My bratelnik died thirteen years ago. He was not yet fifty dollars. And I took and did not wake up one day. And it was his last trick, which he threw from time to time, subjected to the tests than the nervous systems of loved ones.
We loved this ohlamona, Rinatku ours, and they were afraid because of him. In character, he went to batyu - that belonged to the breed of crazy people. That same Tear was my bratelnik.
When I was still quite Maltsev him for all sorts of Skoda dubbed Kotovski (for what ever shaved shaven, smart). And when grown up, and the nurse finally ceased to cut nalyso Rinat suddenly got a gorgeous, curly hair. Then, in all Soviet newspapers wrote about the American Angela Davis, pursued by the authorities, for which there is something or against something there with them fighting. In my brother's hair it was exactly the same. And with the flattened nose - he was the spitting image of Angela Davis. So they called him for some time.
And when Rinat of unruly boy grew more and inveterate fighter who loved suprotivnikov "take galangal," it became known as sheep. Well, a sheep - the sheep are not, and brother in time become accustomed to his klikuhe and did not take "we galangal" when they called. He and the cap-it was not necessary, and it is up to the strongest frosts went bare, often snow-covered head, which was shaking like a dog when you come somewhere in the street.
When with him in his village have ceased to fight, he began to go on the adventures of his "Izh-Jupiter" in the nearby village Moiseevku, nine kilometers. Inhabitants of the village called "allies", because there were many Germans. They had a good zavklubom, and dances were held here almost daily. That's where bratelnik and averted his pugnacious spirit.
I, however come from the district center, where by the time he lived and worked, to my parents for the weekend, be sure to find her brother home or scratched physiognomy, or a new shiner.
Once it even shot in the same Moiseevke. Apparently, ever wanted to frighten and discourage this uninvited shaggy Tartar from their village and their maids. However, the cartridge was a bachelor. But Rinatka somehow did not know, and still brown feathers on the local Moiseevskaya "authority" tselivshegosya him with a shotgun.
Pyzhevoy charge slammed right in the forehead with a distance of two to three meters and knocked him on his back.
- Listen, I never thought that a simple wad can fill a cone! - Laughing, he told me later, that same otsvechivaya bump. Then he turned serious, gently squeezed swollen glossy forehead. - And in fact, and the eye could knock the goat! Well, nothing, I'm still his podlovlyu ...
He and after the army had the same shebutnoy, pokolobrodil the village with a year or two, I almost married the visiting teacher, even went to get acquainted with her parents in Balkhash. But there peredratsya managed with future family and disgrace was exiled from his family has not accepted and failed bride. That, I clear the stump, afraid to return with him back to his village and stayed home in Balkhash.
A bratelnik again left alone. bored and thought up with his friend Nicholas Pisegovym named Mirza (no one really do not remember who and what he was, a Russian, was awarded a splendid nickname, which he by no means match) to go to the foreign traffic.
Plan them was this: to make more money, get to Nakhodka, a port to get there first, dockers, and then the sailors. They row together to whitewash all state farm skotobazy in our state farm office. This is always done peasant women - about twenty of them, standing on a stage, with jokes and songs could crawl weeks bast brush, dipped in white, on the mud walls of barns and Telyatnikov. And these Screwtape manager promised to do the job much faster and for less money.
Managing wondered what it would save him, and though dubiously, but he agreed. And in fact they did it! And the secret was that I got hold of his brother in the district center at a friend's gun builders, but with the help of the latter-day finishers and whitewashed in the department all the bases. And in two layers!
Cut the money not a child, he paid off the farm, no-Th-th of earned not drunk, indicating the seriousness of their intentions, and drove away his dream.
The first letter came from Rinat a month. He briefly reported that they are working dockers in the port of Nakhodka, is consistent with the initial part of their plan. Then there was a long letter.
Another message came from his brother in three months. He wrote from Riga that Nakhodka they Mirza did not work, did not take them to the sailors, but in all the Baltic States should be able to. Again silence - month, three, six months.
"The circumnavigation of our boys have gone!" - Decided to village and all proud with their fellow countrymen. Yeah, gone! My mother was worried and asked me to somehow look shaloputnogo brother. I went to the Criminal Investigation Department of Ekibastuz city police department (in Ekibas I moved in 1980), and wrote a statement about the loss of a relative.
Rinat found Novokuibyshevsk colony. He sat there for vagrancy - then it was easily. It turns out that was wound around the country with the last place of residence in Nakhodka. In their Riga Mirza did not register, the dream of becoming a sailor long voyage blurred, as the morning mist over the Baltic Sea, and the first time they fell out and scattered in all directions.
