Chechen Interior Ministry wants to close "lurkmore"
Chechen policemen sent to the republican prosecutor's office materials as extremist sites "Imam-TV" and encyclopedia internet memes "lurkmore» (lurkmore.to), said on Tuesday the Ministry of Interior of the Chechen Republic on its official website. "Access to internet users to sites of Russia & lt; ... & gt; may soon be blocked by a court decision in connection with the propaganda on these resources methods of suicide, cultivation narkorasteny, drug manufacture and distribution of extremist materials containing appeals aimed at inciting social, racial and national hatred, "- said in a statement.
According to the Head of the Center for Combating Extremism Ministry of Interior in Chechnya, Rustam Bataeva collected enough materials for the recognition of extremist websites in connection with the violation of Art. 13 of the Federal Law № 114 "On countering extremist activities". Also on the site revealed violations of the Federal Law "On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development" and the Federal Law № 149 "On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information". Relevant evidence sent to the prosecutor of the republic. "In turn, on the basis of the materials we have collected the prosecutor's office to court, where they will subsequently taken appropriate remedial solutions" - said Bataev.
Site "lurkmore" sometimes cruelly making fun of various phenomena in society as the Internet and outside it, on a regular basis becomes a target of law enforcement. Last radical correction occurred at the beginning of January - with the site at the request of Roskomnadzor has been deleted article "Suicide", ranked in the Unified Register of banned sites. "This is a Jesuit law: we ourselves have to bite the bullet and delete materials, or remove everything. This is censorship in its purest form "- wrote about this in the official administrators Lurkmore Twitter resource Roskomnadzor promised to appeal the decision in court. In November 2012 break-in at the register of banned sites hit him whole life for an article about marijuana, but was expelled from there after the removal of this article.
kopipasta here
Posted in [mergetime] 1358251483 [/ mergetime]
I propose to close the Internet Chechen Interior Ministry.
if you kill the accordion, search search, not found)

According to the Head of the Center for Combating Extremism Ministry of Interior in Chechnya, Rustam Bataeva collected enough materials for the recognition of extremist websites in connection with the violation of Art. 13 of the Federal Law № 114 "On countering extremist activities". Also on the site revealed violations of the Federal Law "On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development" and the Federal Law № 149 "On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information". Relevant evidence sent to the prosecutor of the republic. "In turn, on the basis of the materials we have collected the prosecutor's office to court, where they will subsequently taken appropriate remedial solutions" - said Bataev.
Site "lurkmore" sometimes cruelly making fun of various phenomena in society as the Internet and outside it, on a regular basis becomes a target of law enforcement. Last radical correction occurred at the beginning of January - with the site at the request of Roskomnadzor has been deleted article "Suicide", ranked in the Unified Register of banned sites. "This is a Jesuit law: we ourselves have to bite the bullet and delete materials, or remove everything. This is censorship in its purest form "- wrote about this in the official administrators Lurkmore Twitter resource Roskomnadzor promised to appeal the decision in court. In November 2012 break-in at the register of banned sites hit him whole life for an article about marijuana, but was expelled from there after the removal of this article.
kopipasta here
Posted in [mergetime] 1358251483 [/ mergetime]
I propose to close the Internet Chechen Interior Ministry.
if you kill the accordion, search search, not found)