Cape Tarhankut - the most westerly point of the Crimea.
I want to tell you about my trip to Tarkhankut (do not break). At Cape Tarhankut can be reached in different ways, I was getting from Yevpatoria, a distance of 110 km or about 2-2, 5:00 the way, just want to warn that the road is very bad. The final settlement is the village before Tarhankuta Olenevka, so my advice is to stop and stock up water and food, as at the Cape only four tents in which the corresponding prices. Also, my advice is to take a headgear, umbrellas, tents, as this place is one of the hottest in the Crimea. When you exit from Olenevka meets Tarkhankutskii roads, movement speed is very low. First you enter the territory of the Grand Atlesh (Part Tarhankuta). At the entrance you can see the lighthouse (unfortunately no photo) and the actions of the military part of the defense. Then after passing a couple of kilometers you see the Cape or Cape Turtle Catherine or just Katka.
Cape Turtle
View of the sea and the cliffs of Big Atlesh
View of the sea and the cliffs of Big Atlesh
View of the sea and the cliffs of Big Atlesh
View of the sea and the cliffs of Big Atlesh
View of the cliffs of Big Atlesh.
Fisheries with the church in the territory.
Fishing on Tarkhankut has not changed for over 200 years. The principle is as follows. Placed mesh, one side thereof is lowered into the water.
The first network.
The second network.
These networks are tied on the bank of the drums.
The booths are sitting on the rocks watching.
The booths are sitting on the rocks watching.
When a school of fish comes to the network, looking signaled one edge of the network is up and the fish in the bag, then swim into the bag fishermen on boats and rake fish in the boat and then caught fish with a crane (seen in the background), to raise Beach. Incidentally lifting crane - this is the only mechanized work, the rest is all by hand.
There is also a staircase, which local nicknamed "1000 steps of cellulite».
View from the top of the stairs.
View from the top of the stairs.
By the way one of these lookouts filmed an episode of the film "The Amphibian Man" when trying to catch Ichthyander via network.
Going to Small Atlesh.
Going to Small Atlesh.
Sea View.
Entry into the territory of the Small Atlesh. About a tunnel in the rocks is a separate story.
Entry into the territory of the Small Atlesh.
Entry into the territory of the Small Atlesh. The way to the edge is better suited because the edge and we can kpast visor down, and the height of 70-80 meters, so that the chances of survival are minimal.
About this tunnel will tell more.
Here, according to local stories, the family lived the whole summer, is now "flat" is free.
The so-called "Bowl of Love." The depth of 5 meters and to a depth of half a meter there is an arch through which you can go to sea. According to legends if a guy with a girl will join hands and jump there, and then proplyvut through the arch, then they will be together for life and happy.
Also on Tarkhankut experiments were conducted on the effects of pressure on the human body, the project was called "Ichthyander-66", in honor of that and a memorial sign.
Ichthyander 66
All civilization Tarhankuta.
The boat on which we made a boat trip off the coast of Tarkhankut.
View Tarhankut sea.
View Tarhankut sea.
View Tarhankut sea.
View Tarhankut sea.
View Tarhankut sea.
View Tarhankut sea.
View Tarhankut sea.
View Tarhankut sea.
View Tarhankut sea.
Now the story of the tunnel, the so-called "Grote smugglers." It is known that there was filmed an episode of the film "Pirates of the XX Century".
Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".
Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".
Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".
Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".
Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".
Now picture Grotto smugglers.
Grotto smugglers
Well, through which smugglers raised items on the beach (some manage to jump into it, but the hole is not vertical, but slightly angled).
We appreciate the purity of the water (5 meters).
View Tarkhankut "beaches."
View Tarkhankut "beaches."
Wild tourism.
Confirmation of the absence of civilization.
Confirmation of the absence of civilization.
Confirmation of the absence of civilization (the distance WC).
Deceived! There's a bit of civilization!
Here is a closer beaches.
Here is a closer beaches.
Here is a closer beaches.
View of the Grand Atlesh.
Well, that's all! Tarhankut Goodbye! Thank you!

Cape Turtle

View of the sea and the cliffs of Big Atlesh

View of the sea and the cliffs of Big Atlesh

View of the sea and the cliffs of Big Atlesh

View of the sea and the cliffs of Big Atlesh

View of the cliffs of Big Atlesh.

Fisheries with the church in the territory.

Fishing on Tarkhankut has not changed for over 200 years. The principle is as follows. Placed mesh, one side thereof is lowered into the water.
The first network.

The second network.

These networks are tied on the bank of the drums.

The booths are sitting on the rocks watching.

The booths are sitting on the rocks watching.

When a school of fish comes to the network, looking signaled one edge of the network is up and the fish in the bag, then swim into the bag fishermen on boats and rake fish in the boat and then caught fish with a crane (seen in the background), to raise Beach. Incidentally lifting crane - this is the only mechanized work, the rest is all by hand.

There is also a staircase, which local nicknamed "1000 steps of cellulite».

View from the top of the stairs.

View from the top of the stairs.

By the way one of these lookouts filmed an episode of the film "The Amphibian Man" when trying to catch Ichthyander via network.

Going to Small Atlesh.

Going to Small Atlesh.

Sea View.

Entry into the territory of the Small Atlesh. About a tunnel in the rocks is a separate story.

Entry into the territory of the Small Atlesh.

Entry into the territory of the Small Atlesh. The way to the edge is better suited because the edge and we can kpast visor down, and the height of 70-80 meters, so that the chances of survival are minimal.

About this tunnel will tell more.

Here, according to local stories, the family lived the whole summer, is now "flat" is free.

The so-called "Bowl of Love." The depth of 5 meters and to a depth of half a meter there is an arch through which you can go to sea. According to legends if a guy with a girl will join hands and jump there, and then proplyvut through the arch, then they will be together for life and happy.
Also on Tarkhankut experiments were conducted on the effects of pressure on the human body, the project was called "Ichthyander-66", in honor of that and a memorial sign.

Ichthyander 66

All civilization Tarhankuta.

The boat on which we made a boat trip off the coast of Tarkhankut.

View Tarhankut sea.

View Tarhankut sea.

View Tarhankut sea.

View Tarhankut sea.

View Tarhankut sea.

View Tarhankut sea.

View Tarhankut sea.

View Tarhankut sea.

View Tarhankut sea.

Now the story of the tunnel, the so-called "Grote smugglers." It is known that there was filmed an episode of the film "Pirates of the XX Century".

Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".

Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".

Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".

Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".

Stills from the film "Pirates of the XX Century".

Now picture Grotto smugglers.

Grotto smugglers

Well, through which smugglers raised items on the beach (some manage to jump into it, but the hole is not vertical, but slightly angled).

We appreciate the purity of the water (5 meters).

View Tarkhankut "beaches."
View Tarkhankut "beaches."

Wild tourism.

Confirmation of the absence of civilization.

Confirmation of the absence of civilization.

Confirmation of the absence of civilization (the distance WC).

Deceived! There's a bit of civilization!

Here is a closer beaches.

Here is a closer beaches.

Here is a closer beaches.

View of the Grand Atlesh.

Well, that's all! Tarhankut Goodbye! Thank you!
