Little brave!
Despite severe burns, brave child through the fire crept upstairs and woke the parents and year-old sister.
In the Perm region year-old's parents and sister survived because of 4-year-old Kostya Palen. When the family went to bed, the house is short-circuited wiring.
- Kostya was very frightened, but ran into the street, and rushed to the second floor to wake us, - said the father of Bones Eugene Palen. - I started to scream, I could. I ran up to the attic, where we kept the water bottle, but it was too late to put out. On the ground floor of the huge flames came upon all the walls and ceiling. I realized that the house can not be saved, it is necessary to save themselves.
The fire occurred in the morning in a private house in the city of Berezniki. That night, four-year-old Konstantin Palen was left to sleep alone on the first floor, along with the parents-year-old sister slept in the bedroom upstairs. From a strong smell and bright light woke up the boy. Fire already being blazed in his room.
Flame cut off access to the street, and the family of burning was the only way - to escape through a window. The first street on the head of the family jumped Eugene. From the window in his hands husband she dropped year-old daughter. Behind her she jumped. On the windowsill there was only Kostya.
- It all happened in an instant. When we started to jump, the fire was still down. When Kostya decides to jump, the flame has got out through the window, - says the father. - Began to melt the plastic glazing and drip on the bone. He jumped badly, I could not catch him, and he fell right on the broken glass.
In addition to incised wounds, brave boy suffered severe burns. Who is the savior of his family in the hospital. According to doctors, his condition remains serious.
- The boy burns 40 percent of the body - told the burns unit of the hospital №1 city of Berezniki. - He is now undergoing treatment, we have to lie to him for a long time, at least 4 months.
After learning about the heroic deeds Bones, fire department officials decided to award the boy's thank-you letter. Among firefighters announced raising funds for the child's treatment.
- About the exploits of our Kostya is now talk in the classroom at school. - Says Eugene Palen. - We are proud of our son. Through his actions, the entire family survived.
In the Perm region year-old's parents and sister survived because of 4-year-old Kostya Palen. When the family went to bed, the house is short-circuited wiring.
- Kostya was very frightened, but ran into the street, and rushed to the second floor to wake us, - said the father of Bones Eugene Palen. - I started to scream, I could. I ran up to the attic, where we kept the water bottle, but it was too late to put out. On the ground floor of the huge flames came upon all the walls and ceiling. I realized that the house can not be saved, it is necessary to save themselves.

The fire occurred in the morning in a private house in the city of Berezniki. That night, four-year-old Konstantin Palen was left to sleep alone on the first floor, along with the parents-year-old sister slept in the bedroom upstairs. From a strong smell and bright light woke up the boy. Fire already being blazed in his room.
Flame cut off access to the street, and the family of burning was the only way - to escape through a window. The first street on the head of the family jumped Eugene. From the window in his hands husband she dropped year-old daughter. Behind her she jumped. On the windowsill there was only Kostya.
- It all happened in an instant. When we started to jump, the fire was still down. When Kostya decides to jump, the flame has got out through the window, - says the father. - Began to melt the plastic glazing and drip on the bone. He jumped badly, I could not catch him, and he fell right on the broken glass.
In addition to incised wounds, brave boy suffered severe burns. Who is the savior of his family in the hospital. According to doctors, his condition remains serious.
- The boy burns 40 percent of the body - told the burns unit of the hospital №1 city of Berezniki. - He is now undergoing treatment, we have to lie to him for a long time, at least 4 months.
After learning about the heroic deeds Bones, fire department officials decided to award the boy's thank-you letter. Among firefighters announced raising funds for the child's treatment.
- About the exploits of our Kostya is now talk in the classroom at school. - Says Eugene Palen. - We are proud of our son. Through his actions, the entire family survived.