Mirza meet - and gone somewhere without a trace, but it is also declared on the wanted list, and Rinat after serving a year, returned home thin as Koschey, and seemed posereznevshim. Overfed his mother's home rations, he looked closely at his former classmate Katherine German woman, a mother of two children, and they have begun to live together. For example, Rinat began, finally, to adults and completely calmed down, even stopped to call him Ram.
But those same eighties, our sister Rosa married and moved with her husband to BAM. They're normally settled, they lived in a village in the north of Leaf Khabarovsk Krai and earned bad on the railway. They pulled to his widowed by the time my mother - to nurse with her granddaughter. And since the late eighties, the village started to come kirdyk (state farms collapsed, and the only source of income was his own courtyard), BAM has decided mahanut and Rinat.
First he sent to his wife and children. Then, having finished all the work on the farm (sold out the remains of living creatures and stuff) went after himself. I sent a telegram to the Leaf, which went to Omsk (week train from there to Khabarovsk), and ... gone. Passed laid week its way on a long journey, I went to second. But he did not appear in the deciduous. And it does not ring, and does not write.
His wife Kate, mother and sister were alarmed: maybe, in the way that happened? Knowing his explosive character, we thought that the road somewhere not stand and got into a fight. And so they took him thrown off the train. But you never know what dangers lie ahead on our roads lone traveler?
And carried a statement to the police about the disappearance of a person. And two months later, he suddenly declared himself in hardwood. Slim, its overgrown curly lohmami to the shoulders, but hilarious. After the overjoyed woman ottaskali his hair, fed and watered, bratelnik deigned to tell where it fell by as much as two months and why was silent all the time.
In Omsk, he was waiting for his train sat on a bench outside the station with a bottle of cold beer in hand. I do not have time to drink it, and how close was attached to some peasant. I asked for a smoke, talking. As he said, he is also going to Khabarovsk. Then he pulled out of the bag opened bottle of vodka, pickled cucumber curve. He offered a drink to start on the pile: "The rest of the train dopem, and maybe even add!". Bro swallowed the stack, remember that even lit ... And - a failure.
I woke up on the same bench. The head is buzzing, can not think. Bag with things was under the bench - it was not. In the breast pocket of his jacket had the money, five hundred rubles - there is also a horse-radish slept. Even a ticket on the train Khabarovsk quirky klofelinschik passports stretched out (in those years, train tickets still possible to buy and take back without a passport). Thank you, though he did not pick up a passport, slipped back into his pocket lulling them sacrifices.
The situation - even back to back on the ride to the village two hundred kilometers away and let the hat around to connect with family. But it was not an option. But what do you do? Then bratelnik, they say, lucky deaf. He stumbled on the recruiter (run such railway stations) - mechanics needed to work in a private workshop for repairing refrigerators. Brother agreed, although the conditions were practically enslaving. Yet two months later, he again earned on the ticket, and a small "roadside" money.
But I remember him not these your adventures. Rinat has been flexible, proportioned, very easily and rapidly moved. And this it made him a natural to become a great dancer. When I first saw him shake like mad at our country club, breaking his body and limbs under the most unimaginable angles, literally stunned. It was something amazing! And dancing beside longer stared at his pa, than they were busy with themselves and their partners.
One day I was like that came to the village for the weekend and for some reason we went with his Izsak Rinatkoy in another, adjacent to our village, the district center of Irtysh. So, why is that? Yes, probably, to drink a beer ... Well, yes. The Irtysh at first, when there is only opened the brewery, the beer was very badsome.
Before him was a stone's throw - just five kilometers. But over the Irtysh. A cross had to be on the ferry. Now I do not know what, and in those years went to SP-6, a dozen cars.
Here we 'brother drove the motorcycle on the nose of the ferry, stand at the side, smoke, spit froth in the water - steam siren wailed and has already started to move off.
And then from the "Volga", which stands under the wheelhouse, there was a loud tune "Lezginka". The aisle between the two rows of machines (usually been busy, but that time was free) immediately drew trio of horsemen - by type of Chechens and start mannered throwing hand it back and forth, to portray this beautiful, in general, dance.
But in their beautiful performance, alas, he did not receive. And as a dancer of any ferry podhlopyvali heterogeneous audience, no matter how egged shouts "Assa!" - Did not come from them "Lezginka" and that's it!
