USSR computer animation»
- Eugene, how do you, the Soviet man with a degree in electrical engineering and experience of filmmaking small-town level, managed to penetrate the center of the global film industry?
- After graduating from Polytechnic Institute, I worked on a film studio "KPI movie." There was a professional equipment, through which we have passed the full cycle of professional black and white film - made animated experimental films. And when Kharkov Bezrodnyi invented the computer, which drew sticks and circles, and not just typing the letters, we have created the first Soviet computer cartoon.
Code emigrated to America in the '70s, had no idea what I would do. Comrade said to me: "On the movie does not even stutter. Look for a job as an electrical engineer. " But I still ran the studios - has declared itself. And when the largest film studio in New York contracted employee who washes the film, I got a call. At first, I was washing the film, and then worked as an operator on combined filming tryukmashine.
Further role played by luck. My colleagues are people who are now known around the world - experts in visual effects Joel Hynek and Jeff Kleiser. One of them was writing lists of shooting, the second worked in the printing press. When Joe went to another firm, he took me with him. We are still working together.
02. Predator (Predator will not only)
SECRETS Woody Allen
- In fact, you were standing on the threshold of the era of computer special effects. Was it difficult?
- For me, it was a game, but for optical printing machine standing by 17 hours a day. I end up making the effect at 2 am, drove it into the developing unit, then the owner called me a cab home. At 9 am totally ready cadres have been in Hollywood (before the advent of computers they were sent by plane), and the producer make adjustments, he said that he likes and what not.
Often have to work in conditions of strict secrecy, had happened, I did not even know what film to create the effect. The same Woody Allen brought a folder of negatives, to sign a "winter project" or "summer project", and that it is for the film, became known only when the picture appeared on the screen. That's how it was when I worked with him on "Zelig».
- I'm sure your work is the expert level are well paid?
- In America, these issues are not made to ask. It all depends on how many hours you work - hourly payment.
- Opened a small secret - connects Mamut wife Irina. - It was a year when Zhenina monthly salary was $ 30 000, but the actual generation was 100 000 - he worked three times as much.
03. little bit of patience, the latest Predator:) but not the last Picchu
Oscar-winning "camouflage effect" for $ 1 million
- What is the time considered the peak of his career?
- The invention elastic effect and camouflage effect. First used in advertising "Reno" - the car was stretched on the turn, and the remaining facilities were in place. Camouflage effect did for the film "Predator". Film "Twentieth Century Fox" gave us the task: the hero must be visible when moving, but completely disappear when stopped.
On screen, it looks as if a predator comes out of nowhere. I remember this, I spent two weeks, and when years later, there were computers and I decided to play it a camouflage effect, it took 10 minutes. "Predator" was created on the machine, optical printing, my master has put his million-dollar building. While no one is invested in such ventures, we are waiting to see what that's all about to be created on computers. But the boss is not miscalculated - within five years, this machine is paid off once in 10.
04. The effect of slow bullet that was used in the "Matrix", Eugene Mamut considers one of his best notions.
- How has your life changed after receiving the "Oscar»?
- For me - nothing, as the owner of the company has more orders. "Oscar" - a statue and prestige, no fee does not include the prize. When you create the effect, do not think about the reaction of others. Even received the "Oscar", I was just grateful that my work noted.
- What can you say about today's popular format 3D? As far as he is revolutionary in terms of special effects?
- The only movie that's time-ZIL me deeply, it's "Avatar." In 2014, released the second part of the film, which will be spinning at high speed, it is removed by the system Brainstorm, a demonstration movie when the speed is not 24 frames per second, and 60, and turns completely new perception. As far as I know, "Avatar 2" trying to shoot even faster - 120 frames per second, 60 for each eye, and if this standard will in the world, will be a revolution in the cinema.
05. Matrix again
- What projects are you currently employed?
- As with all technical employees working from project to project. Start shooting - we hired an end - all fired. Now some big project I'm not busy, along with Ira create animation - video advertising for the conference for the sale of computers. We also have a museum of animation, special effects and art Animagic, where we spend sightseeing and train students of animation and trick photography. It also kept my "Oscar".
06. Matrix again
Eugene Mamut participated in the creation of about 40 700 movies and commercials. Author of a number of special effects such as "bullet-effect" - the effect of slow bullet that was used in "The Matrix", "elastic effect" - the subject of the stretched on the background of conventional and "camouflage effect" - masking the real hero in the frame. In the past, applied in the movie "Predator", has received the "Oscar" in 1988. He also participated in the creation of visual effects for the Oscar-winning pictures of "Dirty Dancing" and "Ladyhawke".
The living legend of cinema breeds donkeys
- We have long moved from New York to Massachusetts - "village", where many Hollywood special effects wizard, - says Mamut.
- Who are some of the celebrities are friends?
- Friendship there is not the same as in Ukraine passed by, knocked on the door - and you are right in the kitchen and put the bottle. They meet by appointment and often the case. I could not get used to it. From those you see on TV, not live near one. Our neighbors - people who are behind the scenes, technicians, creating visual effects. The same Joe Hynek and Jeff Kleiser. Nearby Douglas Trumbull living - a living legend of cinema, who has worked with Spielberg, Cameron, has received "Oscar" for visual effects in "Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick. He lives on a farm breeds donkeys, goats.
07. Here it is! Our Man in Hollywood (the last photo. Letters will no longer be possible comments)

Picchu is 7 and the text, please do not break!
Mamut - one of six Ukrainians, awarded the highest award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts. Over 34 years old, he lives with his family in the United States, in his native Kharkiv came only twice. In this arrival a few days - was invited to the festival "Kharkov lilac". In an interview to the editors came together with his wife - animator Irina Borisova. Modestly dressed with a bag ready.
- Eugene - without too much pathos had the 70-year-old master of special effects and extended his hand. - In America, I have been calling Eugene, so recorded in the passport, when he received citizenship.
01. During the special effects for the movie "Predator" Mamut has received "Oscar" in 1988.

