Crimea. Fiolent. Lighthouse.
Perhaps, it is difficult to find people who have visited Sevastopol and had not seen Fiolent. Although a quarter of a century ago, the situation was different - instead of houses and boarding houses were military units, radars and barbed wire. Then, you can safely sunbathe on the spacious beach alone ... and not just sunbathing, if not alone. ))) Now, most of the available space can compete with the crowded city beaches. So fans of "impel" have to master the mountain trails and early morning.
The combination of volcanic and sedimentary rocks that are destroyed at different rates, created in a variety of plain, easy-to tent cities - close to the sea, but as it were in isolation from civilization. What, of course, enjoy a rest, constantly littered all around. It is still, naturally enough strength that would be over the winter to get rid of dust and the main part of the summer in nearly meet decent condition. I would like to wish her improve the culture of cleanliness and rest in the new year. As on Fiolent, except for a pleasant holiday, is a lot of places of historical and archaeological value. In that we certainly take a look.
02. Early morning. The sun was just peeking out from behind rocks, easily prosvechivaya clear water.
03. The morning breeze woke small ripples that silver in the sunlight.
The combination of volcanic and sedimentary rocks that are destroyed at different rates, created in a variety of plain, easy-to tent cities - close to the sea, but as it were in isolation from civilization. What, of course, enjoy a rest, constantly littered all around. It is still, naturally enough strength that would be over the winter to get rid of dust and the main part of the summer in nearly meet decent condition. I would like to wish her improve the culture of cleanliness and rest in the new year. As on Fiolent, except for a pleasant holiday, is a lot of places of historical and archaeological value. In that we certainly take a look.

02. Early morning. The sun was just peeking out from behind rocks, easily prosvechivaya clear water.

03. The morning breeze woke small ripples that silver in the sunlight.