Well, yes, yes, but I do not know myself! Of course, it happened in these days, the audience with the Chechens would immediately start a fight because "Lezginka" for some became a kind of bogey, for others - a symbol of aggression and bespredelschiny. Again - these days, when inter-ethnic relations have deteriorated very much.
But in those years I have not had that fierce, uncompromising separation of people on other people came and their indigenous. And "Lezginka" for all was just beautiful, spectacular dance, which were glad to get involved in its implementation in the restaurants festivities all and sundry. Unless, of course, knew how to dance it.
These Chechens for some reason could not. Or did not want to open up, as it should in this dance.
Rinatka contemptuously squinting, murmured: "Yes, they seem to have problems with the eggs!" He spat out his cigarette overboard, and in two jumps he found himself among the horsemen. Those even stopped in surprise.
A Rinatka first stretched like attention, with a slight deflection Okay all my body back, threw a recognizable gesture from himself sideways in one direction by himself, and the other, stood on tiptoe, and went, went, shaking the music shaggy head. Delighted Chechens something guttural and discordant shouted and began to violently beat the clock in his hands.
On a small patch ferry was crowded between cars and people climbed onto the body of the car, the bridge wheelhouse, to better observe what is happening. And in the middle of it all in a whirlwind of "Lezginka" spun like a top, my brother, once more under the special pristukivaya heels, giving this ancient dance of some special charm, make notes of modern rhythms.
At full speed going to the opposite shore of the ferry it was something unimaginable: someone puffing out his cheeks flushed and, whistling, someone from the excess of emotion just yelled someone hollowed palms of the cab, like a drum.
But the music stopped playing, and out of breath Rinatka returned to board the ferry, which I, as well as all fascinated watching him dance.
- Well, you gave bro! - I just said. - Where did you learn to dance?
- Where, where ... - for a moment Rinatka. - Yes, at the dance. In the army, too. But in general I itself somehow turns ...
And this is true. He was a born dancer. As a self-taught musician, grasping all the notes on the fly, and Rinatka any dance could play perhaps the first time. That he had, apparently, a talent that his life worthy of application and did not find.
He was only forty-five, one day when Catherine, the wife, was not able to wake him in the morning. There was a sudden stop of the restless once my heart bratelnika.
Thirteen years of his no longer with us. And before my eyes all is the unforgettable scene magically an executable named "Lezginka" ferry in the middle of the Irtysh.
Dance, once beloved by many, and a curse in our days ...
We loved this ohlamona, Rinatku ours, and they were afraid because of him. In character, he went to batyu - that belonged to the breed of crazy people. That same Tear was my bratelnik.
When I was still quite Maltsev him for all sorts of Skoda dubbed Kotovski (for what ever shaved shaven, smart). And when grown up, and the nurse finally ceased to cut nalyso Rinat suddenly got a gorgeous, curly hair. Then, in all Soviet newspapers wrote about the American Angela Davis, pursued by the authorities, for which there is something or against something there with them fighting. In my brother's hair it was exactly the same. And with the flattened nose - he was the spitting image of Angela Davis. So they called him for some time.
And when Rinat of unruly boy grew more and inveterate fighter who loved suprotivnikov "take galangal," it became known as sheep. Well, a sheep - the sheep are not, and brother in time become accustomed to his klikuhe and did not take "we galangal" when they called. He and the cap-it was not necessary, and it is up to the strongest frosts went bare, often snow-covered head, which was shaking like a dog when you come somewhere in the street.
When with him in his village have ceased to fight, he began to go on the adventures of his "Izh-Jupiter" in the nearby village Moiseevku, nine kilometers. Inhabitants of the village called "allies", because there were many Germans. They had a good zavklubom, and dances were held here almost daily. That's where bratelnik and averted his pugnacious spirit.
I, however come from the district center, where by the time he lived and worked, to my parents for the weekend, be sure to find her brother home or scratched physiognomy, or a new shiner.
Once it even shot in the same Moiseevke. Apparently, ever wanted to frighten and discourage this uninvited shaggy Tartar from their village and their maids. However, the cartridge was a bachelor. But Rinatka somehow did not know, and still brown feathers on the local Moiseevskaya "authority" tselivshegosya him with a shotgun.
Pyzhevoy charge slammed right in the forehead with a distance of two to three meters and knocked him on his back.
- Listen, I never thought that a simple wad can fill a cone! - Laughing, he told me later, that same otsvechivaya bump. Then he turned serious, gently squeezed swollen glossy forehead. - And in fact, and the eye could knock the goat! Well, nothing, I'm still his podlovlyu ...