"The first in the USSR computer animation»
- Eugene, how do you, the Soviet man with a degree in electrical engineering and experience of filmmaking small-town level, managed to penetrate the center of the global film industry?
- After graduating from Polytechnic Institute, I worked on a film studio "KPI movie." There was a professional equipment, through which we have passed the full cycle of professional black and white film - made animated experimental films. And when Kharkov Bezrodnyi invented the computer, which drew sticks and circles, and not just typing the letters, we have created the first Soviet computer cartoon.
Code emigrated to America in the '70s, had no idea what I would do. Comrade said to me: "On the movie does not even stutter. Look for a job as an electrical engineer. " But I still ran the studios - has declared itself. And when the largest film studio in New York contracted employee who washes the film, I got a call. At first, I was washing the film, and then worked as an operator on combined filming tryukmashine.
Further role played by luck. My colleagues are people who are now known around the world - experts in visual effects Joel Hynek and Jeff Kleiser. One of them was writing lists of shooting, the second worked in the printing press. When Joe went to another firm, he took me with him. We are still working together.
02. Predator (Predator will not only)

SECRETS Woody Allen
- In fact, you were standing on the threshold of the era of computer special effects. Was it difficult?
- For me, it was a game, but for optical printing machine standing by 17 hours a day. I end up making the effect at 2 am, drove it into the developing unit, then the owner called me a cab home. At 9 am totally ready cadres have been in Hollywood (before the advent of computers they were sent by plane), and the producer make adjustments, he said that he likes and what not.
Often have to work in conditions of strict secrecy, had happened, I did not even know what film to create the effect. The same Woody Allen brought a folder of negatives, to sign a "winter project" or "summer project", and that it is for the film, became known only when the picture appeared on the screen. That's how it was when I worked with him on "Zelig».
- I'm sure your work is the expert level are well paid?
- In America, these issues are not made to ask. It all depends on how many hours you work - hourly payment.
- Opened a small secret - connects Mamut wife Irina. - It was a year when Zhenina monthly salary was $ 30 000, but the actual generation was 100 000 - he worked three times as much.
03. little bit of patience, the latest Predator:) but not the last Picchu

Oscar-winning "camouflage effect" for $ 1 million
- What is the time considered the peak of his career?
- The invention elastic effect and camouflage effect. First used in advertising "Reno" - the car was stretched on the turn, and the remaining facilities were in place. Camouflage effect did for the film "Predator". Film "Twentieth Century Fox" gave us the task: the hero must be visible when moving, but completely disappear when stopped.
On screen, it looks as if a predator comes out of nowhere. I remember this, I spent two weeks, and when years later, there were computers and I decided to play it a camouflage effect, it took 10 minutes. "Predator" was created on the machine, optical printing, my master has put his million-dollar building. While no one is invested in such ventures, we are waiting to see what that's all about to be created on computers. But the boss is not miscalculated - within five years, this machine is paid off once in 10.
04. The effect of slow bullet that was used in the "Matrix", Eugene Mamut considers one of his best notions.

- How has your life changed after receiving the "Oscar»?
- For me - nothing, as the owner of the company has more orders. "Oscar" - a statue and prestige, no fee does not include the prize. When you create the effect, do not think about the reaction of others. Even received the "Oscar", I was just grateful that my work noted.
- What can you say about today's popular format 3D? As far as he is revolutionary in terms of special effects?
- The only movie that's time-ZIL me deeply, it's "Avatar." In 2014, released the second part of the film, which will be spinning at high speed, it is removed by the system Brainstorm, a demonstration movie when the speed is not 24 frames per second, and 60, and turns completely new perception. As far as I know, "Avatar 2" trying to shoot even faster - 120 frames per second, 60 for each eye, and if this standard will in the world, will be a revolution in the cinema.
05. Matrix again

- What projects are you currently employed?
- As with all technical employees working from project to project. Start shooting - we hired an end - all fired. Now some big project I'm not busy, along with Ira create animation - video advertising for the conference for the sale of computers. We also have a museum of animation, special effects and art Animagic, where we spend sightseeing and train students of animation and trick photography. It also kept my "Oscar".
06. Matrix again

Eugene Mamut participated in the creation of about 40 700 movies and commercials. Author of a number of special effects such as "bullet-effect" - the effect of slow bullet that was used in "The Matrix", "elastic effect" - the subject of the stretched on the background of conventional and "camouflage effect" - masking the real hero in the frame. In the past, applied in the movie "Predator", has received the "Oscar" in 1988. He also participated in the creation of visual effects for the Oscar-winning pictures of "Dirty Dancing" and "Ladyhawke".
The living legend of cinema breeds donkeys
- We have long moved from New York to Massachusetts - "village", where many Hollywood special effects wizard, - says Mamut.
- Who are some of the celebrities are friends?
- Friendship there is not the same as in Ukraine passed by, knocked on the door - and you are right in the kitchen and put the bottle. They meet by appointment and often the case. I could not get used to it. From those you see on TV, not live near one. Our neighbors - people who are behind the scenes, technicians, creating visual effects. The same Joe Hynek and Jeff Kleiser. Nearby Douglas Trumbull living - a living legend of cinema, who has worked with Spielberg, Cameron, has received "Oscar" for visual effects in "Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick. He lives on a farm breeds donkeys, goats.
07. Here it is! Our Man in Hollywood (the last photo. Letters will no longer be possible comments)