He and after the army had the same shebutnoy, pokolobrodil the village with a year or two, I almost married the visiting teacher, even went to get acquainted with her parents in Balkhash. But there peredratsya managed with future family and disgrace was exiled from his family has not accepted and failed bride. That, I clear the stump, afraid to return with him back to his village and stayed home in Balkhash.
A bratelnik again left alone. bored and thought up with his friend Nicholas Pisegovym named Mirza (no one really do not remember who and what he was, a Russian, was awarded a splendid nickname, which he by no means match) to go to the foreign traffic.
Plan them was this: to make more money, get to Nakhodka, a port to get there first, dockers, and then the sailors. They row together to whitewash all state farm skotobazy in our state farm office. This is always done peasant women - about twenty of them, standing on a stage, with jokes and songs could crawl weeks bast brush, dipped in white, on the mud walls of barns and Telyatnikov. And these Screwtape manager promised to do the job much faster and for less money.
Managing wondered what it would save him, and though dubiously, but he agreed. And in fact they did it! And the secret was that I got hold of his brother in the district center at a friend's gun builders, but with the help of the latter-day finishers and whitewashed in the department all the bases. And in two layers!
Cut the money not a child, he paid off the farm, no-Th-th of earned not drunk, indicating the seriousness of their intentions, and drove away his dream.
The first letter came from Rinat a month. He briefly reported that they are working dockers in the port of Nakhodka, is consistent with the initial part of their plan. Then there was a long letter.
Another message came from his brother in three months. He wrote from Riga that Nakhodka they Mirza did not work, did not take them to the sailors, but in all the Baltic States should be able to. Again silence - month, three, six months.
"The circumnavigation of our boys have gone!" - Decided to village and all proud with their fellow countrymen. Yeah, gone! My mother was worried and asked me to somehow look shaloputnogo brother. I went to the Criminal Investigation Department of Ekibastuz city police department (in Ekibas I moved in 1980), and wrote a statement about the loss of a relative.
Rinat found Novokuibyshevsk colony. He sat there for vagrancy - then it was easily. It turns out that was wound around the country with the last place of residence in Nakhodka. In their Riga Mirza did not register, the dream of becoming a sailor long voyage blurred, as the morning mist over the Baltic Sea, and the first time they fell out and scattered in all directions.
Mirza meet - and gone somewhere without a trace, but it is also declared on the wanted list, and Rinat after serving a year, returned home thin as Koschey, and seemed posereznevshim. Overfed his mother's home rations, he looked closely at his former classmate Katherine German woman, a mother of two children, and they have begun to live together. For example, Rinat began, finally, to adults and completely calmed down, even stopped to call him Ram.
But those same eighties, our sister Rosa married and moved with her husband to BAM. They're normally settled, they lived in a village in the north of Leaf Khabarovsk Krai and earned bad on the railway. They pulled to his widowed by the time my mother - to nurse with her granddaughter. And since the late eighties, the village started to come kirdyk (state farms collapsed, and the only source of income was his own courtyard), BAM has decided mahanut and Rinat.
First he sent to his wife and children. Then, having finished all the work on the farm (sold out the remains of living creatures and stuff) went after himself. I sent a telegram to the Leaf, which went to Omsk (week train from there to Khabarovsk), and ... gone. Passed laid week its way on a long journey, I went to second. But he did not appear in the deciduous. And it does not ring, and does not write.
His wife Kate, mother and sister were alarmed: maybe, in the way that happened? Knowing his explosive character, we thought that the road somewhere not stand and got into a fight. And so they took him thrown off the train. But you never know what dangers lie ahead on our roads lone traveler?
And carried a statement to the police about the disappearance of a person. And two months later, he suddenly declared himself in hardwood. Slim, its overgrown curly lohmami to the shoulders, but hilarious. After the overjoyed woman ottaskali his hair, fed and watered, bratelnik deigned to tell where it fell by as much as two months and why was silent all the time.
In Omsk, he was waiting for his train sat on a bench outside the station with a bottle of cold beer in hand. I do not have time to drink it, and how close was attached to some peasant. I asked for a smoke, talking. As he said, he is also going to Khabarovsk. Then he pulled out of the bag opened bottle of vodka, pickled cucumber curve. He offered a drink to start on the pile: "The rest of the train dopem, and maybe even add!". Bro swallowed the stack, remember that even lit ... And - a failure.
I woke up on the same bench. The head is buzzing, can not think. Bag with things was under the bench - it was not. In the breast pocket of his jacket had the money, five hundred rubles - there is also a horse-radish slept. Even a ticket on the train Khabarovsk quirky klofelinschik passports stretched out (in those years, train tickets still possible to buy and take back without a passport). Thank you, though he did not pick up a passport, slipped back into his pocket lulling them sacrifices.
The situation - even back to back on the ride to the village two hundred kilometers away and let the hat around to connect with family. But it was not an option. But what do you do? Then bratelnik, they say, lucky deaf. He stumbled on the recruiter (run such railway stations) - mechanics needed to work in a private workshop for repairing refrigerators. Brother agreed, although the conditions were practically enslaving. Yet two months later, he again earned on the ticket, and a small "roadside" money.
But I remember him not these your adventures. Rinat has been flexible, proportioned, very easily and rapidly moved. And this it made him a natural to become a great dancer. When I first saw him shake like mad at our country club, breaking his body and limbs under the most unimaginable angles, literally stunned. It was something amazing! And dancing beside longer stared at his pa, than they were busy with themselves and their partners.
One day I was like that came to the village for the weekend and for some reason we went with his Izsak Rinatkoy in another, adjacent to our village, the district center of Irtysh. So, why is that? Yes, probably, to drink a beer ... Well, yes. The Irtysh at first, when there is only opened the brewery, the beer was very badsome.
Before him was a stone's throw - just five kilometers. But over the Irtysh. A cross had to be on the ferry. Now I do not know what, and in those years went to SP-6, a dozen cars.
Here we 'brother drove the motorcycle on the nose of the ferry, stand at the side, smoke, spit froth in the water - steam siren wailed and has already started to move off.
And then from the "Volga", which stands under the wheelhouse, there was a loud tune "Lezginka". The aisle between the two rows of machines (usually been busy, but that time was free) immediately drew trio of horsemen - by type of Chechens and start mannered throwing hand it back and forth, to portray this beautiful, in general, dance.
But in their beautiful performance, alas, he did not receive. And as a dancer of any ferry podhlopyvali heterogeneous audience, no matter how egged shouts "Assa!" - Did not come from them "Lezginka" and that's it!
Well, yes, yes, but I do not know myself! Of course, it happened in these days, the audience with the Chechens would immediately start a fight because "Lezginka" for some became a kind of bogey, for others - a symbol of aggression and bespredelschiny. Again - these days, when inter-ethnic relations have deteriorated very much.
But in those years I have not had that fierce, uncompromising separation of people on other people came and their indigenous. And "Lezginka" for all was just beautiful, spectacular dance, which were glad to get involved in its implementation in the restaurants festivities all and sundry. Unless, of course, knew how to dance it.
These Chechens for some reason could not. Or did not want to open up, as it should in this dance.
Rinatka contemptuously squinting, murmured: "Yes, they seem to have problems with the eggs!" He spat out his cigarette overboard, and in two jumps he found himself among the horsemen. Those even stopped in surprise.
A Rinatka first stretched like attention, with a slight deflection Okay all my body back, threw a recognizable gesture from himself sideways in one direction by himself, and the other, stood on tiptoe, and went, went, shaking the music shaggy head. Delighted Chechens something guttural and discordant shouted and began to violently beat the clock in his hands.
On a small patch ferry was crowded between cars and people climbed onto the body of the car, the bridge wheelhouse, to better observe what is happening. And in the middle of it all in a whirlwind of "Lezginka" spun like a top, my brother, once more under the special pristukivaya heels, giving this ancient dance of some special charm, make notes of modern rhythms.
At full speed going to the opposite shore of the ferry it was something unimaginable: someone puffing out his cheeks flushed and, whistling, someone from the excess of emotion just yelled someone hollowed palms of the cab, like a drum.
But the music stopped playing, and out of breath Rinatka returned to board the ferry, which I, as well as all fascinated watching him dance.
- Well, you gave bro! - I just said. - Where did you learn to dance?
- Where, where ... - for a moment Rinatka. - Yes, at the dance. In the army, too. But in general I itself somehow turns ...
And this is true. He was a born dancer. As a self-taught musician, grasping all the notes on the fly, and Rinatka any dance could play perhaps the first time. That he had, apparently, a talent that his life worthy of application and did not find.
He was only forty-five, one day when Catherine, the wife, was not able to wake him in the morning. There was a sudden stop of the restless once my heart bratelnika.
Thirteen years of his no longer with us. And before my eyes all is the unforgettable scene magically an executable named "Lezginka" ferry in the middle of the Irtysh.
Dance, once beloved by many, and a curse in our days ...
